
Daily Updates

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BSE issue notice for Settlement Programme for the Currency Derivatives Segment for the Period from 01.02.2024 to 29.02.2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Settlement Programme for the Currency Derivatives Segment for the Period from 01.02.2024 to 29.02.2024. [20240130-14]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240130-14

BSE issue notice for Trading and Settlement Programme for Corporate Debt Segment for the Period from 01.02.2024 to 29.02.2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Trading and Settlement Programme for Corporate Debt Segment for the Period from 01.02.2024 to 29.02.2024. [20240130-17]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240130-17

NSDL issues Circular for Mandating Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) for all non � individual Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs)

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Mandating Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) for all non � individual Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs). DDPs/Custodians are hereby informed that NSDL has introduced new Freeze reason code for account level freeze viz., Suspended for Debit and Credit in respect of the demat account of FPI whose validity of LEI registration has expired/lapsed. DDPs/Custodians are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [NSDL/POLICY/DDP/2024/0001]
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Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-0001-Policy-DDP_-Mandating_Legal_Entity_Identifier_(LEI)_for_all_non-individual_Foreign_Portfolio_Investors_(FPIs).pdf

MCX issues Circular for Cyber Security Advisory � Events of National Importance

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Cyber Security Advisory � Events of National Importance. Members are advised to take note of the same and take necessary action at their end. [MCX/TECH/059/2024]
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Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/circular---059-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=f4ec619e_0

MOEFCC notifies the Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 6 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, namely the Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2024. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. Q-15017/40/2011-CPW]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1291.pdf

PFRDA notifies the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Subscriber Education and Protection Fund) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development authority In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 52 read with clause (t) of sub-section (2) thereof and sub-section (1) and (3) of section 41 of the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 2013, hereby makes the following regulations to amend the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Subscriber Education and Protection Fund) Regulations, 2015, namely the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Subscriber Education and Protection Fund) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023. These shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official gazette. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./717/2023-24]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1292.pdf

EPFO notifies Implementation of the Digital Joint Request under Para 26(6) of the EPS Scheme, 1952

The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation notifies Implementation of the Digital Joint Request under Para 26(6) of the EPS Scheme, 1952.
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1295.pdf

Government of Puducherry notifies the Puducherry Factories (Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Government of Puducherry in exercise of the powers conferred under section 112 of the Factories Act, 1948, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Puducherry Factories Rules, 1964, namely the Puducherry Factories (Amendment) Rules, 2023. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1287.pdf

BSE issue notice for Cyber Security Alert: Events Of National Importance

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Cyber Security Alert: Events Of National Importance. All stakeholders are particularly sensitized to be aware of the health of their digital assets like websites, public serving applications, databases, etc. Entities are requested to keep in place immediate measures to be taken if a Cyber Incident occurs in their respective jurisdiction / constituency. [20240130-3]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240130-3

BSE issue notice for SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (�PIT Regulations�) � Framework for restricting trading by Designated Persons (�DPs�) by freezing PAN at security level

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (�PIT Regulations�) � Framework for restricting trading by Designated Persons (�DPs�) by freezing PAN at security level. All Listed companies are requested to take note and comply accordingly. This circular shall come into force for trading window closure with effect from April 1, 2024. [20240130-6]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240130-6

BSE issue notice for Trading and Settlement Programme for Cash Segment for the Period from 01.02.2024 to 29.02.2024 � T+1 Settlement Cycle

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Trading and Settlement Programme for Cash Segment for the Period from 01.02.2024 to 29.02.2024 � T+1 Settlement Cycle. [20240130-11]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240130-11

NSE issues Circular for Framework for Offer for Sale (OFS) of Shares to Employees through Stock Exchange Mechanism

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Framework for Offer for Sale (OFS) of Shares to Employees through Stock Exchange Mechanism. [NSE/CML/2024/02]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/inline-files/NSE_Circular_30012024.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017

The Ministry of Finance In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 and sub-section (12) of section 3 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975, hereby makes the further amendments in the notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017. [F. No. CBIC-190354/190/2022-TRU Section-CBEC
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1288.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Cyber Security Alert: Events Of National Importance

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Cyber Security Alert: Events Of National Importance. It is recommended that all stakeholders maintain a heightened cyber security alertness and a robust cyber security posture from 22 to 30 Jan 2024. Members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [53/2023]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPL60457.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Instagram handle named �trader_mahendrapal�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Instagram handle named �trader_mahendrapal� is collecting funds from the public and providing assured/guaranteed returns on investment in the stock market. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
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Press Release

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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-01/PR_cc_30012024_1.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 57/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017

The Ministry of Finance In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962, hereby makes the following further amendment in the notification of the Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 57/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017. [F. No. CBIC-190354/190/2022-TRU Section-CBEC]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1289.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Standing Liquidity Facility for Standalone Primary Dealers

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Standing Liquidity Facility for Standalone Primary Dealers. Reserve Bank of India has decided that an additional aggregate amount of ?5,000 crore will be made available to the Standalone Primary Dealers (SPDs) under the Standing Liquidity Facility at the prevailing repo rate starting from January 31, 2024. [2023-2024/1769]
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Press Release

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Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1769SLFLIMIT9CFF1F366C614176A0792F3DFE0BEA9B.PDF

CKYC India notifies Implementation of recommendations of the Expert Committee

The CKYC India notifies Implementation of recommendations of the Expert Committee.
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Source : https://www.ckycindia.in/ckyc/assets/doc/Implementation_of_recommendations_of_the_Expert_Committee.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Trading Window closure period under Clause 4 of Schedule B read with Regulation 9 of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (�PIT Regulations�) � Extending framework for restricting trading by Designated Persons (�DPs�) by freezing PAN at security level to all listed companies in a phased manner

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Trading Window closure period under Clause 4 of Schedule B read with Regulation 9 of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (�PIT Regulations�) � Extending framework for restricting trading by Designated Persons (�DPs�) by freezing PAN at security level to all listed companies in a phased manner. This circular shall come into force for trading window closure with effect from April 1, 2024. [NSE/CML/2024/03 ]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1290.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Colocation Advisory

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Colocation Advisory. [06/2024]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/MSD60456.pdf

MOLE notifies Advisory For Employers To Promote Women Workforce Participation

The Ministry of Labour & Employment notifies Advisory For Employers To Promote Women Workforce Participation.
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Source : https://labour.gov.in/sites/default/files/012524_booklet_ministry_of_labour_employement_revised2.pdf

BSE issue notice for Trading and Settlement Programme for SLB Segment for Period from 01.02.2024 to 29.02.2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Trading and Settlement Programme for SLB Segment for Period from 01.02.2024 to 29.02.2024. [20240130-12]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240130-12

BSE issue notice for Settlement Programme for the F & O Segment for The Period From 01.02.2024 to 29.02.2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Settlement Programme for the F & O Segment for The Period From 01.02.2024 to 29.02.2024. [20240130-13]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240130-13

EPFO notifies Regulating EPS entitlement of members having Multiple Account Numbers

The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation notifies Regulating EPS entitlement of members having Multiple Account Numbers. When a member becomes member of EPS on account of his wages on the date of joining being not more than the wage ceiling of Rs.15,000/-, upon his joining another establishment without exiting from the first establishment at a later date, the RO where the other establishment is covered shall be responsible to ensure that total contribution into EPS shall not exceed contribution payable on wage ceiling of Rs.15,000/-.
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Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2023-2024/EPS-entitlement_multiple_accounts.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Upgrade of Member Network Hardware and Inter Operating System (IOS) version for Continued Exchange Connectivity

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Upgrade of Member Network Hardware and Inter Operating System (IOS) version for Continued Exchange Connectivity. Members are requested to take note of the same. [MCX/TECH/058/2024]
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Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/circular-058-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=1f5619e_0

MCX issues Circular for Tick By Tick Trading Market Data Interface (API) � MCX Enhanced Order Book Interface (EOBI) - Version 1.4

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Tick By Tick Trading Market Data Interface (API) � MCX Enhanced Order Book Interface (EOBI) - Version 1.4. Trading Members and Empanelled vendors are requested to take note of the same. [ MCX/CTCL/057/2024]
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Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/mcxctcl0572024-mcx-tick-by-tick-trading-market-data-interface-(api)--eobi_v1-4.pdf?sfvrsn=a73f609e_0

NSE issues Circular for Extension of timeline for verification of market rumours by listed entities

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Extension of timeline for verification of market rumours by listed entities. [NSE/CML/2024/01]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/inline-files/NSE_Circular_29012024.pdf

Government of Nagaland notifies list of holidays for the Calendar year 2024 in all government offices

The Government of Nagaland notifies list of holidays for the Calendar year 2024 in all government offices.
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1285.pdf

Government of Punjab notifies Indian Stamp (Punjab Amendment) Act 2023

Government of Punjab notifies Indian Stamp (Punjab Amendment) Act 2023. It shall come into force on and with effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. [No. 2-Leg./2024]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1286.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies under section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962, hereby amends the following notifications of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), specified in column (2) of the Table, to the extent specified in the corresponding entry in column (3) of the said Table. [F. No.190352/01/2024-TRU]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1284.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 50/2017-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017. [F. No. 190352/01/2024-TRU]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1283.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendment to notification No. 11/2017-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2017

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 11/2017-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2017, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide number G.S.R. 793(E), dated the 30th June, 2017. [F. No. 190354/295/2021-TRU]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1277.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies the Income-tax (First Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 139 read with section 295 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Income-tax Rules, 1962, namely the Income-tax (First Amendment) Rules, 2024. They shall come into force with effect from the 1st day of April, 2024. [Notification No. 16/2024/F.No. 370142/49/2023-TPL]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1278.pdf

Government of Mizoram notifies regarding the Fair Price Shops

The Government of Mizoram notifies regarding the Fair Price Shops. Fair shop retailers are required to open their shops between 6:30 to 8:30 am and 3:30 to 5:30 pm except sundays.
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Source : https://fcsca.mizoram.gov.in/uploads/attachments/2024/01/e55171fc0c3d4446a76eb7daca44f891/posts-645-office-order-fps-hawn-hun-chungchang.pdf

SEBI issues circular regarding Extension of timeline for verification of market rumours by listed entities

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues circular regarding Extension of timeline for verification of market rumours by listed entities. Considering the fact that the industry standards are under finalization and certain amendments to LODR Regulations are required for implementation of the aforesaid provision, it has been decided to extend the timeline for effective date of implementation of the proviso to regulation 30(11) of the LODR Regulations for top 100 listed entities by market capitalization, to June 1, 2024 and for top 250 listed entities by market capitalization, to December 1, 2024. This Circular is issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 101 of the LODR Regulations. [SEBI/HO/CFD/CFD-PoD-2/P/CIR/2024/7 ]
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Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/jan-2024/extension-of-timeline-for-verification-of-market-rumours-by-listed-entities_80867.html

SEBI issues circular regarding Streamlining of Regulatory Reporting by Designated Depository Participants (DDPs) and Custodians

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues circular regarding Streamlining of Regulatory Reporting by Designated Depository Participants (DDPs) and Custodians. This Circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/AFD/AFD-SEC-2/P/CIR/2024/8]
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Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/jan-2024/streamlining-of-regulatory-reporting-by-designated-depository-participants-ddps-and-custodians_80869.html

NSE issues Circular for Application Programming Interface (API) for UCC upload

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular Application Programming Interface (API) for UCC upload. Members are required to successfully test the API in the UAT environment before using the API in the live setup. [5/2024]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/ISC60418.pdf

BSE issue notice for Extension of timeline for verification of market rumours by listed entities

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Extension of timeline for verification of market rumours by listed entities. All Listed companies are requested to take note and comply accordingly. [20240125-46]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240125-46

BSE issue notice for Modification of Client Codes (All Segments) � Delivery versus payment (DVP) Reporting

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Modification of Client Codes (All Segments) � Delivery versus payment (DVP) Reporting. Members are advised to take note of the above guidelines and comply. [20240125-42]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240125-42

MCX issues Circular for Multiple Point to Point Leased Line on Single Network Device

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Multiple Point to Point Leased Line on Single Network Device. Members are requested to make a note of the same. [MCX/TECH/051/2024]
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Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/circular-051-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=47a0609e_0

MCX issues Circular for Proposed Tick by Tick Market Data Segregation for Enhanced Order Book Interface (EOBI)

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Proposed Tick by Tick Market Data Segregation for Enhanced Order Book Interface (EOBI). Members are requested to enable the IP address of PDC and DRS such that, in case of unannounced live trading from DRS the member end system should connect without any manual intervention. Members are requested to make necessary changes at their end for connecting the trading system. [MCX/TECH/052/2024]
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Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/circular-052-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=e04d609e_0

MCXCCL issues circular for Cyber Security Awareness Program for Members

The Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited issues circular for Cyber Security Awareness Program for Members. Members are requested to continue to adhere to the Cyber Security guidelines / advisories issued in the past by SEBI and Clearing Corporation and follow the best industry practices and comply with other guidelines issued by CERT-In and NCIIPC from time to time. [MCXCCL/TECH/021/2024]
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Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/circular-053-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=f5a7609e_0

IRDAI issues press release regarding Bima Manthan

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues press release regarding Bima Manthan. The focal point of this edition centered on a comprehensive exploration of the insurance industry's performance until the third quarter of the fiscal year 2023-24.
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Press Release

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Source : https://irdai.gov.in/web/guest/document-detail?documentId=4365141

MOEFCC notifies the Wild Life (Transactions and Taxidermy) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (j) of sub-section (1) of Section 63 of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 and in supersession of the Wild Life (Transactions and Taxidermy) Rules, 1973, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely the Wild Life (Transactions and Taxidermy) Rules, 2024. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. WL-1/26/2023-WL]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1279.pdf

IFSCA notifies FAQs issued by Central Government of India on Direct Listing Scheme

The International Financial Services Centres Authority notifies FAQs issued by Central Government of India on Direct Listing Scheme.
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Source : https://ifsca.gov.in/Viewer?Path=Document%2FLegal%2Ffaqs-issued-by-central-government-of-india-on-direct-listing-scheme24012024061356.pdf&Title=FAQs%20issued%20by%20Central%20Government%20of%20India%20on%20Direct%20Listing%20Scheme&Date=24%2F01%2F2024

UIDAI notifies Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Second Amendment Regulations, 2024

The Unique Identification Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 54 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016, hereby makes the following regulations to further amend the Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Regulations, 2016, namely the Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Second Amendment Regulations, 2024. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. HQ-16016/1/2023-EU-I-HQ (E)]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1280.pdf

UIDAI notifies the Aadhaar (Sharing of Information) Amendment Regulations, 2024

The Unique Identification Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 54, read with sub-section (1) and clauses (g), (k) and (l) of sub-section (2) of section 23, subsection (3) of section 28 and sub-section (2) of section 29 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act,2016, hereby makes the regulations to amend the Aadhaar (Sharing of Information) Regulations, 2016, namely the Aadhaar (Sharing of Information) Amendment Regulations, 2024. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./716/2023-24]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1281.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies under Section 28A of Customs Act, 1962 for Non-Levy of Customs Duty on the import of wearables for the period 01.02.2022 to 27.04.2023

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 28A of the Customs Act, 1962, hereby directs that whole of the duty of customs payable on such goods or, as the case may be, the duty in excess of that payable on such goods, during the period from the 1st February, 2022 to 27th April 2023, when imported in a manner so as to attract the provision of rule 2(a) of the General Rules of Interpretation of the First Schedule of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975, but for the said practice, shall not be required to be paid in respect of import of such wearable goods of the description as specified in column (3) of Notification 11/2022-Customs dated 1st February 2022. [F. No. 450/139/2023-Cus IV]
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Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1009998/ENG/Notifications

MCA notifies LEAP-1 form under the Companies (Listing of equity shares in permissible jurisdictions) Rules, 2024 would be deployed in MCA-V2 system tonight under Company forms download - Compliance Related Filing

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs notifies LEAP-1 form under the Companies (Listing of equity shares in permissible jurisdictions) Rules, 2024 would be deployed in MCA-V2 system tonight under Company forms download - Compliance Related Filing.
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1272.pdf

NSE issues Circular for CBRICS ? Settlement Calendar for February 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for CBRICS ? Settlement Calendar for February 2024. [0028/2024]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT60395.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Direct Market Access (DMA) Facility

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Direct Market Access (DMA) Facility. [MCX/CTCL/046/2024]
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Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/mcxctcl0462024---direct-market-access-(dma)-facilityc3dc034857fb64e3bdfdff00007acb35.pdf?sfvrsn=1327679e_0

CERC notifies the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2023

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of powers conferred under Section 178(2)(zb) read with Section 92(1) of the Act and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, and after previous publication, and in supersession of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 1999, except in respect of acts or things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, hereby makes the Regulations with respect to the practice and procedure for discharge of its functions under the Act namely the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2023. These regulations shall extend to the whole of India. These regulations shall come into force from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./704/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1273.pdf

Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies Sugamya Sahayak Scheme (to facilitate mobility& capability of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities)

The Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies Sugamya Sahayak Scheme (to facilitate mobility& capability of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities). The scheme shall be applicable for the Persons with Bench Mark Disabilities of NCT of Delhi. The scheme shall come into force with effect from the date of its publication in the Delhi Gazette. [F 85(6)/AD-III/DSW/2008-09/Pt-I/18862-18875]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1274.pdf

Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies amendment in Rules in respect of Delhi Ladli Scheme Rules, 2008

The Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies amendment in Rules in respect of ?Delhi Ladli Scheme Rules, 2008. [No. F. 8(755)/Amendments/Ladli/DWCD/2022-23/16938-50]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1275.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies under Section 28A of Customs Act, 1962 for Non-Levy of Customs Duty on the import of hearables for the period 01.02.2022 to 27.04.2023

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 28A of the Customs Act, 1962, hereby directs that whole of the duty of customs payable on such goods or, as the case may be, the duty in excess of that payable on such goods, during the period from the 1st February, 2022 to 27th April 2023, when imported in a manner so as to attract the provision of rule 2(a) of the General Rules of Interpretation of the First Schedule of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975, but for the said practice, shall not be required to be paid in respect of import of such hearable goods of the description as specified in column (3) of Notification 12/2022- Customs dated 1st February 2022. [F. No. 450/139/2023-Cus IV]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1009999/ENG/Notifications

Ministry of Finance notifies the Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Amendment Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (aa) and (ab) of sub-section (2) of section 46 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999) read with sub-section (3) of section 23 of the Companies Act, 2013, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Rules, 2019, namely the Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Amendment Rules, 2024. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. 4/1/ECB/2019]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1270.pdf

GSTN notifies Advisory for furnishing bank account details by registered taxpayers under Rule 10A of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017

The Goods and Services Tax Network notifies Advisory for furnishing bank account details by registered taxpayers under Rule 10A of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017. Taxpayers are requested to take immediate action to provide the necessary information and avoid any adverse consequences.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.gst.gov.in/newsandupdates/read/623

MCA notifies the Companies (Listing of equity shares in permissible jurisdictions) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 23 read with section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013, hereby makes the following rules, namely the Companies (Listing of equity shares in permissible jurisdictions) Rules, 2024. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [G.S.R. 61(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1271.pdf

BSE issue notice for Revised Networth requirement as per Gazette Notification of SEBI (Stock Brokers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Revised Networth requirement as per Gazette Notification of SEBI (Stock Brokers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022. [20240123-3]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240123-3

NSE issues Circular for Standardization of CC to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF)-Update

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Standardization of CC to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF)-Update. Members are requested to take note of the same and take necessary actions. [005/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1267.pdf

CKYC India notifies Technology platform upgrade � Extension of deadline

The CKYC India notifies Technology platform upgrade � Extension of deadline. In response to the requests from registered entities to extend the timeline, the effective go live date has been postponed from January 31, 2024, to February 16, 2024, post 08:00 pm. [CKYC/2024/01]
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Source : https://www.ckycindia.in/ckyc/assets/doc/Communique2024_01-TechnologyPlatformupgrade2024.pdf

DGFT issues Circular for Amendment in import policy condition of Glufosinate Technical covered under HS Code 38089390 of Chapter 38 of Schedule �I (Import Policy) of ITC (HS) 2022

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 and Section 5 of Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2023, as amended from time to time, hereby amends the import policy condition for the following HS Code covered under Chapter 38 of the ITC (HS), 2022, Schedule -I (Import Policy), with effect from 25.01.2024. The import policy of �Glufosinate Technical� under ITC (HS) Code 38089390 is revised from "Free" to �Prohibited�. However, import shall be free if CIF value is Rs. 1289/- or above per Kg. [S.O. 331(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1269.pdf

Government of Karnataka notifies Implementation of Registered Vehicle Scrapping Policy in the State-2022

The Government of Karnataka notifies Implementation of Registered Vehicle Scrapping Policy in the State-2022.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2024/6761.pdf

CBDT issues circular explaining the provisions of the Finance Act, 2023

The Central Board of Direct Taxes issues circular explaining the provisions of the Finance Act, 2023. [1/2024]
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Source : https://incometaxindia.gov.in/news/circular-1-2024.pdf

IRDAI notifies the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Expenses of Management, including Commission, of Insurers) Regulations, 2024

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India notifies in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (ic), clause (jd) and clause (je) of sub-section (2) of Section 114A, read with Section 31B, 40, 40B and 40C of the Insurance Act, 1938, and sub-section (1) and clause (e) of sub section (2) of section 14 and section 26 of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999, the Authority, in consultation with the Insurance Advisory Committee, hereby makes the following Regulations, namely the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Expenses of Management, including Commission, of Insurers) Regulations, 2024. The Regulations shall be applicable to Insurers transacting Life Insurance Business, General Insurance Business or Health Insurance Business in India. These Regulations shall come into force from 1st April, 2024. [F. No. IRDAI/Reg/2/196/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1268.pdf

MSE issues circular for Performance/return claimed by unregulated platforms offering algorithmic strategies for trading

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues circular for Performance/return claimed by unregulated platforms offering algorithmic strategies for trading. Members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [MSE/INSP/14799/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.msei.in/SX-Content/Circulars/2024/January/Circular-14799.pdf

SEBI issues circular regarding Framework for Offer for Sale (OFS) of Shares to Employees through Stock Exchange Mechanism

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues circular regarding Framework for Offer for Sale (OFS) of Shares to Employees through Stock Exchange Mechanism. This circular is issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act 1992 read with Regulation 51 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations, 2018 to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/MRD/MRD-PoD-3/P/CIR/2024/6]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/jan-2024/framework-for-offer-for-sale-ofs-of-shares-to-employees-through-stock-exchange-mechanism_80842.html

Ministry of Finance notifies date on which the amendments to the Factoring Regulation Act, 2011 shall come into force

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 1 of the Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Act, 2023, hereby appoints that the amendments to the Factoring Regulation Act, 2011 mentioned in column (5) of Schedule to the said Act, against serial number 41 mentioned in column (1) of the said Schedule, shall come into force from the 22nd day of January, 2024. [F. No. 6/3/2020/BO.II]

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1259.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies date on which the amendments to the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act, 1981 shall come into force

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 1 of the Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Act, 2023, hereby appoints that the amendments to the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act, 1981 mentioned in column (5) of Schedule to the said Act, against serial number 22 mentioned in column (1) of the said Schedule, shall come into force from the 22nd day of January, 2024. [F. No. 6/3/2020/BO.II]

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1261.pdf

IFSCA notifies Avoiding rerouting of transactions to IBUs that have been wrongly credited in the parent AD bank's Nostro account � Reporting in R-Return

The International Financial Services Centres Authority notifies Avoiding rerouting of transactions to IBUs that have been wrongly credited in the parent AD bank's Nostro account � Reporting in R-Return. [IFSCA-FMPP0BR/9/2023-Banking]
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Source : https://shorturl.at/alGST

Government of Haryana notifies Settlement of Outstanding Dues Amendment Act, 2023

The Government of Haryana notifies Settlement of Outstanding Dues Amendment Act, 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.egazetteharyana.gov.in/Gazette/Extra-Ordinary/2024/11-2024-Ext/18272.pdf

Government of Punjab notifies date on which the commercial mechanism regarding deviation settlement of solar and wind generators shall come into force

The Government of Punjab notifies date on which the commercial mechanism regarding deviation settlement of solar and wind generators in accordance with PSERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2019 shall come into force w.e.f. 01.02.2024. [No. PSERC/Secy/Regu./185]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1265.pdf

Government of Tripura notifies holiday list for the Shops in the state

The Government of Tripura notifies holiday list for the Shops in the state.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.tripura.gov.in/eGazette/shogazette?notificno=1&gaztslno=22024105&token=c0404692d8c842f6d521a709a6d68cfd8dae0d4f92737d3f6e28d53843c594a8

Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies date on which provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Regularization of Services of Contract Employees Act, 2023 shall come into force

The Government of Andhra Pradesh in exercise of the powers conferred by Sub Section (3) of Section 1 of the Andhra Pradesh Regularization of Services of Contract Employee Act, 2003 hereby appoints the 20th Day od October as the date on which provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Regularization of Services of Contract Employees Act, 2023 shall come into force.
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Andhra Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://apegazette.cgg.gov.in/uploadGazette_view?filePath=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2FwZWdhemV0dGUuY2dnLmdvdi5pbi9zZWFyY2hBbGxHYXpldHRlcyIsImlhdCI6MTcwNTk5NDQzNSwic3ViIjoiL1VwbG9hZHMvQVBHQVpFVFRFL2dhemV0dGVzLzE3MDUwNTI0MTgzODgucGRmIn0.JqBvMAwuFCSKOch7XwgdgMTPEkJf76-OgTHd5L1HODQ

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments to the notification No. 11/2021 � Customs, dated the 1st February, 2021,

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962, read with section 124 of the Finance Act, 2021, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No. 11/2021 � Customs, dated the 1st February, 2021. [F. No. CBIC-190341/4/2024-TO(TRU-I)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1264.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments to the notification No. 11/2018- Customs, dated the 2nd February, 2018

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 read with section 110 of the Finance Act, 2018, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 11/2018- Customs, dated the 2nd February, 2018. [F. No. CBIC-190341/4/2024-TO(TRU-I)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1263.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies date on which the amendments to the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 shall come into force

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 1 of the Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Act, 2023, hereby appoints that the amendments to the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007, mentioned in column (5) of Schedule to the said Act, against serial number 38 mentioned in column (1) of the said Schedule, shall come into force from the 22nd day of January, 2024. [F. No. 6/3/2020/BO.II]

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1258.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments to the notification No. 50/2017- Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017

The Ministry of Finance In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 and sub-section (12) of section 3 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No. 50/2017- Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017. [F. No. CBIC-190341/4/2024-TO(TRU-I)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1262.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies date on which the amendments to the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961 shall come into force

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 1 of the Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Act, 2023, hereby appoints that the amendments to the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961, mentioned in column (5) of Schedule to the said Act, against serial number 15 mentioned in column (1) of the said Schedule, shall come into force from the 22nd day of January, 2024. [F. No. 6/3/2020/BO.II]

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1257.pdf

PFRDA issues circular regarding Partial Withdrawal of Accumulated Pension Wealth under the National Pension System (NPS)

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development authority issues circular regarding Partial Withdrawal of Accumulated Pension Wealth under the National Pension System (NPS). This Master Circular is issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 14(1) read with Section 14(2)(e) of the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 2013. [PFRDA/MASTERCIRCULAR/2024/01/CRA-01]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pfrda.org.in/myauth/admin/showimg.cshtml?ID=2860

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Cranes � Wire Ropes � Care and Maintenance, Inspection and Discard and Parameters of Stationary Steam Boilers and Waste Heat Boilers � Terminology (First Revision)

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./705/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1266.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies date on which the amendments to the National Housing Bank Act, 1987 shall come into force

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 1 of the Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Act, 2023, hereby appoints that the amendments to the National Housing Bank Act, 1987 mentioned in column (5) of Schedule to the said Act, against serial number 25 mentioned in column (1) of the said Schedule, shall come into force from the 22nd day of January, 2024. [F. No. 6/3/2020/BO.II]

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1260.pdf

NESL issues Circular for IU FEE Structure with effective from 1st April 2024

The National E-Governance Services Limited issues circular for IU FEE Structure with effective from 1st April 2024. The revised premises are to be made effective from 01st April 2024. All registered users are advised to take note of the same. [NeSL/FC/2024/0116 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nesl.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Communique-116-IU-FEE-Structure-with-effective-from-1st-April-2024.pdf

Government of Karnataka notifies the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) (Karnataka) (Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Government of Karnataka in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 62 of the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Building and Other Construction Workers� (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) (Karnataka) Rules, 2006, namely the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) (Karnataka) (Amendment) Rules, 2024. They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [NO. LD 359 LET 2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1255.pdf

Ministry of Mines notifies the Mineral Conservation and Development (Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Mines in exercise of the powers conferred by section 18 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 2017, namely the Mineral Conservation and Development (Amendment) Rules, 2024. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. M.VI-1/3/2023-Mines VI (Part2)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1254.pdf

Ministry of Mines notifies the Minerals (Other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Minerals) Concession Amendment Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Mines in exercise of the powers conferred by section 13 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Minerals (Other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Minerals) Concession Rules, 2016, namely the Minerals (Other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Minerals) Concession Amendment Rules, 2024. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. M.VI-1/3/2023-Mines VI (Part1)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1253.pdf

Ministry of Mines notifies the Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Amendment Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Mines in exercise of the powers conferred by section 13 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Rules, 2015, namely the Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Amendment Rules, 2024. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. M.VI-1/3/2023-Mines VI (Part3)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1252.pdf

Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies the updated formats, i.e. Form-I, Form -II and Form- III

The Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi in pursuant to the provisions of the Medical Termination of pregnancy (Amendment) Act, 2021, is pleased to notify the updated formats, i.e. Form-I, Form -II and Form- III (Copies Enclosed) for the documentation of MTP as per the mandate of the Law. This notification shall come into force from the date of its publication in the official Gazette. [F. 6(1012)/MH/DFW/2021-22/581-608]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1251.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Higher Bandwidth Point-to-Point Leased Line Connectivity for Members

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Higher Bandwidth Point-to-Point Leased Line Connectivity for Members. Members are requested to take note of the same. [ MCX/TECH/034/2024 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/circular-034-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=433669e_0

MCX issues Circular for Cyber Security Awareness Program for Members for the Calendar Year 2024

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Cyber Security Awareness Program for Members for the Calendar Year 2024. Members are requested to continue to adhere to the Cyber Security guidelines / advisories issued in the past by SEBI and Exchange and follow the best industry practices and comply with other guidelines issued by CERT-In and NCIIPC from time to time. [ MCX/TECH/035/2024 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/mcxtech0352024---cyber-security-awareness-program-for-members-for-the-calendar-year-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=c52b669e_0

MCX issues Circular for Commencement of Futures Trading in MCX iCOMDEX Bullion Index April 2024 Contract

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Commencement of Futures Trading in MCX iCOMDEX Bullion Index April 2024 Contract. Members are requested to take note of the same. [MCX/TRD/039/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/circular-039-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=52e669e_0

BSE issue notice for Revised Trading and Settlement Programme for Mutual Fund Segment for the Month Of January 2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Revised Trading and Settlement Programme for Mutual Fund Segment for the Month Of January 2024. [20240120-16]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240120-16

BSE issue notice for Revised settlement schedule of January 2024 in Commodity Derivatives Segment

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Revised settlement schedule of January 2024 in Commodity Derivatives Segment. Members / participants are requested to kindly take note of the same. [20240120-10]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240120-10

BSE issue notice for Business Continuity for Clearing Corporations through Software as a Service (SaaS) Mode - Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Business Continuity for Clearing Corporations through Software as a Service (SaaS) Mode - Update. [20240119-46]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240119-46

BSE issue notice for Revised Settlement Programme for the Currency Derivatives Segment for the Period from 01.01.2024 To 31.01.2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Revised Settlement Programme for the Currency Derivatives Segment for the Period from 01.01.2024 To 31.01.2024. [20240119-43]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240119-43

BSE issue notice for Revised Settlement Programme for the F & O Segment for the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Revised Settlement Programme for the F & O Segment for the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024. [20240119-42]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240119-42

BSE issue notice for Revised Trading and Settlement Programme for SLB Segment For period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Revised Trading and Settlement Programme for SLB Segment For period from 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024. [20240119-41]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240119-41

BSE issue notice for Revised Trading and Settlement Programme for Cash Segment for the period From 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024 � T+1 Settlement Cycle

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Revised Trading and Settlement Programme for Cash Segment for the period From 01.01.2024 to 31.01.2024 � T+1 Settlement Cycle. [20240119-40]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240119-40

BSE issue notice for Upstreaming of clients� funds by Stock Brokers (SBs) / Clearing Members (CMs) to Clearing Corporations (CCs)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Upstreaming of clients� funds by Stock Brokers (SBs) / Clearing Members (CMs) to Clearing Corporations (CCs). Members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [20240119-30]
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Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240119-30

NSE issues Circular for Operational guidelines and SOP on Upstreaming of clients� funds by Stock Brokers (SBs) / Clearing Members (CMs) to Clearing Corporations (CCs)

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Operational guidelines and SOP on Upstreaming of clients� funds by Stock Brokers (SBs) / Clearing Members (CMs) to Clearing Corporations (CCs). Members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [10/2024 ]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP60369.pdf

NSE issues Circular for MFSS - Change in Settlement schedule for transactions on account of Change in Trading Holiday January 22, 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for MFSS - Change in Settlement schedule for transactions on account of Change in Trading Holiday January 22, 2024. [0025/2024]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/MFSS60358.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Revised Settlement calendar for Jan 2024 on account of Public Holiday on 22nd January 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Revised Settlement calendar for Jan 2024 on account of Public Holiday on 22nd January 2024.
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/DS60355.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Changes in settlement schedule on account of holiday on January 22, 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Changes in settlement schedule on account of holiday on January 22, 2024. [013/2024]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/COM60353.pdf

NSE issues Circular for - Revised Clearing and settlement schedule in view of public holiday on 22nd January 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for - Revised Clearing and settlement schedule in view of public holiday on 22nd January 2024. [ 022/2024]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT60343.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter �Encumbrance� as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011 - Update

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter �Encumbrance� as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011 - Update. [75/2024]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/SURV60342.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Performance/return claimed by unregulated platforms offering algorithmic strategies for trading

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Performance/return claimed by unregulated platforms offering algorithmic strategies for trading. [ 02/2024]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/COMP60341.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on January 25, 2024 (January 26, 27 and 28 being holiday, non-working Saturday and Sunday respectively) (SGB 2017-18 Series II)

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on January 25, 2024 (January 26, 27 and 28 being holiday, non-working Saturday and Sunday respectively) (SGB 2017-18 Series II). The next due date of premature redemption of the above tranche will be January 25, 2024 (January 26, 27 and 28 being holiday, non-working Saturdayand Sunday respectively). [Press Release: 2023-2024/1719 ]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1719SGBPREMATURE5A9BA021D5204DB383D1DEFF0862B774.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on January 20, 2024 (January 21 and 22 being Sunday and holiday respectively) (SGB 2018-19 Series V)

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on January 20, 2024 (January 21 and 22 being Sunday and holiday respectively) (SGB 2018-19 Series V). The next due date of premature redemption of the above tranche will be January 20, 2024 (January 21 and 22 being Sunday and holiday respectively). [Press Release: 2023-2024/1718 ]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR171843AECC29BD3C4BCF92D757AFE29678ED.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Exchange / Deposit facility of ?2000 banknotes at RBI � Non-availability on Monday, January 22, 2024

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Exchange / Deposit facility of ?2000 banknotes at RBI � Non-availability on Monday, January 22, 2024. The facility of exchange / deposit of ?2000 banknotes will not be available on Monday, January 22, 2024 at any of the 19 Issue Offices1 of the Reserve Bank of India due to the half-day closure announced by the Government of India. The facility will resume on Tuesday, January 23, 2024. [Press Release: 2023-2024/1709 ]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1709NONAVAILABILITYF2A21C8452D1461D884BC0A62623295F.PDF

ESIC notifies State wise updated list of notified/non-notified districts (As on 11.01.2024)

The Employees State Insurance Corporation notifies State wise updated list of notified/non-notified districts (As on 11.01.2024). [N-15015/1/2023-P&D]
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Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/00d7482a1977eefd4352a2332435072b.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments to the notification No. 19/2022-Customs (N.T.) dated the 30th March, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of section 51A of the Customs Act, 1962, hereby makes the following further amendments to the Notification No.19/2022-Customs (N.T.) dated the 30th March, 2022. [F. No. 442/02/2017-Cus IV(Pt)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1250.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments to the notification No.18/2023-Customs (N.T.) dated the 30th March, 2023

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of section 51A of the Customs Act, 1962, hereby makes the following amendments to the notification No.18/2023-Customs (N.T.) dated the 30th March, 2023. [F. No. 442/02/2017-Cus IV(Pt)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1249.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies under Section 3 of the International Financial Service Centres Authority Act 2019

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause (xiv) of clause (e) of sub-section (1) of section 3 of the International Financial Services Centres Authority Act, 2019, hereby notifies the following as financial services, namely book-keeping services, accounting services, taxation services and financial crime compliance services. [F. No. 3/15/2022-EM]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1248.pdf

EPFO notifies Half day closing (till 2.30 P.M.) of Central Government Offices, Central Institutions and Central Industrial Establishments on 22nd January, 2024

The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation notifies Half day closing (till 2.30 P.M.) of Central Government Offices, Central Institutions and Central Industrial Establishments on 22nd January, 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2023-2024/Circular_HRD_19012024.pdf

ESIC notifies Mera Yuva Bharat (My Bharat)

The Employees State Insurance Corporation notifies Mera Yuva Bharat (My Bharat). It has been informed that an autonomous body namely Mera Yuva Bharat (My Bharat) has been launched by Hon'ble Prime Minister for youth of the country on 31st October, 2023. This body is envisioned as as technology-driven facilitator for youth development and youth-led development.
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Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/84d04161402a8d8a9d3cf5cd07d0342d.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Advisory for Financial Sector Organizations regarding Software as a Service (SaaS) based solutions - Reminder

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Advisory for Financial Sector Organizations regarding Software as a Service (SaaS) based solutions - Reminder. Members are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [MCX/TECH/033/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/mcxtech0332024-advisory-for-financial-sector-organizations-regarding-software-as-a-service---reminder.pdf?sfvrsn=6785669e_0

NCDEX issues circular for Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues circular for Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism. Members and their constituents are requested to take note of the same. [NCDEX/INVESTOR SERVICES-001/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/NCDEXINVESTOR%20SERVICES%20-%20012024_1705579759.pdf

CPCB notifies SOPs for recycling of lead scrap & used lead acid batteries

The Central Pollution Control Board notifies Standard Operating Procedure for recycling of lead scrap & used lead acid batteries.
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Source : https://cpcb.nic.in/openpdffile.php?id=TGF0ZXN0RmlsZS80MDZfMTcwNTU4MDIxNV9tZWRpYXBob3RvMjYyNTcucGRm

CAQM issues order regarding Revocation of Actions under Stage-III ('Severe' Air Qualityf of revised Graded Response Action Plan in Delhi-NCR

The Commission of Air Quality Management issues order regarding Revocation of Actions under Stage-III ('Severe' Air Qualityf of revised Graded Response Action Plan in Delhi-NCR. The sub-Committee, hereby decides to revoke the order,issued on 14th January, 2024, for actions under Stage-lll of the GRAP with immediate effect.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://caqm.nic.in/WriteReadData/LINKS/GRAP%20Order%20dt%2018012024abc71853-0b22-45b7-ab8a-03a484c61fa1.pdf

BIS notifies amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Textiles and Environmental Management

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./701/2023-24]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1245.pdf

MHA notifies Strict compliance of the provisions of Flag Code of India, 2002 and the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971

The Ministry of Home Affairs notifies Strict compliance of the provisions of Flag Code of India, 2002 and the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971. It is requested to ensure that on the occasions o f important national, cultural and sports events, Flags used by the public, made o f paper are not discarded or thrown on the ground after the event.
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Source : https://www.mha.gov.in/sites/default/files/NationalFlagE_18012024.pdf

Government of Goa notifies regarding liquor transportation and a limit on the quantity that can be possessed by a person in the state during the bye-election

The Government of Goa notifies regarding liquor transportation and a limit on the quantity that can be possessed by a person in the state during the bye-election
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Source : https://goaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/2324/2324-41-SII-EOG-1.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Medical Laboratory Glassware

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./700/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1246.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Discontinuation of Submission of data towards Monitoring of Clients? Funds under Enhanced Supervision

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for discontinuation of Submission of data towards Monitoring of Clients? Funds under Enhanced Supervision. Members are requested to take note of the above and comply with applicable regulatory requirements. [MCX/INSP/031/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/circular-031-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=38dd669e_0

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t ?Dabba Trading?

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t ?Dabba Trading? services. Investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by such Facebook handles in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-01/PR_cc_17012024_0.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t persons named ?Manisha Kamle? and ?Sanjay Bhosale?

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t persons named ?Manisha Kamle? and ?Sanjay Bhosale? associated with entity named ?Vision Trading Corporation? operating through mobile number ?8097079640? ?7506616185? are providing assured returns on investment in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investor by asking investors to share their credentials. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any persons/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-01/PR_cc_17012024.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Trading Supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market ? Revised file format UCC

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Trading Supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market ? Revised file format UCC. Trading Members should be aware that the temporary option for submitting or adjusting new fields in the UCC module, as outlined in Exchange circular NSE/ISC/59983 dated December 27, 2023, for clients seeking Trading supported by Blocked Amount in the Secondary Market, will no longer be available. [4/2024]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/ISC60296.pdf

NSE issues Circular for online Registration of Trading Members

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for online Registration of Trading Members. All the applications for registration shall be made through this portal only. The applicants will be separately required to submit relevant documents as per the checklist/formats available at https://www.nseindia.com/trade/documents-for-membership, in physical form for records (as required by SEBI). [01/2024]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1242.pdf

RBI notifies second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 ? Norms for inclusion

The Reserve Bank of India under clause (a) of sub-section (6) of section 42 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 hereby notifies Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 ? Norms for inclusion. [RBI/2023-24/115]
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Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/SCHEDULINGOFUCBS5AD32298358A4BD2892398DD8EA7DD11.PDF

BSE issue notice for Reminder - Revised format for Unique Client Code (UCC)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Reminder - Revised format for Unique Client Code (UCC). Trading members are once again reminded to take note of the same and comply. [20240117-40]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240117-40

Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services, Karnataka notifies Regarding Covid-19 Advisory to be followed by General Public

The Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services, Karnataka notifies Regarding Covid-19 Advisory to be followed by General Public. This advisory is issued in the larger interest of Public Health, so that general public is particularly well informed on the precautionary measures for Covid-19 to be followed during this time and to abide by the standard covid protocols and guidelines issued by State Government.
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Source : https://covid19.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/Public%20Information/Regarding%20Covid-19%20Advisory%20to%20be%20followed%20by%20General%20Public.pdf

NESL issues Circular for Purging of Information on NeSL Platform

The National E-Governance Services Limited issues circular for Purging of Information on NeSL Platform. DDE users are advised that the documents which have not been fully executed by all parties in our platform within 180 days from the date of initial submission to NeSL, shall be purged. [NeSL/DDE/2024/0115]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nesl.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Communique-115-Purging-of-Information-on-NeSL-Platform.pdf

UIDAI notifies Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Amendment Regulations, 2024

The Unique Identification Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 54 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 hereby makes the following regulations to further amend the Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Regulations, 2016, namely the Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Amendment Regulations, 2024. [HQ-16016/1/2023-EU-I-HQ (E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1244.pdf

IFSCA notifies FAQs on Registration of a Fund Management Entity (FME) and Authorisation of a Scheme or Fund under IFSCA (Fund Management) Regulations, 2022

The International Financial Services Centres Authority notifies FAQs on Registration of a Fund Management Entity (FME) and Authorisation of a Scheme or Fund under IFSCA (Fund Management) Regulations, 2022.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3S6cOVP

FSSAI notifies to directs Airline Caterers to comply with Food Safety Regulations

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India notifies to directs Airline Caterers to comply with Food Safety Regulations. This directive aims to improve transparency by providing passengers with detailed information about the nature, origin and manufacturing-related details of the food served during flights.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/uploadfiles/files/Press%20Release_Meeting%20Airlines%20Caterers_Eng.pdf

MOP notifies Electricity (Second Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the powers conferred by section 176 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following rules, further to amend the Electricity Rules, 2005, namely the Electricity (Second Amendment) Rules, 2024. [G.S.R. 45(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1243.pdf

EPFO notifies Removal of Aadhar from the list of acceptable documents as a Date of Birth Proof

The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation notifies Removal of Aadhar from the list of acceptable documents as a Date of Birth Proof.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2023-2024/Circular_WSU_16012024.pdf

BSE issue notice for Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2023. All Listed companies are requested to take note and comply accordingly. [20240116-42]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240116-42

BSE issue notice for Discontinuation of Submission of data towards Monitoring of Client Funds under Enhanced Supervision

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Discontinuation of Submission of data towards Monitoring of Client Funds under Enhanced Supervision. Members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [20240116-47]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240116-47

NSDL issues Circular for Facility for submission of VAPT revalidation compliance Report in electronic form through e-PASS

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Facility for submission of VAPT revalidation compliance Report in electronic form through e-PASS. Participants shall submit the revalidation VAPT report to NSDL latest by March 31, 2024. [NSDL/POLICY/2024/0006]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-0006-Policy-_Facility_for_submission_of_VAPT_revalidation_compliance_Report_in_electronic_form_through_e-PASS.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Standardization of File Formats

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Standardization of File Formats. All Participants are advised to note the same and make necessary changes in their back-office system. [NSDL/POLICY/2024/0007]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-0007-Policy-Standardization_of_File_Formats.pdf

CDSL notifies Inter Depository Transfers and Penalty for Non Movement of Payout Securities on Trading Holidays

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Inter Depository Transfers and Penalty for Non Movement of Payout Securities on Trading Holidays. DPs are advised to take note of the same. [CDSL/OPS/DP/SETTL/2024/39]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1235.pdf

NCDEX issues circular for Reminder -Restriction on use of certain words by Trading Member / Authorized person in their name

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues circular for Reminder -Restriction on use of certain words by Trading Member / Authorized person in their name. Members are reminded to change their name or the name of their registered Authorized Person who uses such nomenclature, with Registrar of Companies (ROC) / Registrar of Firms (ROF) and also in Exchange records by March 31, 2024. [NCDEX/MEMBERSHIP-003/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Reminder%20-Restriction%20on%20use%20of%20certain%20words%20by%20Trading%20Member_1705406456.pdf

CPCB issues circular regarding Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) for Recycling of Waste Tyre Scrap for the recovery of Tyre Pyrolysis Oil, Pyro Gas and Char in Tyre Pyrolysis Oil (TPO} Units

The Central Pollution Control Board issues circular regarding Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) for Recycling of Waste Tyre Scrap for the recovery of Tyre Pyrolysis Oil, Pyro Gas and Char in Tyre Pyrolysis Oil (TPO} Units.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://cpcb.nic.in/openpdffile.php?id=TGF0ZXN0RmlsZS80MDVfMTcwNTQwNDg0Ml9tZWRpYXBob3RvMTI4MjIucGRm

Government of Haryana notifies regarding revise the list of chronic diseases

The Government of Haryana notifies to revise the list of chronic diseases issued vide instruction no. 2/640/2003-1HBIII, dated 08.06.2005 for the purpose of medical reimbursement.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.egazetteharyana.gov.in/Gazette/Extra-Ordinary/2024/8-2024-Ext/18216.pdf

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways notifies the Central Motor Vehicles (Second Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways in exercise of the powers conferred by section 110 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, namely the Central Motor Vehicles (Second Amendment) Rules, 2024. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [No. RT-11036/48/2023-MVL]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1236.pdf

Government of Odisha notifies operational Guidelines for Electricity Duty Exemption for MSMEs

The Government of Odisha notifies operational Guidelines for Electricity Duty Exemption for MSMEs. New enterprises with investment in Plant & Machinery up to INR 50 crores shall be exempted from the payment of electricity duty up to a contract demand of 750 KVA for a period of 5 years from the date of commencement of production.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://msme.odisha.gov.in/sites/default/files/2024-01/269.pdf

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution issues press release regarding to ensure safety, accessibility and sustainability in construction, Bureau of Indian Standards issues 'Standardized Development and Building Regulations, 2023�

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution issues press release regarding to ensure safety, accessibility and sustainability in construction, Bureau of Indian Standards issues 'Standardized Development and Building Regulations, 2023�. The Regulations aligns with National Building Code of India 2016 and draws inspiration from global best practices.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1996563

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution notifies the Targeted Public Distribution System (Control) Amendment Order, 2024

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955, hereby makes the following Order further to amend the Targeted Public Distribution System (Control) Order, 2015, namely the Targeted Public Distribution System (Control) Amendment Order, 2024. It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. 2-1/2023-PD-II]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1239.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Electroplated Coatings of Copper � Specification and Tin Salts for Electroplating � Specification

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./694/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1240.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Tin Ingot � Specification and Refined Zinc � Specification

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till, they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./695/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1241.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Rules for Rounding off Numerical Values (Second Revision)

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./689/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1238.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies Maharashtra Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2024

The Government of Maharashtra in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of article 213 of the Constitution of India hereby pleased to promulgate the following Ordinance, namely the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2024.
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1237.pdf

CDSCO issues notice regarding Launching of additional Forms on National Single Window System NSWS Portal

The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation issues notice regarding Launching of additional Forms on National Single Window System NSWS Portal. It is requested that all concerned stakeholders henceforth should submit application related to said activities through NSWS portal only and the existing SUGAM online portal for the said activities will be disabled w.e.f 10.02.2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://cdsco.gov.in/opencms/opencms/system/modules/CDSCO.WEB/elements/download_file_division.jsp?num_id=MTA4NDk=

GSTN notifies advisory on introduction of new Tables 14 & 15 in GSTR-1

The Goods and Services Tax Network notifies advisory on introduction of new Tables 14 & 15 in GSTR-1.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.gst.gov.in/newsandupdates/read/621

Government of Jammu and Kashmir notifies grant of Amnesty for Settlement of Tax Arrears pertaining to Pre-GST regime

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir notifies grant of Amnesty for Settlement of Tax Arrears pertaining to Pre-GST regime.
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State :

Jammu & Kashmir

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.jakfinance.nic.in/GO-FD_2014/YR2024/GO-18%20FD%20of%202024.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Cautionary Messages on Trading Terminal - Update

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Cautionary Messages on Trading Terminal - Update. Trading members are requested to build the requisite functionality and comply with the circular by January 19, 2024. [61/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1234.pdf

RBI notifies Master Circular- Exposure Norms and Statutory / Other Restrictions - UCBs

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Master Circular- Exposure Norms and Statutory / Other Restrictions - UCBs. [RBI/2023-24/114]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT114ENSORB28494D89ABB49A6A4761D1596CC1DF0.PDF

Government of Uttar Pradesh notifies regarding the declaration of public holiday

The Government of Uttar Pradesh notifies regarding the declaration of public holiday on January 22, 2024
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Uttar Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1233.pdf

DGFT issues Circular for Clarification regarding Import Policy Provisions for Laptops, Tablets, All-in-one Personal Computers and Ultra Small Form Factor Computers, Servers under HSN 8471

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade issues Circular for Clarification regarding Import Policy Provisions for Laptops, Tablets, All-in-one Personal Computers and Ultra Small Form Factor Computers, Servers under HSN 8471. Only the import of Laptops, Tablets, All-in-one Personal Computers, Ultra small form factor Computers and Servers falling under HSN 8471 is �Restricted� and import should be allowed against a valid Import authorisation only for above five item categories. The given Import Restriction does not apply to any other goods such as Desktop Computers, etc. under tariff head 8471. [09/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1228.pdf

DGFT notifies Amendment in policy condition of silver covered under Chapter 71 of Schedule �I (Import Policy) of ITC (HS) 2022

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 and Section 5 of Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2023, as amended from time to time, hereby makes amendments under Chapter 71 of Schedule-1(Import Policy) of ITC(HS) 2022. [F. No. 01/89/180/36/AM-11/PC-2[A]/Part-VII /E-34827]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1227.pdf

Competition Commission of India notifies Competition Commission of India (General) Amendment Regulations, 2024

The Competition Commission of India in exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 36 and 64 of the Competition Act, 2002, hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Competition Commission of India (General) Regulations, 2009, namely Competition Commission of India (General) Amendment Regulations, 2024. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./692/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1226.pdf

DGFT notifies Extension of validity of Pre-Shipment Inspection Agencies (PSIAs)

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of powers conferred under the paragraph 1.03 read with paragraph 2.04 of the foreign Trade Policy, 2023, notifies Extension of validity of Pre-Shipment Inspection Agencies (PSIAs). Validity of Pre-Shipment Inspection Agency (PSIAs) as listed in the Appendix 2G of A&ANF, has been extended from 27.12.2023 to 31.03.2024. [37/ 2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1225.pdf

Assam Pollution Control Board notifies Implementation of guidelines on EPR for plastic packaging

The Assam Pollution Control Board notifies Implementation of guidelines on EPR for plastic packaging.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pcbassam.org/Notice/public%20notice%20for%20EPR.pdf

Government of Karnataka notifies the Karnataka Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Government of Karnataka in exercise of the powers conferred by section 54 read with sub-section (2) of section 21 of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, hereby makes the rules further to amend the Karnataka Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1983 namely the Karnataka Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Amendment) Rules, 2024. They shall come into force from the date of publication in the official Gazette. [No: FEE 67 EPC 2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2024/6710.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Implementation of TLS 1.2 (only with strong ciphers) and TLS 1.3

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Implementation of TLS 1.2 (only with strong ciphers) and TLS 1.3. All Market Participants are requested to know that (connect2nse.com, connect2nsccl.com & ims.connect2nsccl.com) applications would only support communication over TLS 1.2 (only with strong cipher) and/or TLS 1.3 with effect from February 29, 2024. [003/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT60263.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Update on withholding payout for certain trades dated 21st February 2023

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Update on withholding payout for certain trades dated 21st February 2023. [52/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/SURV60237.pdf

SEBI issues circular regarding Guidelines for AIFs with respect to holding their investments in dematerialised form and appointment of custodian

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues circular regarding Guidelines for AIFs with respect to holding their investments in dematerialised form and appointment of custodian. This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/AFD/PoD/CIR/2024/5]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/jan-2024/guidelines-for-aifs-with-respect-to-holding-their-investments-in-dematerialised-form-and-appointment-of-custodian_80614.html

SEBI issues circular regarding Ease of doing business-Changes in reporting

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues circular regarding Ease of doing business-Changes in reporting. This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 30 of SEBI (Stock Brokers) Regulations, 1992 and Regulation 51 of Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations, 2018, to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities markets. [SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2024/03]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/jan-2024/ease-of-doing-business-changes-in-reporting_80598.html

SEBI issues circular regarding Ease of Doing Investments by Investors- Facility of voluntary freezing/ blocking of Trading Accounts by Clients

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues circular regarding Ease of Doing Investments by Investors- Facility of voluntary freezing/ blocking of Trading Accounts by Clients. This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 30 of SEBI (Stock Brokers) Regulations, 1992, to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities markets. [SEBI/HO/MIRSD/POD-1/P/CIR/2024/4]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/jan-2024/ease-of-doing-investments-by-investors-facility-of-voluntary-freezing-blocking-of-trading-accounts-by-clients_80597.html

RBI notifies FAQ on Fair Lending Practice - Penal Charges in Loan Accounts

The Reserve Bank of India notifies FAQ on Fair Lending Practice - Penal Charges in Loan Accounts.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/FAQView.aspx?Id=162

RBI notifies Guidelines on Appointment / Re-appointment of Statutory Auditors of State Co-operative Banks and Central Co-operative Banks

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Guidelines on Appointment / Re-appointment of Statutory Auditors of State Co-operative Banks and Central Co-operative Banks. These guidelines shall come into effect from April 1, 2024. Accordingly, for all accounting periods commencing on or after April 1, 2024, all StCBs and CCBs shall submit application for prior approval of RBI before July 31 of the reference accounting year, in accordance with the guidelines. [RBI/2023-24/113]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT1136BB7C17AFD314B2A8C7CE1F271A882E9.PDF

RBI notifies Credit/Investment Concentration Norms � Credit Risk Transfer

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Credit/Investment Concentration Norms � Credit Risk Transfer. The guidelines on Large Exposures Framework (LEF) are applicable to NBFCUpper Layer (NBFC-UL) in terms of paragraph 110 of the MD on NBFC. [RBI/2023-24/112]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/CIRCULARNBFCCRM4CF8A1691D204F28A307FD70C51C48B7.PDF

MCA notifies Policy for Pre-Legislative consultation and comprehensive review of existing Rules and Regulations

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs notifies Policy for Pre-Legislative consultation and comprehensive review of existing Rules and Regulations. The said Policy shall be effective with effect from 01.01.2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/dms/getdocument?mds=JzL3pGIIiPLM0KkL3UK90w%253D%253D&type=open

MOLE notifies under Section 7 of Aadhaar Act, 2016

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in pursuance of section 7 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 (18 of 2016) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), hereby notifies An individual eligible for receiving the benefits under the Scheme shall hereby be required to furnish proof of possession of the Aadhaar number or undergo Aadhaar authentication. Any individual desirous of availing benefits under the Scheme, who does not possess the Aadhaar number or, has not yet enrolled for Aadhaar, shall be required to make application for Aadhaar enrolment before registering for the Scheme provided that he is entitled to obtain Aadhaar as per section 3 of the said Act, and such individual shall visit any Aadhaar enrolment centre (list available at the Unique Identification Authority of India website www.uidai.gov.in) to get enrolled for Aadhaar. [S.O. 157(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1224.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 48/2021-Customs, dated the 13th October, 2021 and 49/2021-Customs, dated the 13th October, 2021

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 read with section 124 of the Finance Act, 2021, hereby notifies amendments in the notification No. 48/2021-Customs, dated the 13th October, 2021 and 49/2021-Customs, dated the 13th October, 2021. [F. No. CBIC-190354/9/2024-TO(TRU-I)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1223.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944, read with section 147 of the Finance Act, 2002, hereby makes the further amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022. This notification shall come into force on the 16th day of January, 2024. [F. No. 354/15/2022-TRU]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1222.pdf

Government of Goa notifies the Goa Credit Guarantee Scheme (GCGS)/MukhyamantriSaral Udyog Sahayya Yojana (MSUSY)

The Government of Goa notifies the Goa Credit Guarantee Scheme (GCGS)/MukhyamantriSaral Udyog Sahayya Yojana (MSUSY). This scheme shall be implemented by the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) in collaboration with the Government of Goa. [14/7/2023-IND/03]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://goaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/2324/2324-41-SI-OG-0.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Hydraulic Fluid Power Cylinders � Dimensions and Tolerances of Housing for Elastomer-Energized, Plastic-Faced Seals Part 1 Piston Seal Housings (First Revision)

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./687/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1231.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Learned Periodicals � Layout � Guide (Second Revision) and Reference Materials � Examples of Reference Materials for Qualitative Properties

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./684/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1230.pdf

PFRDA notifies the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Point of Presence) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development authority in exercise of the powers conferred by subsection (1) read with clauses (e), (l), (n), (o), (p) and (w) of sub-section (2) of section 52 of the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 2013, hereby makes the following regulations to amend the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Point of Presence) Regulations, 2018, namely Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Point of Presence) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023. These shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official gazette. [No. PFRDA/16/05/112/0018/2020-REG-POP]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1229.pdf

SEBI issues circular Foreign investment in Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 hereby issues circular for Foreign investment in Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs). [SEBI/HO/AFD/PoD1/CIR/2024/2]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/jan-2024/foreign-investment-in-alternative-investment-funds-aifs-_80593.html

MCXCCL issues circular for standardization of CC to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF)

The Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited issues circular for standardization of CC to Member Interface files in Unified Distilled File Formats (UDiFF). Members are advised to take note of the same and initiate necessary changes in their systems. [MCX/MCXCCL/020/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/circular---020-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=1f40649e_0

Government of Karnataka notifies Wild Life (Protection and Surrender of undeclared Wild Life or Animal article, trophy and uncured trophy) (Karnataka) Rules, 2024

The Government of Karnataka in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (f) and (h) of sub-section (2) of section 64 of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 hereby makes the following rules, namely the Wild Life (Protection and Surrender of undeclared Wild Life or Animal article, trophy and uncured trophy) (Karnataka) Rules, 2024. [FEE 103 FWL 2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2024/6718.pdf

MPCB issues circular for Environmental Guidelines for Stone Crusher units in the State of Maharashtra

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board issues Circular for Environmental Guidelines for Stone Crusher units in the State of Maharashtra.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://mpcb.gov.in/sites/default/files/standing_orders/Environment%20Guidelines%20stone%20crusher%20circular_10.01.2024.pdf

MPCB issues circular for Environment standards with Siting Criteria for Hot Mix Plants in the State of Maharashtra

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board issues Circular for Environment standards with Siting Criteria for Hot Mix Plants in the State of Maharashtra.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://mpcb.gov.in/sites/default/files/standing_orders/Environment%20standards%20with%20Siting%20Criteria%20for%20hot%20mix%20plant%20Circular_10.01.2024.pdf

MOP notifies Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 176 of the Electricity Act, 2003, hereby makes the following rules, further to amend the Electricity Rules, 2005, namely the Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2024. [G.S.R. 36(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1218.pdf

Ministry of Communications issues press release regarding pro-active measures in preventing cyber frauds

The Ministry of Communications issues press release regarding pro-active measures in preventing cyber frauds. The Department has advised citizen to beware of receiving malicious incoming calls asking them to dial *401# followed by some unknown mobile number.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1995304

Government of Haryana notifies amendment in the notification No. S.O. 86/H.A.24/1973/S. 69/2013, dated the 11th October, 2013

The Government of Haryana in exercise of the powers conferred under clause (a) of section 69 read with sub-section (1) of section 84 of the Haryana Municipal Act, 1973, hereby makes the following amendment in the notification No. S.O. 86/H.A.24/1973/S. 69/2013, dated the 11th October, 2013 with immediate effect. [08/01/2024-4CII]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.egazetteharyana.gov.in/Gazette/Extra-Ordinary/2023/5-2024-Ext/18206.pdf

Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services, Karnataka notifies COVID 19 Last rites of the deceased

The Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services, Karnataka notifies COVID 19 Last rites of the deceased
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Effective Date :


Source : https://covid19.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/Government%20Orders/COVID%2019%20Last%20rites%20of%20the%20deceased.pdf

CBIC notifies Requirement of quality control or inspection or both, prior to export as per Milk and Milk Products (Quality Control, Inspection & Monitoring) Rules, 2020

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs notifies Requirement of quality control or inspection or both, prior to export as per Milk and Milk Products (Quality Control, Inspection & Monitoring) Rules, 2020. The difficulties, if any, may be brought to the notice of the board. [01/2024-Customs]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1000493/ENG/Instructions

Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies Delhi Goods and Services (Second Amendment) Act, 2024

The Government of The National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies Delhi Goods and Services (Second Amendment) Act, 2024. [F.14 (90)/LA/2023/ala1/4-11]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1217.pdf

RBI notifies Implementation of Section 51A of UAPA,1967: Updates to UNSC�s 1267/ 1989 ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List: Amendments in 14 Entries

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Implementation of Section 51A of UAPA,1967: Updates to UNSC�s 1267/ 1989 ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List: Amendments in 14 Entries. REs are advised to take note of the aforementioned UNSC communications and ensure meticulous compliance. [RBI/2023-24/111]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/UAPAUNSCA459D12DEEE74C469E9AF91701094006.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release Exchange / Deposit facility of ?2000 banknotes at Mumbai Regional Office, RBI � Non-availability on Friday, January 12, 2024

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Exchange / Deposit facility of ?2000 banknotes at Mumbai Regional Office, RBI � Non-availability on Friday, January 12, 2024. The facility of exchange / deposit of ?2000 banknotes at Mumbai Regional Office will not be available on Friday, January 12, 2024, due to operational reasons. The facility will resume on Monday, January 15, 2024, which is the next working day. [ 2023-2024/1653]
Change Type :

Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1653NAACAA4967808C814EDFAC6EA6A1450DC44D.PDF

Punjab Pollution Control Board notifies Harmonization of Classification of Indl Sectors into R/O/G and W Categories, reg TPO Inds.

The Punjab Pollution Control Board notifies Harmonization of Classification of Industrial Sectors into Red,Orange,Green and White Categories, regarding Tyre Pyrolysis Oil Industries.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ppcb.punjab.gov.in/sites/default/files/2024-01/TPO%20220-225%20dtd%2002.01.2024.pdf

BIS notifies amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Textiles

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./681/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1216.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies Bombay Prohibition (Privileges Fees) (Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Government of Maharashtra in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (u) of sub-section (2) read with proviso to sub section (3) of section 143 of the Maharashtra Prohibition Act hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Bombay Prohibition (Privileges Fees) Rules, 1954, as follows, namely the Bombay Prohibition (Privileges Fees) (Amendment) Rules, 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1215.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies Bombay Foreign Liquor (Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Government of Maharashtra in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (i) of sub-section (2) read with proviso to sub-section (3) of section 143 of the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953, as follows, namely the Bombay Foreign Liquor (Amendment) Rules, 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1214.pdf

Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority notifies double/multiple registration of real estate project on the same project land or part thereof not to be permitted/allowed

The Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority notifies double/multiple registration of real estate project on the same project land or part thereof not to be permitted/allowed.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://maharera.mahaonline.gov.in/Site/Upload/Pdf/Order%20No%2050%20of%202024.pdf

NCDEX issues circular for Advisory for Financial Sector Organizations regarding Software as Service (SaaS) based solutions (Half Yearly from July 2023 to December 2023)

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues circular for Advisory for Financial Sector Organizations regarding Software as Service (SaaS) based solutions (Half Yearly from July 2023 to December 2023). Members are requested to take note of the same and arrange for compliance with the requirements specified in the said Circular and submit the report by January 31, 2024 in the NCFE portal under the Tab 'Compliance', Sub tab 'Information Security', select ?Compliance of the SEBI circular regarding Software as a Service (SaaS) based solutions?. [NCDEX/Member Tech Compliance-001/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Advisory%20for%20Financial%20Sector%20Organizations%20regarding%20Software%20as%20Service_1704866790.pdf

CDSL notifies Popularizing SEBI Investor Website

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Popularizing SEBI Investor Website. DPs are advised to take note that SEBI has recently launched New Investor website which offers valuable insights that can empower the general public to become informed and savvy investor. [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2024/20]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1213.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for four-Day Online Training Program on ?NSDL Depository Operations? for Participants

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for four-Day Online Training Program on ?NSDL Depository Operations? for Participants. All Participants are hereby informed that a 4 Day Online training program on ?NSDL Depository Operations? is scheduled for Participants from January 16 ? 19, 2024. [NSDL/TRAINING/2024/001]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-001-Training-Four-Day_Online_Training_Program_on_NSDL_Depository_Operations_for_Participants.pdf

BSE issue notice for Charges for not uploading the IML/BOLT TWS/BOLT PLUS Location information for the month of December 2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for charges for not uploading the IML/BOLT TWS/BOLT PLUS Location information for the month of December 2023. The Trading members are advised to ensure strict compliance and upload the IML/BOLT TWS/BOLT PLUS terminal location details to the Exchange before punching the orders from the said location. [20240110-26]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240110-26

BSE issue notice for Download of Penalty Report for modification of Client Codes of non-institutional trades (All Segments)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for download of Penalty Report for modification of Client Codes of non-institutional trades (All Segments). [20240110-4]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240110-4

Government of Karnataka notifies Karnataka Compulsory Gratuity Insurance Rules, 2024

The Government of Karnataka in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of Section 4A of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 hereby makes the following rules, namely the Karnataka Compulsory Gratuity Insurance Rules, 2024. [LD 397 LET 2023 ]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2024/6711.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Cold Storage of Shell Eggs � Code of Practice (First Revision)

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./677/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1209.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Sensory Evaluation of Foods � Guide Part 3 Statistical Analysis of Data Section 2 Ranking and Scoring Tests (Second Revision)

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./678/2023-24]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1210.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Logs for Plywood � Specification (Fourth Revision) and Logs for Matches � Specification (Third Revision)

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./679/2023-24]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1211.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Leather � Full Chrome Upper Leather� Specification � Methods of Test (Fourth Revision) and Injection Containers and Accessories Part 4 Closures for Injection Vials

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. The particulars of the standards, if any which are given in the fourth column shall also remain in force concurrently till they are withdrawn on the date indicated against them in the fifth column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./676/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1212.pdf

BIS notifies Guidelines for implementation of Parallel Testing for products covered under Electronics and Information technology Goods (Requirements of Compulsory registration Order), 2021

The Bureau of Indian Standards notifies Guidelines for implementation of Parallel Testing for products covered under Electronics and Information technology Goods (Requirements of Compulsory registration Order), 2021. This circular comes into force with immediate effect.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.crsbis.in/BIS/app_srv/tdc/gl/docs/Modified%20final%20guidelines%20for%20parallel%20testing.pdf

NESL issues Circular for Article activation for the State of Manipur digital e-stamping

The National E-Governance Services Limited issues circular for Article activation for the State of Manipur digital e-stamping. [NeSL/DDE/2024/0114 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nesl.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Communique-114-Article-activation-for-the-State-of-Manipur-digital-e-stamping.pdf

Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies Rajiv Gandhi Swarozgaar Start-Up Yojana 2023

The Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies Rajiv Gandhi Swarozgaar Start-Up Yojana 2023. This Scheme shall come into effect from the date of Notification by the Department of Labour & Employment in the official Gazette and shall remain in force upto such date as the State Government by a Notification in the Official Gazette prescribes. [No. LEP-B002/3/2023-LEP ]
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State :

Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://rajpatrahimachal.nic.in/openFile.aspx?id=42606&etype=Notice

NSE issues Circular for Change in URL for Capital Market Dissemination Board (CMDB)

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Change in URL for Capital Market Dissemination Board (CMDB). Participants are requested to take note of the same and plan their operational activity accordingly. [04/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMTR60174.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t persons named �Dhara Bhardiya� and �Dhaval Solani�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t persons named �Dhara Bhardiya� and �Dhaval Solani� associated with entity named �Creditbulls India� operating through mobile number �9157957922� and website https://creditbullsindia.com/ are collecting funds from the public and providing assured/guaranteed returns on investment in the stock market. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any persons/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-01/PR_cc_09012024_0.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t persons named �Subal Sarkar� and �Dhanesh Sarkar�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t persons named �Subal Sarkar� and �Dhanesh Sarkar� associated with entity named �Arcoiris Trading Private Limited" operating through mobile number �8918639712� are collecting funds from the public and providing assured/guaranteed returns on investment & unauthorized Portfolio Management Services in stock market. It may also be noted that the above-mentioned person �Subal Sarkar� was associated/registered with a Trading Member (TM) as an Authorized Person (AP) and the said association/registration as an AP was subsequently cancelled by the TM. Trading member has filed a police complaint against the authorized person.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-01/PR_cc_09012024.pdf

BSE issue notice for Trading and Settlement Programme for Mutual Fund Segment for the Month of February 2024

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Trading and Settlement Programme for Mutual Fund Segment for the Month of February 2024. [20240109-12]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240109-12

ESIC notifies Seeding and authentication of Aadhaar of Insured Person

The Employees State Insurance Corporation notifies Seeding and authentication of Aadhaar of Insured Person. All R.Os/SROs are advised to widely publicize and create awareness about the various modes of Aadhaar authentication mentioned above to achieve the target within the stipulated timeframe.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1207.pdf

CDSL notifies Group Email IDs for CDSL Communication

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Group Email IDs for CDSL Communication. DPs and RTAs are requested to kindly make a note of the same and send their detailed requests accordingly. [CDSL/OPS/DP/HD/2024/17]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1208.pdf

FSSAI notifies Introducing the Provision in FoSCoS to file Updated/Revised Annual Return

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India notifies Introducing the Provision in FoSCoS to file Updated/Revised Annual Return. This provision will come into effect from 06.01.2024 for annual return of FY 2022-23 for which last day of submission of original return was 31st May, 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2024/01/659d37a4645f0order_09.01.pdf

Ministry of Communications issues press release regarding extension of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Wireless Personal Area Network/Wireless Local Area Network (WPAN/WLAN) registration to all entities

The Ministry of Communications issues press release regarding extension of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Wireless Personal Area Network/Wireless Local Area Network (WPAN/WLAN) registration to all entities engaged in the said businesses. Non-compliance may lead to withdrawal or disconnection of telecom resources obtained from the Authorized Telecom Licensees.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1993917

Government of Haryana notifies regarding the POSH Act Compliance Checklist (Comprehensive)

The Government of Haryana notifies regarding the POSH Act Compliance Checklist (Comprehensive). It is hereby directed to submit the annual report of the organization pertaining to compliance under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 for the year 1st January, 2023 to 31st December, 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://cdn.s3waas.gov.in/s325b2822c2f5a3230abfadd476e8b04c9/uploads/2023/12/2023122214.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Listing of Non-Convertible Debentures in Capital Market Segment

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Listing of Non-Convertible Debentures in Capital Market Segment. This circular shall be effective from January 09, 2024. [0046/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CML60169.pdf

NCDEX issues circular for Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues circular for Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC). Members are advised to take note of the contents of the circular and comply. [NCDEX/COMPLIANCE-002/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Most%20Important%20Terms%20and%20Conditions%20(MITC)_1704725489.pdf

AMFI notifies Centralised mechanism for reporting the demise of an investor through KRAs - Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

The Association of Mutual Funds in India notifies Centralised mechanism for reporting the demise of an investor through KRAs - Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.amfiindia.com/Themes/Theme1/downloads/circulars/CommonSOPforCentralizedDemiseinformationV1.2.1-FINAL.pdf

IRDAI issues circular regarding Compliance with MoRTH notifications in view of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues circular regarding Compliance with MoRTH notifications in view of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019. All the General Insurers, carrying on Motor Insurance business, shall note their roles and responsibilities and strictly comply with the provisions of the above notifications. Necessary arrangements be made by the insurers for the smooth implementation of the procedures laid down in the above cited notifications. [IRDAI/NL/CIR/MOTOR/2/1/2024 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://irdai.gov.in/web/guest/document-detail?documentId=4304235

Government of Haryana notifies Mukhyamantri Vyapari Samuhik Niji Durghatna Yojana Scheme

The Government of Haryana notifies Mukhyamantri Vyapari Samuhik Niji Durghatna Yojana Scheme to compensate the beneficiaries in case of accidental death and permanent disability as defined in the scheme. [No. Plg (HPSN)-2024/39]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.egazetteharyana.gov.in/Gazette/Extra-Ordinary/2024/4-2024-Ext/18203.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Information sharing on Cyber Security Incident � Reminder

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Information sharing on Cyber Security Incident � Reminder. Trading Members of the Exchange are required to report Cyber Incident(s) whether occurred /non-occurred for the quarter ending December 31, 2023 through portal https://member.mcxindia.com. The portal will remain open for submission till January 15, 2024. Non-compliant members shall render themselves liable for action as may be deemed fit by the Exchange. [MCX/TECH/009/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/mcxtech0092024-information-sharing-on-cyber-security-incident---reminder.pdf?sfvrsn=e2569b91_0

NSE issues Circular for Relisting of public issue of Non-Convertible Debentures pursuant to scheme of arrangement

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Relisting of public issue of Non-Convertible Debentures pursuant to scheme of arrangement. This circular shall be effective from January 09, 2024. [0045/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CML60168.pdf

MOHFW notifies Drugs (�.. Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 12 and 33 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Drugs Rules, 1945, namely Drugs (�.. Amendment) Rules, 2023. [G.S.R. 922(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1201.pdf

SEBI notifies FAQ with respect to Investor Service Requests processed by RTAs

The Securities and Exchange Board of India notifies FAQ with respect to Investor Service Requests processed by RTAs. These FAQs are prepared with a view to guide investors on Investor Service Requests (ISRs) provided by RTA.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/sebi_data/faqfiles/jan-2024/1704433843359.pdf

CBIC notifies extension of the due date for furnishing the return in FORM GSTR-3B for the month of November, 2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (6) of section 39 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby extends the due date for furnishing the return in FORM GSTR-3B for the month of November, 2023 till the tenth day of January, 2024, for the registered persons whose principal place of business is in the districts of Tirunelveli, Tenkasi, Kanyakumari, Thoothukudi and Virudhunagar in the state of Tamil Nadu and are required to furnish return under subsection (1) of section 39 read with clause (i) of sub-rule (1) of rule 61 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017. [G.S.R. 30(E)]
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State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1009980/ENG/Notifications

CBIC notifies Central Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by section 164 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017, namely the Central Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2024. [F. No. CBIC-20006/1/2024-GST]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1009981/ENG/Notifications

CBIC notifies to rescinds the notification number 30/2023-CT, dated the 31st July, 2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by section 148 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby rescinds the notification number 30/2023-CT, dated the 31st July, 2023. [F.No.CBIC-20001/7/2023-GST]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1009982/ENG/Notifications

CBIC notifies special procedure to be followed by a registered person engaged in manufacturing of certain goods

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by section 148 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby notifies the following special procedure to be followed by a registered person engaged in manufacturing of the goods. [F.No.CBIC-20001/7/2023-GST]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1009983/ENG/Notifications

Government of Arunachal Pradesh notifies list of holidays for FY 2024

The Government of Arunachal Pradesh notifies list of holidays for FY 2024 in all the offices and institutions under Govemment of Arunachal Pradesh during the year 2024.
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State :

Arunachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1196.pdf

Government of Manipur notifies the Manipur Labour Laws (Exemption from Renewal of Registration and License by Establishments) Ordinance, 2023

The Government of Manipur notifies the Manipur Labour Laws (Exemption from Renewal of Registration and License by Establishments) Ordinance, 2023 w.e.f 29th December 2023. [No.2/38/2020-Leg/L]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1197.pdf

SEBI notifies Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds)(Amendment) Regulations, 2024

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 30 read with sub-section (1) of Section 11, clause (ba) and clause (c) of sub-section (2) of Section 11 and sub-section (1) and (1B) of Section 12 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 hereby makes the following regulations to further amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012, namely the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds)(Amendment) Regulations, 2024. [No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2024/163]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1198.pdf

SEBI issues circular regarding Framework for Short Selling

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act 1992 read with Regulation 51 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation)(Stock Exchanges andClearing Corporations) Regulations, 2018,Section 26(3)of the Depositories Act, 1996 hereby issues circular regarding Framework for Short Selling. [SEBI/HO/MRD/MRD-PoD-3/P/CIR/2024/1]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/jan-2024/framework-for-short-selling_80448.html

RBI notifies implementation of Section 12A of the Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005: Designated List (Amendments)

The Reserve Bank of India notifies implementation of Section 12A of the Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005: Designated List (Amendments). The REs are advised to take note of the aforementioned communications and ensure meticulous compliance. [RBI/2023-24/109]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT1092166F7BF544A4EFCB20122FAC9CE4A9A.PDF

RBI notifies implementation of Section 51A of UAPA, 1967 Updates to UNSC�s 1267 / 1989 ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List Amendments in 07 Entries

The Reserve Bank of India notifies implementation of Section 51A of UAPA, 1967 Updates to UNSC�s 1267 / 1989 ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List Amendments in 07 Entries. REs are advised to take note of the aforementioned UNSC communications and ensure meticulous compliance. [RBI/2023-24/110]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT110A039500F4CA34DF6AE81AA1D3951475D.PDF

NSE issues Circular for User Id - Introduction of NNF Facility for User Type Corporate Manager / Branch Manager

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for User Id - Introduction of NNF Facility for User Type Corporate Manager / Branch Manager. Members may take note of the note of the same and accordingly place request through ENIT.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/MSD60148.pdf

BSE issue notice for Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC). Members are advised to take note of the contents of the circular and comply. [20240105-38]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240105-38

NSDL issues Circular for Reporting for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by market intermediaries

The National Securities Depository Limited issues Circular for Reporting for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by market intermediaries. All Participants are requested to take note of the above and ensure compliance. [NSDL/POLICY/2024/0003]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-0003-Policy-Reporting_for_Artificial_Intelligence_(AI)_and_Machine_Learning_(ML)_applications_and_systems_offered_and_used_by_market_intermediaries.pdf

CDSL notifies Reporting For Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (ML) Applications And Systems Offered And Used By Market Intermediaries

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Reporting For Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (ML) Applications And Systems Offered And Used By Market Intermediaries. DPs are advised to take note of the above and ensure compliance. [CDSL/A,I&C/DP/POLCY/2024/12]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1199.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC). Members are requested to take note of the above and comply with applicable regulatory requirements. [MCX/INSP/008/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/circular-008-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=1ab9b91_0

MSE issues circular for Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues circular for Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC). Members are advised to take note of the contents of the circular and comply. [MSE/INSP/14711/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.msei.in/SX-Content/Circulars/2024/January/Circular-14711.pdf

MOEFCC notifies amendment in the notification number S.O. 4751(E), dated the 31st October, 2023

The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, hereby makes the following amendment in the notification number S.O. 4751(E), dated the 31st October, 2023. [S.O. 81(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1200.pdf

Government of Goa notifies Goa Preservation of Trees (Third Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Government of Goa in exercise of the powers conferred by section 36 read with sub-section (5) of section 9 of the Goa Preservation of Trees Act, 1984 hereby amend the Goa, Daman and Diu Preservation of Trees Rules, 1983, namely the Goa Preservation of Trees (Third Amendment) Rules, 2023.[7/2/2023-FOR/373]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://goaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/2324/2324-40-SI-OG-0.pdf

MORTH notifies Central Motor Vehicles (First Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways in exercise of the powers conferred by section 110 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, namely the Central Motor Vehicles (First Amendment) Rules, 2024. [G.S.R. 27(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1204.pdf

IRDAI issues circular regarding Submission of Advance Reinsurance Programme

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues circular regarding Submission of Advance Reinsurance Programme. Insurers shall submit a certificate confirming the information in the summary Reinsurance programme duly signed by CEO and CFO.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://irdai.gov.in/web/guest/document-detail?documentId=4297326

MORTH notifies Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance Base Premium and Liability) Amendment Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 147 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance Base Premium and Liability) Rules, 2022, namely the Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance Base Premium and Liability) Amendment Rules, 2024. [G.S.R. 32(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1203.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Standardized Development and Building Regulations, 2023

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./674/2023-24]
Change Type :


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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1202.pdf

IFSCA issues circular for Improving processing timelines of cross border payments

The International Financial Services Centres Authority issues circular for advisory on Improving processing timelines of cross border payments. IBUs are further directed to undertake a study to document their existing method of processing cross-border transactions and how the speed of processing such transactions may be further improved. [IFSCA-FMPP0BR/12/2023-Banking]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ifsca.gov.in/Viewer?Path=Document%2FLegal%2Fimproving-processing-timelines-of-cross-border-payments-advisory08012024114759.pdf&Title=Improving%20processing%20timelines%20of%20cross%20border%20payments%20-%20Advisory&Date=08%2F01%2F2024

IFSCA issues circular for Inclusion of �Finance Company� and �Finance Unit� as �Credit Institution� under clause (f) of section 2 of the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005

The International Financial Services Centres Authority issues circular for Inclusion of �Finance Company� and �Finance Unit� as �Credit Institution� under clause (f) of section 2 of the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005. This circular is issued in exercise of the powers under section 12 of the International Financial Services Centres Authority Act, 2019. [172/IFSCA/Finance Company Regulations/2023-24/02]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ifsca.gov.in/Viewer?Path=Document%2FLegal%2Fcircular-on-inclusion-of-fc-as-credit-institution-05-01-202405012024062832.pdf&Title=Inclusion%20of%20%E2%80%98Finance%20Company%E2%80%99%20and%20%E2%80%98Finance%20Unit%E2%80%99%20as%20%E2%80%98Credit%20Institution%E2%80%99%20under%20clause%20%28f%29%20of%20section%202%20of%20the%20Credit%20Information%20Companies%20%28Regulation%29%20Act%2C%202005&Date=05%2F01%2F2024

IRDAI issues circular regarding Investments in Infrastructure Debt Funds

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues circular regarding Investments in Infrastructure Debt Funds.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://irdai.gov.in/web/guest/document-detail?documentId=4296416

BSE issue notice for Multiple UCC with same Email address and mobile number

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Multiple UCC with same Email address and mobile number. Trading members are required to take note of the above requirement and ensure that the same is being complied with. [20240104-26]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240104-26

NSE issues Circular for Multiple UCC with same email address and mobile number

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Multiple UCC with same email address and mobile number. Trading members are required to take note of the above requirement and ensure that the same is being complied with. [01/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/ISC60116.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Centralized Mechanism for reporting the demise of an investor through KRAs

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Centralized Mechanism for reporting the demise of an investor through KRAs. Trading Members are advised to comply with the process outlined in the SOP for reporting the demise of an investor and publish the same on their websites. [02/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1190.pdf

NSE issues Circular for MFSS - Settlement Calendar for FEB 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for MFSS - Settlement Calendar for FEB 2024.[0010/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1189.pdf

RBI updates Master Direction - Know Your Customer (KYC) Direction, 2016

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction - Know Your Customer (KYC) Direction, 2016. [RBI/DBR/2015-16/18]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/MD18KYCF6E92C82E1E1419D87323E3869BC9F13.PDF

RBI notifies amendment to the Master Direction (MD) on KYC

The Reserve Bank of India notifies amendment to the Master Direction (MD) on KYC. In the extant Direction, the definition of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) is provided in sub-clause (xvii) of clause (a) of Section 3 of the MD on KYC. However, in order to provide better clarity, it has been decided to include the definition of PEPs as an explanation to Section 41 of the Master Direction
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/CIRCULARMDKYC553C440DC3024D14B66C6C7B5E0206FA.PDF

MOLE issues press release regarding extension of five months time for Employers to upload wage details etc. regarding Pension on Higher Wages

The Ministry of Labour & Employment issues press release regarding extension of five months time for Employers to upload wage details etc. regarding Pension on Higher Wages. In order to ensure that employers process these remaining Applications for Validation of Option / Joint Options, the Chairman, CBT EPF has kindly approved the proposal to grant another extension of time for the employers for uploading wage details online etc till 31st May, 2024
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1992884

CDSL notifies Facility for Basic Services Demat Account (BSDA)

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Facility for Basic Services Demat Account (BSDA). [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2024/10]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1191.pdf

State Pollution Control Board, Odisha issues notice regarding all Producers, Collection Agents, Recyclers and Used Oil Importers shall have to register in Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) Portal of CPCB

The State Pollution Control Board, Odisha issues notice regarding all Producers, Collection Agents, Recyclers and Used Oil Importers shall have to register in Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) Portal of CPCB.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ospcboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/EPR-USED-OIL-PUBLIC-NOTICE-84.pdf

Ministry of Commerce & Industry issues an order for the Electrical Accessories (Quality Control) Order, 2023

The Ministry of Commerce & Industry issues in exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016, hereby makes the following Order, namely the Electrical Accessories (Quality Control) Order, 2023. [F. No. P-29026/22/2023-LEI]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1192.pdf

Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers notifies Polyethylene Material for Moulding and Extrusion (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024

The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers in exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 hereby makes the following order further to amend the Polyethylene Material for Moulding and Extrusion (Quality Control) Order, 2022, namely the Polyethylene Material for Moulding and Extrusion (Quality Control Amendment Order, 2024. [F. No. PC-II-46016/6/2020-Tech.CPC (Pt.3)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1193.pdf

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment notifies the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 100 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017, namely the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules, 2023. [No. 38-06/2023-DD-III]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1194.pdf

NESL issues Circular for payment of Interchange fee in Telangana State for payment of Stamp Duty

The National E-Governance Services Limited issues circular for Payment of Interchange fee in Telangana State for payment of Stamp Duty. To avoid any reconciliation issues, it is advisable for the DDE users to transfer stamp duty amount plus Rs.5.90 towards interchange fee. [NeSL/DDE/2024/0112 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nesl.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Communique-112-Payment-of-Interchange-fee-in-Telangana-State-for-payment-of-Stamp-Duty-.pdf

Government of Nagaland notifies State List Of Holidays and Calendar FY 2024

The Government of Nagaland has issued list of holidays and Calendar for the year 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1188.pdf

CBDT notifies activity of investment in a financial product by the non-resident

The Central Board of Direct Taxes in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause (ii) of clause (4G) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 hereby notifies activity of investment in a financial product by the non-resident, in accordance with a contract with such non-resident entered into by a capital market intermediary, being a Unit of an International Financial Services Centre, where the income from such investment is received in the account of the non-resident maintained with the Offshore Banking Unit of such International Financial Services Centre, as referred to in sub-section (1A) of section 80LA. [Notification No. 04/2024 F. No. 370142/48/2023-TPL]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1187.pdf

BSE issue notice for Framework on Social Stock Exchange (�SSE�)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Framework on Social Stock Exchange (�SSE�). All Listed companies are requested to take note and comply accordingly. [20240104-1]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240104-1

NSE issues Circular for Settlement calendar for Feb 2024 - Debt Segment

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Settlement calendar for Feb 2024 - Debt Segment.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/DS60089.pdf

NSE issues Circular for F&O Monthly Settlement Schedule For February 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for F&O Monthly Settlement Schedule For February 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT60098.pdf

NSE issues Circular for CDS - Monthly Settlement Schedule For February 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for CDS - Monthly Settlement Schedule For February 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CD60099.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Securities early pay-in cut off for clients using direct clearing with UPI block facility, on January 5, 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Securities early pay-in cut off for clients using direct clearing with UPI block facility, on January 5, 2024. Members are requested to note that the revised final cut off time for early pay-in of securities for clients clearing directly with the UPI block facility, on January 5, 2024, will be 6.00 p.m., instead of the existing timeline of 8.00 p.m.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT60106.pdf

BIS notifies amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Plugs and Sockets-Outlets for Household and Similar Purposes of Rated Voltage up to and Including 250 V and Rated Current up to and Including 16 A

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1184.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Gas Cylinders and Gaseous Hydrogen

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./664/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1183.pdf

Odisha Real Estate Regulatory Authority notifies Direction regarding Extension of date for submission of QPR & AAC from 1st Jan to 15th Jan, 2024

The Odisha Real Estate Regulatory Authority notifies Direction u/s 37 of the RE(R&D) Act, 2016 regarding Extension of date for submission of QPR & AAC from 1st Jan to 15th Jan, 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rera.odisha.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/LR.NO-7929_0001.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t In-Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Device

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./663/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1186.pdf

Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies special procedure to be followed by a registered person engaged in manufacturing of the goods

The Government of The National Capital Territory of Delhi in exercise of the powers conferred by section 148 of the Delhi Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby notifies the following special procedure to be followed by a registered person engaged in manufacturing ofthe goods.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1178.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Safety of Transformers, Reactors,Power Supply Units and Combinations thereof

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./661/2023-24]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1185.pdf

Odisha Real Estate Regulatory Authority notifies Direction with regard to uploading photographs & mentioning proper dates or completion by promoters against each stage of construction during submission of QPR

The Odisha Real Estate Regulatory Authority notifies Direction u/s 37 of RE(R&D) Act, 2016 with regard to uploading photographs & mentioning proper dates or completion by promoters against each stage of construction during submission of QPR.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rera.odisha.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/LR.NO-7931_0001.pdf

Odisha Real Estate Regulatory Authority notifies direction for rectification of QPR formats of agents & promoters

The Odisha Real Estate Regulatory Authority notifies direction for rectification of QPR formats of agents & promoters.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rera.odisha.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/LR.NO-69DIRECTION.pdf

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa and Union Territories (Conduct of Business) (6th Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of powers conferred under Section 181 (1) and Section 181 (2) (zl) of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following amendments in the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa and Union Territories (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2009 namely the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa and Union Territories (Conduct of Business) (6th Amendment) Regulations, 2023. [JERC:-01/2009]
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State :

Goa and Union Territories

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1182.pdf

Ministry of Commerce & Industry issues an order for the Laboratory Glassware (Quality Control) Order, 2023

The Ministry of Commerce & Industry in exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 hereby makes the following Order, namely the Laboratory Glassware (Quality Control) Order, 2023. [S.O. 44(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1181.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named ?Rahul kushwah?

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named ?Rahul kushwah? operating through mobile number ?9825743397? is providing assured returns on investment in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investor by asking investors to share their login id/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-01/PR_cc_03012024.pdf

DGFT notifies Amendment in Import Policy and Policy condition of Screws covered under HS code 7318 of Chapter 73 of Schedule ?I (Import Policy) of ITC (HS) 2022

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 and Section 5 of Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2023 hereby notifies amendment in Import Policy and Policy condition of Screws covered under HS code 7318 of Chapter 73 of Schedule ?I (Import Policy) of ITC (HS) 2022. [55 /2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1180.pdf

MCX issues Circular for Settlement of Running Account of Client?s Funds lying with Trading Member ?

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Settlement of Running Account of Client?s Funds lying with Trading Member ?. Members are requested to take note of the above and comply with applicable regulatory requirements. [MCX/INSP/002/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/circular-002-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=2ab09a91_0

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named ?Vikash Patel?

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named ?Vikash Patel? operating through mobile numbers ?8871636598? and ?8103574271? is providing securities market tips for trading, assured returns on investment in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investor by asking investors to share their login id/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-01/PR_cc_03012024_0.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies Special Deposit Scheme fourth quarter interest rate

The Ministry of Finance notifies that the deposits made under the Special Deposit Scheme for Non-Government Provident, Superannuation and Gratuity Funds shall with effect from 1st January, 2024 to 31st March, 2024 bear interest at 7.1% (seven point one percent). [F. No. 5(3)-B(PD)/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1179.pdf

CBIC notifies amendments in the notification No.1/2017-Central Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 9 and sub-section (5) of section 15 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No.1/2017-Central Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017. [01/2024-Central Tax (Rate)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1009974/ENG/Notifications

CBIC notifies amendments in the notification No.1/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No.1/2017-IntegratedTax (Rate), dated the 28thJune, 2017. [01/2024-Integrated Tax (Rate)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1009975/ENG/Notifications

CBIC notifies amendments in the notification No.1/2017-Union TerritoryTax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 7 of the Union territory Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No.1/2017-Union TerritoryTax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017. [01/2024-Union Territory Tax (Rate)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1009976/ENG/Notifications

RBI notifies Master Direction ? Reserve Bank of India (Commercial Paper and Non-Convertible Debentures of original or initial maturity upto one year) Directions, 2024

The Reserve Bank of India in exercise of the powers conferred under section 45J, 45K, 45L and 45W of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 hereby notifies Master Direction ? Reserve Bank of India (Commercial Paper and Non-Convertible Debentures of original or initial maturity upto one year) Directions, 2024. [RBI/FMRD/2023-24/109]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/109MDCPNCD797F42D139D741169EB58E637B243FF6.PDF

NSE issues Circular for Settlement calendar for Feb 2024- Capital Market Segment

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Settlement calendar for Feb 2024- Capital Market Segment.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT60088.pdf

RBI notifies Master Direction � Reserve Bank of India (Bharat Bill Payment System) Directions, 2024

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Master Direction � Reserve Bank of India (Bharat Bill Payment System) Directions, 2024. These Directions seek to streamline the process of bill payments, enable greater participation, and enhance customer protection among other changes. [RBI/DPSS/2023-24/111]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/111MDONBBPS87BA4103916D4B21AE117F1443020ADB.PDF

Government of Punjab notifies Punjab Canal and Drainage Act, 2023

The Government of Punjab notifies Punjab Canal and Drainage Act, 2023. It shall extend to the whole of the State of Punjab. It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification, appoint. [No. 11-Leg./2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1176.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies Haryana Settlement of Outstanding Dues (Amendment) Act, 2023

The Government of Haryana notifies Haryana Settlement of Outstanding Dues (Amendment) Act, 2023. It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. [No. Leg. 32/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.egazetteharyana.gov.in/Gazette/Extra-Ordinary/2023/228-2023-Ext/18080.pdf

Government of Uttarakhand notifies Uttarakhand State List Of Holidays, 2024

The Government of Uttarakhand notifies Uttarakhand State List Of Holidays, 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1171.pdf

RBI notifies Designation of 2 individuals as �Terrorists� under Section 35 (1) (a) of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), 1967 and their listing in the Schedule IV of the Act

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Designation of 2 individuals as �Terrorists� under Section 35 (1) (a) of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), 1967 and their listing in the Schedule IV of the Act. Regulated Entities (REs) are advised to take note of the aforementioned Gazette notifications issued by MHA for necessary compliance. REs shall also take note of any future amendments to Schedule I and IV of the UAPA, 1967, for immediate necessary compliance. [RBI/2023-24/106]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/UNLAWFULACTIVITIES74EA6DD8755A4698BC8655AB327FC013.PDF

NSE issues Circular for Quarterly Cyber Incident Reporting of Cyber Security & Cyber Resilience Framework for Stockbrokers

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Quarterly Cyber Incident Reporting of Cyber Security & Cyber Resilience Framework for Stockbrokers. Trading members are required to report Cyber Incident(s) for the quarter ending December 31, 2023, through member portal on or before January 15, 2024. The path for online submission of the Quarterly Cyber Incident Report is given below.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP60078.pdf

National Commission for Indian System Of Medicine notifies National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (Ethics and Registration) Regulations, 2023

The National Commission for Indian System Of Medicine notifies National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (Ethics and Registration) Regulations, 2023. They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No 20-28/2022-Reg. (Regulation) (E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1172.pdf

Ministry of Commerce & Industry notifies Air Conditioner and its related Parts, Hermetic Compressor and Temperature Sensing Controls (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2023

The Ministry of Commerce & Industry notifies Air Conditioner and its related Parts, Hermetic Compressor and Temperature Sensing Controls (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2023. It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. P-29014/63/2017-LEI]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1173.pdf

DPIIT notifies Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Amendments in Part B, Cancellation of IEM and issue of duplicate IEM

The Department of Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade notifies Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Amendments in Part B, Cancellation of IEM and issue of duplicate IEM.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://dpiit.gov.in/sites/default/files/SOP_IEM_02January2024.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies date of enforcement of the Haryana One Time Settlement Scheme for Recovery of Outstanding Dues, 2023

The Government of Haryana In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-clause (2) of clause 1 of the Haryana One Time Settlement Scheme for Recovery of Outstanding Dues, 2023, the Governor of Haryana hereby appoints the 1st day of January, 2024 for the purposes of the said scheme. [No. 72/ST-1]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.egazetteharyana.gov.in/Gazette/Extra-Ordinary/2023/231-2023-Ext/18125.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of Finance Act, 2002, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022. [G.S.R. 149(E).]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1465.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of the Finance Act, 2002, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022. [G.S.R. 148(E)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1466.pdf

DGFT notifies Amendment in Para 2.39 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 of Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 1.02 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023 hereby notifies amendment in Para 2.39 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1463.pdf

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Micro-Grid Renewable Energy Generation and Supply) Regulations, 2024

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of powers conferred under section 181(1) read with Sections 14, sub-Section (h) of Section 61, Section 66, clause (e) and (k) of Sub-section (1) of Section 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following Regulations namely the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Micro-Grid Renewable Energy Generation and Supply) Regulations, 2024. [No. JERC-JKL/Reg/2024/01]
Change Type :


State :

UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1462.pdf

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Smart Grid) Regulations, 2024

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of powers conferred under sections 86 (1) (e) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following regulations for the development of power generation from renewable energy sources and for procurement of energy from renewable sources by distribution licensee namely the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Smart Grid) Regulations, 2024. [No. JERC-JKL/Reg/2024/7]
Change Type :


State :

UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1461.pdf

MOP notifies the Electricity (Late Payment Surcharge and Related Matters) (Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 176 of the Electricity Act, 2003, hereby makes the following rules to amend the Electricity (Late Payment Surcharge and Related Matters) Rules, 2022, namely the Electricity (Late Payment Surcharge and Related Matters) (Amendment) Rules, 2024. [G.S.R. 146(E)]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1460.pdf

MPCB issues circular for Imposing 12% Interest on non submission of Bank Guarantee within prescribed time limit imposed by the Board

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board issues Circular for Imposing 12% Interest on non submission of Bank Guarantee within prescribed time limit imposed by the Board. This circular is applicable to all pending bank guarantees.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://mpcb.gov.in/sites/default/files/standing_orders/Imposing_12%25_Interest_on_Non-Submission_of_Bank_Guarantee_within_prescribed_time_limit_imposed_by_the_Board.pdf

MOEFCC notifies the Living Animal Species (Reporting and Registration) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (jv) of sub-section (1) of Section 63 of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, hereby makes the following rules, namely the Living Animal Species (Reporting and Registration) Rules, 2024. [G.S.R. 145(E)]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1459.pdf

Ministry of Finance issues press release regarding Implementation of Electronic Cash Ledger (ECL) for payment of Import duties for goods imported through Courier Mode from 1st March 2024

The Ministry of Finance issues press release regarding Implementation of Electronic Cash Ledger (ECL) for payment of Import duties for goods imported through Courier Mode from 1st March 2024. The Electronic Cash Ledger (ECL) shall be the mode of payment of Import duties for goods imported through International Courier terminals from 01st March 2024.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=2010386

NSDL issues Circular for Standardization of File Formats

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Standardization of File Formats.All Participants are advised to note the aforesaid points and make necessary changes in their back-office system. [ NSDL/POLICY/2024/0026]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-0026-Policy-Standardization_of_File_Formats.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Change in Pay-in & Pay-out time for NSE and BSE settlements

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Change in Pay-in & Pay-out time for NSE and BSE settlements. All Participants are hereby informed that as per the intimations received from NSE Clearing Limited (NCL) and Indian Clearing Corporation Limited (ICCL), on account of special live trading session on March 2, 2024, deadline time for Pay-in of securities for various settlements of NSE and BSE scheduled on following dates have been advanced/changed.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-0025-Policy-Change_in_Pay-in__Pay-out_time_for_NSE_and_BSE_settlements.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Change in deadline time for submission of pay-in instructions on SPEED-e

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Change in deadline time for submission of pay-in instructions on SPEED-e. Participants must ensure that all the instructions submitted by the Clients / Clearing Members (other than SPEED-e DIRECT) within the aforesaid deadline time are duly executed in the eDPM well before the NSDL deadline time.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-0003-SPEED-e-Policy-Change_in_deadline_time_for_submission_of_pay-in_instructions_on_SPEED-e.pdf

BSE issue notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST. Members are requested to note that SEBI turnover fees including applicable GST will continue to be debited separately from the Member�s settlement account/ Exchange dues account with appropriate narration against the entry. [20240229-3]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240229-3

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Twitter handle �@niftyintraday87�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Twitter handle �@niftyintraday87� operating through mobile number �7094772521�, website http://www.freeintradaysharetips.com and telegram channel �NIFTY INTRADAY TIPS� is providing securities market tips for trading, assured returns on investments in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investors by asking investors to share their login id/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-02/PR_cc_29022024_0.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Twitter handle and telegram channel named �Power of stockings�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Twitter handle and telegram channel named �Power of stockings� is providing securities market tips for trading and assured returns on investment in stock market. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-02/PR_cc_29022024.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Special Live Trading Session on Saturday, March 02, 2024 - Timings of ENIT & Member Portal

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited issues Circular for Special Live Trading Session on Saturday, March 02, 2024 - Timings of ENIT & Member Portal. [16/2024]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/MSD60929.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks � February 2024

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks � February 2024. [2023-2024/1973]
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR197312C5A3FD51584EAE8EC50C217EF15379.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit � January 2024

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit � January 2024. [2023-2024/1968]
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR19688EFAD5A00295418EBBB981FCE036A870.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction - Money Changing Activities

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction - Money Changing Activities. Money changing business can be undertaken by entities authorised by the Reserve Bank under Section 10 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. No person shall carry on money changing business without the possession of a valid money changer�s licence issued by the Reserve Bank. [RBI/FED/2015-16/17]
Change Type :

Master Direction

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/MD03_29031928C70FB929814CFCA72C7D3ED5A0EDE4.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction � Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS)

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction � Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS). Reserve Bank shall issue directions to Authorised Persons who are Indian Agents under the MTSS through A.P. (DIR Series) Circulars in regard to any change in the rules, regulations, notifications, directions or orders or the manner in which relative transactions are to be conducted by the Authorised Persons with their customers/ constituents. The Master Direction issued herewith shall be simultaneously amended suitably. [RBI/FED/2016-17/52]
Change Type :

Master Direction

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/MD01220220176458378BB80A417592B7CE4DB57B123A.PDF

RBI notifies Master Direction � Reserve Bank of India (Bharat Bill Payment System) Directions, 2024

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Master Direction � Reserve Bank of India (Bharat Bill Payment System) Directions, 2024. These Directions seek to streamline the process of bill payments, enable greater participation, and enhance customer protection among other changes. [RBI/DPSS/2023-24/111]
Change Type :

Master Direction

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/111MDONBBPS87BA4103916D4B21AE117F1443020ADB.PDF

EPFO notifies the user manual for the joint declaration

The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation notifies the user manual for the joint declaration. To maintain the correct profile of the member, reduce rejection of the joint declaration, and minimize fraud owing to UAN identity change, the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Joint Declaration � Member profile correction has been introduced by EPFO and same is being implemented in Unified Portal Application.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1464.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of Finance Act, 2002, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022. [G.S.R. 149(E).]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1465.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of the Finance Act, 2002, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022. [G.S.R. 148(E)]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1466.pdf

DGFT notifies Amendment in Para 2.39 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 of Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 1.02 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023 hereby notifies amendment in Para 2.39 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1463.pdf

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Micro-Grid Renewable Energy Generation and Supply) Regulations, 2024

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of powers conferred under section 181(1) read with Sections 14, sub-Section (h) of Section 61, Section 66, clause (e) and (k) of Sub-section (1) of Section 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following Regulations namely the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Micro-Grid Renewable Energy Generation and Supply) Regulations, 2024. [No. JERC-JKL/Reg/2024/01]
Change Type :


State :

UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1462.pdf

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Smart Grid) Regulations, 2024

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of powers conferred under sections 86 (1) (e) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following regulations for the development of power generation from renewable energy sources and for procurement of energy from renewable sources by distribution licensee namely the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Smart Grid) Regulations, 2024. [No. JERC-JKL/Reg/2024/7]
Change Type :


State :

UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1461.pdf

MOP notifies the Electricity (Late Payment Surcharge and Related Matters) (Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 176 of the Electricity Act, 2003, hereby makes the following rules to amend the Electricity (Late Payment Surcharge and Related Matters) Rules, 2022, namely the Electricity (Late Payment Surcharge and Related Matters) (Amendment) Rules, 2024. [G.S.R. 146(E)]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1460.pdf

MPCB issues circular for Imposing 12% Interest on non submission of Bank Guarantee within prescribed time limit imposed by the Board

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board issues Circular for Imposing 12% Interest on non submission of Bank Guarantee within prescribed time limit imposed by the Board. This circular is applicable to all pending bank guarantees.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://mpcb.gov.in/sites/default/files/standing_orders/Imposing_12%25_Interest_on_Non-Submission_of_Bank_Guarantee_within_prescribed_time_limit_imposed_by_the_Board.pdf

Ministry of Finance issues press release regarding Implementation of Electronic Cash Ledger (ECL) for payment of Import duties for goods imported through Courier Mode from 1st March 2024

The Ministry of Finance issues press release regarding Implementation of Electronic Cash Ledger (ECL) for payment of Import duties for goods imported through Courier Mode from 1st March 2024. The Electronic Cash Ledger (ECL) shall be the mode of payment of Import duties for goods imported through International Courier terminals from 01st March 2024.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=2010386

NSDL issues Circular for Standardization of File Formats

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Standardization of File Formats.All Participants are advised to note the aforesaid points and make necessary changes in their back-office system. [ NSDL/POLICY/2024/0026]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-0026-Policy-Standardization_of_File_Formats.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Change in Pay-in & Pay-out time for NSE and BSE settlements

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Change in Pay-in & Pay-out time for NSE and BSE settlements. All Participants are hereby informed that as per the intimations received from NSE Clearing Limited (NCL) and Indian Clearing Corporation Limited (ICCL), on account of special live trading session on March 2, 2024, deadline time for Pay-in of securities for various settlements of NSE and BSE scheduled on following dates have been advanced/changed.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-0025-Policy-Change_in_Pay-in__Pay-out_time_for_NSE_and_BSE_settlements.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Change in deadline time for submission of pay-in instructions on SPEED-e

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Change in deadline time for submission of pay-in instructions on SPEED-e. Participants must ensure that all the instructions submitted by the Clients / Clearing Members (other than SPEED-e DIRECT) within the aforesaid deadline time are duly executed in the eDPM well before the NSDL deadline time.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-0003-SPEED-e-Policy-Change_in_deadline_time_for_submission_of_pay-in_instructions_on_SPEED-e.pdf

BSE issue notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST. Members are requested to note that SEBI turnover fees including applicable GST will continue to be debited separately from the Member�s settlement account/ Exchange dues account with appropriate narration against the entry. [20240229-3]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240229-3

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Twitter handle �@niftyintraday87�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Twitter handle �@niftyintraday87� operating through mobile number �7094772521�, website http://www.freeintradaysharetips.com and telegram channel �NIFTY INTRADAY TIPS� is providing securities market tips for trading, assured returns on investments in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investors by asking investors to share their login id/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-02/PR_cc_29022024_0.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Twitter handle and telegram channel named �Power of stockings�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Twitter handle and telegram channel named �Power of stockings� is providing securities market tips for trading and assured returns on investment in stock market. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-02/PR_cc_29022024.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Special Live Trading Session on Saturday, March 02, 2024 - Timings of ENIT & Member Portal

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited issues Circular for Special Live Trading Session on Saturday, March 02, 2024 - Timings of ENIT & Member Portal. [16/2024]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/MSD60929.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks � February 2024

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks � February 2024. [2023-2024/1973]
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR197312C5A3FD51584EAE8EC50C217EF15379.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit � January 2024

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit � January 2024. [2023-2024/1968]
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR19688EFAD5A00295418EBBB981FCE036A870.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction - Money Changing Activities

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction - Money Changing Activities. Money changing business can be undertaken by entities authorised by the Reserve Bank under Section 10 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. No person shall carry on money changing business without the possession of a valid money changer�s licence issued by the Reserve Bank. [RBI/FED/2015-16/17]
Change Type :

Master Direction

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/MD03_29031928C70FB929814CFCA72C7D3ED5A0EDE4.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction � Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS)

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction � Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS). Reserve Bank shall issue directions to Authorised Persons who are Indian Agents under the MTSS through A.P. (DIR Series) Circulars in regard to any change in the rules, regulations, notifications, directions or orders or the manner in which relative transactions are to be conducted by the Authorised Persons with their customers/ constituents. The Master Direction issued herewith shall be simultaneously amended suitably. [RBI/FED/2016-17/52]
Change Type :

Master Direction

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/MD01220220176458378BB80A417592B7CE4DB57B123A.PDF

MOEFCC notifies the Living Animal Species (Reporting and Registration) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (jv) of sub-section (1) of Section 63 of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, hereby makes the following rules, namely the Living Animal Species (Reporting and Registration) Rules, 2024. [G.S.R. 145(E)]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1459.pdf

EPFO notifies the user manual for the joint declaration

The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation notifies the user manual for the joint declaration. To maintain the correct profile of the member, reduce rejection of the joint declaration, and minimize fraud owing to UAN identity change, the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Joint Declaration � Member profile correction has been introduced by EPFO and same is being implemented in Unified Portal Application.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1464.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of Finance Act, 2002, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022. [G.S.R. 149(E).]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1465.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of the Finance Act, 2002, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022. [G.S.R. 148(E)]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1466.pdf

DGFT notifies Amendment in Para 2.39 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 of Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 1.02 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023 hereby notifies amendment in Para 2.39 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1463.pdf

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Micro-Grid Renewable Energy Generation and Supply) Regulations, 2024

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of powers conferred under section 181(1) read with Sections 14, sub-Section (h) of Section 61, Section 66, clause (e) and (k) of Sub-section (1) of Section 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following Regulations namely the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Micro-Grid Renewable Energy Generation and Supply) Regulations, 2024. [No. JERC-JKL/Reg/2024/01]
Change Type :


State :

UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1462.pdf

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Smart Grid) Regulations, 2024

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of powers conferred under sections 86 (1) (e) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following regulations for the development of power generation from renewable energy sources and for procurement of energy from renewable sources by distribution licensee namely the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh (Smart Grid) Regulations, 2024. [No. JERC-JKL/Reg/2024/7]
Change Type :


State :

UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1461.pdf

MOP notifies the Electricity (Late Payment Surcharge and Related Matters) (Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 176 of the Electricity Act, 2003, hereby makes the following rules to amend the Electricity (Late Payment Surcharge and Related Matters) Rules, 2022, namely the Electricity (Late Payment Surcharge and Related Matters) (Amendment) Rules, 2024. [G.S.R. 146(E)]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1460.pdf

MPCB issues circular for Imposing 12% Interest on non submission of Bank Guarantee within prescribed time limit imposed by the Board

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board issues Circular for Imposing 12% Interest on non submission of Bank Guarantee within prescribed time limit imposed by the Board. This circular is applicable to all pending bank guarantees.
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://mpcb.gov.in/sites/default/files/standing_orders/Imposing_12%25_Interest_on_Non-Submission_of_Bank_Guarantee_within_prescribed_time_limit_imposed_by_the_Board.pdf

MOEFCC notifies the Living Animal Species (Reporting and Registration) Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (jv) of sub-section (1) of Section 63 of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, hereby makes the following rules, namely the Living Animal Species (Reporting and Registration) Rules, 2024. [G.S.R. 145(E)]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1459.pdf

Ministry of Finance issues press release regarding Implementation of Electronic Cash Ledger (ECL) for payment of Import duties for goods imported through Courier Mode from 1st March 2024

The Ministry of Finance issues press release regarding Implementation of Electronic Cash Ledger (ECL) for payment of Import duties for goods imported through Courier Mode from 1st March 2024. The Electronic Cash Ledger (ECL) shall be the mode of payment of Import duties for goods imported through International Courier terminals from 01st March 2024.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=2010386

NSDL issues Circular for Standardization of File Formats

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Standardization of File Formats.All Participants are advised to note the aforesaid points and make necessary changes in their back-office system. [ NSDL/POLICY/2024/0026]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-0026-Policy-Standardization_of_File_Formats.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Change in Pay-in & Pay-out time for NSE and BSE settlements

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Change in Pay-in & Pay-out time for NSE and BSE settlements. All Participants are hereby informed that as per the intimations received from NSE Clearing Limited (NCL) and Indian Clearing Corporation Limited (ICCL), on account of special live trading session on March 2, 2024, deadline time for Pay-in of securities for various settlements of NSE and BSE scheduled on following dates have been advanced/changed.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-0025-Policy-Change_in_Pay-in__Pay-out_time_for_NSE_and_BSE_settlements.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Change in deadline time for submission of pay-in instructions on SPEED-e

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Change in deadline time for submission of pay-in instructions on SPEED-e. Participants must ensure that all the instructions submitted by the Clients / Clearing Members (other than SPEED-e DIRECT) within the aforesaid deadline time are duly executed in the eDPM well before the NSDL deadline time.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2024-0003-SPEED-e-Policy-Change_in_deadline_time_for_submission_of_pay-in_instructions_on_SPEED-e.pdf

BSE issue notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST. Members are requested to note that SEBI turnover fees including applicable GST will continue to be debited separately from the Member�s settlement account/ Exchange dues account with appropriate narration against the entry. [20240229-3]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240229-3

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Twitter handle �@niftyintraday87�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Twitter handle �@niftyintraday87� operating through mobile number �7094772521�, website http://www.freeintradaysharetips.com and telegram channel �NIFTY INTRADAY TIPS� is providing securities market tips for trading, assured returns on investments in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investors by asking investors to share their login id/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-02/PR_cc_29022024_0.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Twitter handle and telegram channel named �Power of stockings�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t Twitter handle and telegram channel named �Power of stockings� is providing securities market tips for trading and assured returns on investment in stock market. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-02/PR_cc_29022024.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Special Live Trading Session on Saturday, March 02, 2024 - Timings of ENIT & Member Portal

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited issues Circular for Special Live Trading Session on Saturday, March 02, 2024 - Timings of ENIT & Member Portal. [16/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/MSD60929.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks � February 2024

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks � February 2024. [2023-2024/1973]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR197312C5A3FD51584EAE8EC50C217EF15379.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit � January 2024

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit � January 2024. [2023-2024/1968]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR19688EFAD5A00295418EBBB981FCE036A870.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction - Money Changing Activities

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction - Money Changing Activities. Money changing business can be undertaken by entities authorised by the Reserve Bank under Section 10 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. No person shall carry on money changing business without the possession of a valid money changer�s licence issued by the Reserve Bank. [RBI/FED/2015-16/17]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/MD03_29031928C70FB929814CFCA72C7D3ED5A0EDE4.PDF

RBI updates Master Direction � Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS)

The Reserve Bank of India updates Master Direction � Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS). Reserve Bank shall issue directions to Authorised Persons who are Indian Agents under the MTSS through A.P. (DIR Series) Circulars in regard to any change in the rules, regulations, notifications, directions or orders or the manner in which relative transactions are to be conducted by the Authorised Persons with their customers/ constituents. The Master Direction issued herewith shall be simultaneously amended suitably. [RBI/FED/2016-17/52]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/MD01220220176458378BB80A417592B7CE4DB57B123A.PDF

RBI notifies Master Direction � Reserve Bank of India (Bharat Bill Payment System) Directions, 2024

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Master Direction � Reserve Bank of India (Bharat Bill Payment System) Directions, 2024. These Directions seek to streamline the process of bill payments, enable greater participation, and enhance customer protection among other changes. [RBI/DPSS/2023-24/111]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/111MDONBBPS87BA4103916D4B21AE117F1443020ADB.PDF

EPFO notifies the user manual for the joint declaration

The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation notifies the user manual for the joint declaration. To maintain the correct profile of the member, reduce rejection of the joint declaration, and minimize fraud owing to UAN identity change, the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Joint Declaration � Member profile correction has been introduced by EPFO and same is being implemented in Unified Portal Application.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1464.pdf

Ministry of Commerce & Industry issues an order to amend the Order number S.O.4031(E) dated, the 9th November 2020

The Ministry of Commerce & Industry in exercise of the powers conferred by section 6 of the Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963, hereby issues an order to amend the Order number S.O.4031(E) dated, the 9th November 2020. [F. No. K-16012/17/2023 - Export Inspection]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1175.pdf

National Medical Commission notifies National Medical Commission (Recognition of Medical Qualification) Regulations, 2023

The National Medical Commission in exercise of overall authority vested with the National Medical Commission, and specifically vide sub-sections (zp), (zq), (zr), (zs), (zt) of sub-section (2) of Section 57 sub-section (1)(j) of section 24, sub- section (1)(i) of section 25, sub-section (1)(f) of section 26, read with Sections 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 of the National Medical Commission Act, 2019, makes the Regulations namely, National Medical Commission (Recognition of Medical Qualification) Regulations, 2023. All these Regulations shall come into force from the day of publication. [No. CDN-19012/5/2023-Coord-NMC (i)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1174.pdf

Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies amendment to an older notification related to hiring of e-Taxi under �Rajiv Gandhi Swarojgaar Yojna, 2023�

The Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies amendment to an older notification related to hiring of e-Taxi under �Rajiv Gandhi Swarojgaar Yojna, 2023�.
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State :

Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://himachal.nic.in/showfile.php?lang=1&dpt_id=3&level=1&lid=23666&sublinkid=23155

Government of The National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies all cooperatives societies registered with this office may file their AGMs report through online mode

The Government of The National Capital Territory of Delhi notifies all cooperatives societies registered with this office may file their AGMs report through online mode. Every year within thirty days of holding the annual general body meeting, the committee shall file return relating to its construction, business and allied matters to the registrar as prescribed and if the returns are not filed, it shall be an offence under this act.
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Effective Date :


Source : http://it.delhigovt.nic.in/writereaddata/Cir20247182.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Christy stocks�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Christy stocks� and Instagram handle �christystocks123�, are providing securities market tips for trading and assured returns on investment in stock market. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-01/PR_cc_01012024.pdf

RBI updates Master Direction - Reserve Bank of India (Co-operative Banks - Interest Rate on Deposits) Directions, 2016

The Reserve Bank of India in exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 21 and 35 A read with section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the Reserve Bank of India being satisfied that it is necessary and expedient in the public interest so to do, hereby, updates Master Direction - Reserve Bank of India (Co-operative Banks - Interest Rate on Deposits) Directions, 2016. [RBI/DCBR/2015-16/23]
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Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/DCBRMD110516C62F00D1128942A6A27D6CB408554D4C.PDF

RBI notifies Inoperative Accounts /Unclaimed Deposits in Banks- Revised Instructions

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Inoperative Accounts /Unclaimed Deposits in Banks- Revised Instructions. These instructions are issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 read with Sections 26A, 51 and 56 of the Act ibid and all other provisions of this Act or any other laws enabling Reserve Bank to issue instructions in this regard. This circular is applicable to all Commercial Banks (including RRBs) and all Cooperative Banks. The revised instructions shall come into effect from April 1, 2024. [RBI/2023-24/105]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NORI105010120246BDB83A816C34D04926F0F9CA205B864.PDF

RBI notifies Review of Instructions on Bulk Deposits for Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs)

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Review of Instructions on Bulk Deposits for Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs). All other instructions in this regard shall remain unchanged. [RBI/2023-24/104]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NOT1043F020D7B94D649368D9A3F791B3BD3DB.PDF

GSTN notifies Advisory on the functionalities available on the portal for the GTA taxpayers

The Goods and Services Tax Network notifies Advisory on the functionalities available on the portal for the GTA taxpayers. The option exercised by GTA to itself pay GST on the services supplied by it during a Financial Year shall be deemed to have been exercised for the next and future financial years unless the GTA files a declaration in Annexure VI to revert under reverse charge mechanism.
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Source : https://www.gst.gov.in/newsandupdates/read/620

GSTN notifies Date extension for reporting opening balance for ITC reversal

The Goods and Services Tax Network notifies Date extension for reporting opening balance for ITC reversal. Now to facilitate taxpayers further, opportunity to declare opening balance for ITC reversal in the statement has been extended till 31st January, 2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.gst.gov.in/newsandupdates/read/619

Ministry of Finance notifies the Principal Bench of the Goods and Services Tax Appellate Tribunal

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by the sub-section 3 of section 109 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, hereby constitutes the Principal Bench of the Goods and Services Tax Appellate Tribunal (GSTAT) at New Delhi, with effect from the date of publication of this notification in the official Gazette. [F. No. A-50050/99/2018-Ad.1CCESTAT(Pt.)]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1165.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944, read with section 147 of Finance Act, 2002, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022. This notification shall come into force on the 2nd day of January, 2024. [F. No. 354/15/2022-TRU]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1164.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944, read with section 147 of the Finance Act, 2002, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022. This notification shall come into force on the 2nd day of January, 2024. [F. No. 354/15/2022-TRU]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1163.pdf

Government of Goa notifies the Goa Provision of Water Supply Rules, 2023

The Government of Goa notifies the Goa Provision of Water Supply Rules, 2023. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [24-17/PWD/PCE-EO/2023-24/181]
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Source : https://goaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/2324/2324-39-SI-OG-0.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Premium By Vijay�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Premium By Vijay� is providing securities market tips for trading and assured returns on investment in stock market. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2024-01/PR_cc_01012024_0.pdf

BSE issue notice for Segregation and Monitoring of Collateral at Client Level (Additional Reason codes for UPI Clients)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Segregation and Monitoring of Collateral at Client Level (Additional Reason codes for UPI Clients). As per the existing practice in case of instances of Intraday/ EOD short allocation; members shall have an opportunity to report amount of client collateral available with permitted reasons. In case of such reporting, penalty will not be applicable. The same is also applicable for additional reason codes for client using UPI block facility. [20240101-13]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240101-13

BSE issue notice for Procedure to apply for waiver of fines levied as per SEBI circular SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD/CIR/P/2020/12 dated January 22, 2020 through Listing Centre

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Procedure to apply for waiver of fines levied as per SEBI circular SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD/CIR/P/2020/12 dated January 22, 2020 through Listing Centre. All listed companies are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [20240101-18]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240101-18

BSE issue notice for Settlement of Running Account of Client�s Funds lying with Trading Member

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Settlement of Running Account of Client�s Funds lying with Trading Member. All Trading Members are advised to take note of the contents of this Circular and comply. [20240101-20]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20240101-20

CDSL notifies Shifting of Operations from Primary Site with Intra-Day Switch Over to Disaster Recovery Site (DRS)

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Shifting of Operations from Primary Site with Intra-Day Switch Over to Disaster Recovery Site (DRS). [CDSL/OPS/DP/SETTL/2024/4]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1166.pdf

MCXCCL issues circular for Uniform Penalty Structure for Clearing Members

The Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited issues circular for Uniform Penalty Structure for Clearing Members. Members are advised to take note of the same and put in place systems and procedures so as to ensure adherence to the compliance requirements. [MCXCCL/INSP/001/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2024/january/circular-001--2024.pdf?sfvrsn=55009991_0

CDSCO issues notice regarding Launching of National Single Window System (NSWS) Portal

The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation issues notice regarding Launching of National Single Window System (NSWS) Portal. It is requested that all concerned stakeholders henceforth should submit application related to the said activities through NSWS portal only band trhe existing cdscomdonline portal for the said activities will be disabled w.e.f 15.01.2024.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://cdsco.gov.in/opencms/opencms/system/modules/CDSCO.WEB/elements/download_file_division.jsp?num_id=MTA4MTE=

NSE issues Circular for Settlement of Running Account of Clients� Funds lying with Trading Members

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Settlement of Running Account of Clients� Funds lying with Trading Members. All Trading Members are advised to take note of the contents of this Circular and comply.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP60066.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market. Members are requested to take note of the same. [0001/2024]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT60022.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Withdrawal of Rs. 2000 Denomination Banknotes � Status

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Withdrawal of Rs. 2000 Denomination Banknotes � Status. The total value of Rs. 2000 banknotes in circulation, which was Rs. 3.56 lakh crore at the close of business on May 19, 2023, when the withdrawal of Rs. 2000 banknotes was announced, has declined to Rs. 9,330 crore at the close of business on December 29, 2023. Thus, 97.38% of the ?2000 banknotes in circulation as on May 19, 2023, has since been returned. [2023-2024/1595]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR15951E21D4C8456F4FEA9F471E841EE31FEC.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Rate of Interest on Floating Rate Savings Bond, 2020 (Taxable) � FRSB 2020 (T) for the Period January 01, 2024 � June 30, 2024

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Rate of Interest on Floating Rate Savings Bond, 2020 (Taxable) � FRSB 2020 (T) for the Period January 01, 2024 � June 30, 2024. The coupon rate on FRSB 2020 (T) for the period January 01, 2024 to June 30, 2024 and payable on July 1, 2024 remains at 8.05% (7.70%+0.35%), unchanged from the previous half-year. [2023-2024/1594]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR15944EF5AA319F9C4121ADF79EB2430781EA.PDF

MoEFCC notifies Amendments to Ash Utilization Notification 2021

The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clause (v) of sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 read with of sub-rule (1), (2) and (4) of rule (5) of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, hereby makes amendments in the ash utilisation notification. [F. No. 09/01/2019-HSMD]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1167.pdf

DGFT notifies Amendment in Para 2.31 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade notifies Amendment in Para 2.31 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1168.pdf

Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Madhya Pradesh Amendment Act, 2023

The Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Madhya Pradesh Amendment Act, 2023. It shall come into force from the date of its publication in official gazette. [393]
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Madhya Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://govtpressmp.nic.in/pdf/extra/2023-12-27-Ex-393.pdf

Ministry of Communications issues press release regarding Launch of Online Modules of Certificate Of Approval (CoA) And Technology Approval Under Voluntary Certification Scheme of Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC)

The Ministry of Communications issues press release regarding Launch of Online Modules of Certificate Of Approval (CoA) And Technology Approval Under Voluntary Certification Scheme of Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC). These Modules Aim At Enhancing the Ease of Doing Business And Promote Atmanirbhar Bharat. As a result, now all types of certificates under Voluntary Testing and Certification including Type Approval Certificate, Interface Approval Certificate, Certificate of Approval (CoA) and Technology Approval Certificate can be applied for and processed seamlessly through the online module.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1991468

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Harish Kumar��

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �Harish Kumar� operating through mobile number �9702978792�, is providing securities market tips for trading and offering to handle trading account of investor by asking investors to share their login id/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_29122023_0.pdf

Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Provisional Collection of Taxes Act, 2023

The Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Provisional Collection of Taxes Act, 2023. This Act is to provide for the immediate effect for a limited period of provisions in Bills relating to the imposition or increase of duties of customs or excise. [NO. 50 OF 2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1152.pdf

CBIC notifies the Sea Cargo Manifest and Transhipment (First Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by section 157, read with sections 30, 30A, 41, 41A, 53, 54, 56, sub-section (3) of section 98 and sub-section (2) of section 158 of the Customs Act, 1962, hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Sea Cargo Manifest and Transhipment Regulations, 2018, namely the Sea Cargo Manifest and Transhipment (First Amendment) Regulations, 2023. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. 450/58/2015- Cus IV(Pt.I)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1151.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Penalty Structure with respect to Unauthorized Trades

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Penalty Structure with respect to Unauthorized Trades. [56/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/ISC60035.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No.62/2022-Customs, dated the 26th December, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962, hereby makes the further amendments in the notification No.62/2022-Customs, dated the 26th December, 2022. [G.S.R. 929�]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1153.pdf

RBI notifies Payments Infrastructure Development Fund � Extension of Scheme and Enhancements

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Payments Infrastructure Development Fund � Extension of Scheme and Enhancements. These instructions are issued under Section 18 read with Section 10 (2) of Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007. [RBI/2023-24/101]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT10146C65C155A2C4C1A984E10C99903B517.PDF

RBI notifies Fair Lending Practice - Penal Charges in Loan Accounts: Extension of Timeline for Implementation of Instructions

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Fair Lending Practice - Penal Charges in Loan Accounts: Extension of Timeline for Implementation of Instructions. In terms of paragraph 3 (viii) of the circular, the instructions were to come into effect from January 1, 2024. However, considering that certain clarifications and additional time has been sought by some regulated entities (REs) to reconfigure their internal systems and operationalize the circular, it has been decided to extend the timeline for implementation of the instructions by three months. [RBI/2023-24/102]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/PENALCHARGES26A3A63141764128942EDBA48A78A491.PDF

RBI notifies Master Direction - Reserve Bank of India (Internal Ombudsman for Regulated Entities) Directions, 2023

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Master Direction - Reserve Bank of India (Internal Ombudsman for Regulated Entities) Directions, 2023. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, Section 45L read with 45M of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, sub-section (1) of Section 11 of Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005 and Section 18 of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007, the Reserve Bank of India, being satisfied that it is necessary and expedient in public interest to do so, hereby directs that all the regulated entities as indicated in Clause 4 of the Master Direction shall comply with the Direction with immediate effect. [RBI/CEPD/2023-24/108]
Change Type :

Master Direction

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/108MDINTERNALOMBUDSMANCC05402F77BE4F229B59877F341386A4.PDF

RBI notifies Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards � Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) � Review of National Development Banks

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards � Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) � Review of National Development Banks. It has been decided that the other All India Financial Institutions (AIFIs) i.e. EXIM Bank and National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) shall also be considered as NDBs for NSFR computation. This circular is applicable to all Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding Payments Banks and Regional Rural Banks). These instructions shall come into force with immediate effect. [RBI/2023-24/103]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NOTI103NSFR2912202346EE2A0CB6BD4705850B8F8AB3AA8D75.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Payments Infrastructure Development Fund (PIDF) � Extension of Scheme, Enhancements and Status Update

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Payments Infrastructure Development Fund (PIDF) � Extension of Scheme, Enhancements and Status Update. The objective of the scheme was to encourage deployment of payment acceptance infrastructure such as physical Point of Sale (PoS) terminals, Quick Response (QR) codes, in tier-3 to tier-6 centres, North Eastern states and Union Territories (U.T.s) of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. [Press Release: 2023-2024/1571]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1571DEECEB0AC8164CAAA776AD76D5FFF236.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit � November 2023

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Sectoral Deployment of Bank Credit � November 2023. [Press Release: 2023-2024/1577 ]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR15771516F4C16189434B8EE435C326E7B79B.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks � December 2023

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks � December 2023. The weighted average lending rate (WALR) on fresh rupee loans of SCBs stood at 9.34 per cent in November 2023 (9.50 per cent in October 2023). [Press Release: 2023-2024/1579 ]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1579BB47F9941EA34A1186614F1C4FE207AB.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release regarding Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on January 01, 2024 (SGB 2018-19 Series IV and SGB 2017-18 Series XIV)

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release regarding Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on January 01, 2024 (SGB 2018-19 Series IV and SGB 2017-18 Series XIV). The next due date of premature redemption of the above two tranches shall be January 01, 2024. [Press Release: 2023-2024/1586]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR15860200A7CAE897421A9B216513BED5DAAD.PDF

RBI notifies FAQ Framework for acceptance of Green Deposits

The Reserve Bank of India notifies FAQ Framework for acceptance of Green Deposits.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/FAQView.aspx?Id=161

NSE issues Circular for CBRICS � Settlement Calendar for January 2024

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for CBRICS � Settlement Calendar for January 2024. [0044/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT60003.pdf

NSE issues Circular for New Investor Service Centres at Bhopal, Coimbatore, Jabalpur, Jodhpur, Ludhiana and Siliguri

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for New Investor Service Centres at Bhopal, Coimbatore, Jabalpur, Jodhpur, Ludhiana and Siliguri. [55/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/ISC60020.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Clarification on Know Your Client (KYC) Process and Use of Technology for KYC

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Clarification on Know Your Client (KYC) Process and Use of Technology for KYC. Members are advised to take note of the contents of the Circular and ensure strict compliance. [112/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP60042.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Daily submission of Holding Statement

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Daily submission of Holding Statement. In case of submission of nil holding of clients� securities, Members shall be required to submit a One time Nil Holding declaration on T+1, which shall stand valid until next holding statement submission. However, Non-submission of One Time Nil Holding Declaration within due date shall be treated as nonsubmission of Holding Statement.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP60046.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Change in timings for Early pay-in and Collateral release

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Change in timings for Early pay-in and Collateral release. [0465/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT60047.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Change in timings for Collateral release

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Change in timings for Collateral release. The collateral allocation window shall remain open till 10:00 pm on January 05,2024. [187/2023]
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Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT60052.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Revision in strike scheme for Stock Options and periodic disablement of illiquid strikes

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Revision in strike scheme for Stock Options and periodic disablement of illiquid strikes. The strike interval review for illiquid strikes in stock options would be conducted on monthly basis on the next trading day (End of the day) after the monthly expiry day of stock options. The illiquid strikes will be disabled for trading effective from second trading day after the monthly expiry day of stock options. Members are requested to note the above revisions. [199/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/FAOP60058.pdf

NSE issues Circular for New Investor Service Centres at Amritsar, Bhavnagar and Nashik

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for New Investor Service Centres at Amritsar, Bhavnagar and Nashik. [57/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/ISC60018.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Actions in case of failure to settle a deal on Request for Quote (RFQ) platform - individual investors

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Actions in case of failure to settle a deal on Request for Quote (RFQ) platform - individual investors.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/DS60039.pdf

NSE issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �John Jacob�

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues press release for caution for investors w.r.t person named �John Jacob� � associated with entity named �Bull Stock India� operating through mobile number �8108659873� is providing securities market tips for trading, assured returns on investments in stock market and offering to handle trading account of investors by sharing log-in ID/password. The investors are cautioned and advised not to subscribe to any such scheme/product offered by any person/entity offering indicative/assured/guaranteed returns in the stock market as the same is prohibited by law.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/2023-12/PR_cc_29122023.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Revision to the Framework on Social Stock Exchange (SSE)

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Revision to the Framework on Social Stock Exchange (SSE). This is for your kind information and necessary compliance. [NSE/CML/2023/88]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/inline-files/NSE_Circular_29122023.pdf

NSE issues Circular for : Extension of timelines for providing �choice of nomination� in eligible demat accounts and mutual fund folios

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Extension of timelines for providing �choice of nomination� in eligible demat accounts and mutual fund folios. [ NSE/CML/2023/87]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/web/sites/default/files/inline-files/NSE_Circular_28122023.pdf

BSE issue notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Payment of SEBI Turnover Fees across segments including applicable GST. Members are requested to ensure that sufficient funds are available in their settlement account (valan account)/ Exchange dues account for the purpose of payment of SEBI Turnover Fees. [20231229-2]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231229-2

BSE issue notice for Uniform penalty structure for Clearing Members

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Uniform penalty structure for Clearing Members. Members are advised to take note of the same and put in place systems and procedures to ensure adherence to the compliance requirements. [20231229-11]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231229-11

BSE issue notice for Addendum to Framework to address the �Technical Glitches� in Member�s Electronic Trading Systems

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Addendum to Framework to address the �Technical Glitches� in Member�s Electronic Trading Systems. Trading Members are required to submit Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Report of the technical glitch to the Exchange, within 14 days from the date of the incident. [20231229-32]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231229-32

BSE issue notice for Filing of Quarterly Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report under Regulation 76 of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Filing of Quarterly Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report under Regulation 76 of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018. All the listed entities are requested to take note of the same and comply accordingly. [20231229-59]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231229-59

BSE issue notice for Extension for penal action in case of failure to honor a RFQ transactions

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Extension for penal action in case of failure to honor a RFQ transactions. Market participants are hereby informed that the relaxation for penal action in case of �Individual� Investors has been further extended till January 31, 2024. [20231229-60]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231229-60

BSE issue notice for Extension for Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market � UPI Mechanism �CUSPA� 29.12.2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market � UPI Mechanism �CUSPA� 29.12.2023. Members are requested to take note of the contents of this Circular & all related circulars issued previously in order to comply with the same. [20231229-62]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231229-62

BSE issue notice for Clarification on Know Your Client (KYC) Process and Use of Technology for KYC

The Bombay Stock Exchange issue notice for Clarification on Know Your Client (KYC) Process and Use of Technology for KYC. Members are advised to take note of the contents of the Circular and ensure strict compliance. [20231230-2]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20231230-2

NSDL issues Circular for Standardization of File Formats

The National Securities Depository Limited issues Circular for Standardization of File Formats. The existing file formats shall continue to be available in parallel along with the new standardized file formats for a defined period. Thereafter, the existing file formats shall be discontinued after March 31, 2024 as informed earlier to Participants and only new file formats will be applicable. All Participants are advised to make necessary changes in their back-office system. [ NSDL/POLICY/2023/0186]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0186-Policy-Standardization_of_File_Formats.pdf

MCXCCL issues circular for Release of Collaterals on Date of Settlement of Running Account of Client�s Funds

The Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited issues circular for Release of Collaterals on Date of Settlement of Running Account of Client�s Funds. [MCX/MCXCCL/945/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/december/circular-945-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=e9679991_0

MCXCCL issues circular for Cash Release towards Funds Pay-in Obligations

The Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited issues circular for Cash Release towards Funds Pay-in Obligations. [MCX/MCXCCL/947/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/december/circular---947-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=1c659991_0

CPCB issues circular regarding Guidelines on Management of Pyro-metallurgical Slags (Iron & Steel Slags)

The Central Pollution Control Board issues circular regarding Guidelines on Management of Pyro-metallurgical Slags (Iron & Steel Slags).
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Effective Date :


Source : https://cpcb.nic.in/openpdffile.php?id=TGF0ZXN0RmlsZS80MDBfMTcwMzg0ODIzMV9tZWRpYXBob3RvMTI0MjkucGRm

CPCB issues circular regarding Harmonization of Classification of lndustrial Sectors INto Red, Orange, Green and White Categories, regarding Tyre Pyrolysis Oil (TPO) industries

The Central Pollution Control Board issues circular regarding Harmonization of Classification of lndustrial Sectors INto Red, Orange, Green and White Categories, regarding Tyre Pyrolysis Oil (TPO) industries. All SPCBs/PCCs are directed to adopt and implement the categorization of Tyre Pyrolysis Oil (TPO) industries.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://cpcb.nic.in/openpdffile.php?id=TGF0ZXN0RmlsZS8zOTlfMTcwMzg0ODE4Nl9tZWRpYXBob3RvMTUzMS5wZGY=

Ministry of Communications notifies date on which the provisions of the Jan Vishwas (Amendment Of Provisions) Act, 2023 relating to the Indian Post Office Act, 1898, shall come into force

The Ministry of Communications in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 1 of the Jan Vishwas (Amendment Of Provisions) Act, 2023, hereby appoints the 29th December as the date on which the provisions of the said Act, in so far as it relates to serial number 2 and the entries thereto in the Schedule to the said Act, relating to the Indian Post Office Act, 1898, shall come into force. [F. No. 27-1/2021-PO]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1154.pdf

Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Press and Registration of Periodicals Act, 2023

The Ministry of Law and Justice notifies the Press and Registration of Periodicals Act, 2023. It extends to the whole of India. It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. [NO. 51 OF 2023]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1155.pdf

Ministry of Heavy Industries notifies amendment to the Guidelines for the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Automobile and Auto Component

The Ministry of Heavy Industries notifies amendment to the Guidelines for the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Automobile and Auto Component. [F. No. 12(11)/2020-AEI (21370)]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1156.pdf

Ministry of Heavy Industries notifies amendment to the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Automobile and Auto Component

The Ministry of Heavy Industries notifies amendment to the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Automobile and Auto Component. [F. No. 12(11)/2020-AEI (21370)]
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1157.pdf

Government of Karnataka notifies the Karnataka Motor Vehicles Taxation (Second Amendment) Act, 2023

The Government of Karnataka notifies the Karnataka Motor Vehicles Taxation (Second Amendment) Act, 2023. It shall come into force with effect from 01-01-2024. [34 OF 2023]
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Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2023/6654.pdf

Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare notifies the Insecticides (Seventh Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare in exercise of the powers conferred by section 36 of the said Act, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Insecticides Rules, 1971, namely the Insecticides (Seventh Amendment) Rules, 2023. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. [F. No. 13035/19/2019-PP-I]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1158.pdf

Ministry of Law and Justice notifies The translation in Hindi of various Acts

The Ministry of Law and Justice notifies The translation in Hindi of various Acts.
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Source : https://www.ricago.com/assets/front/base/file/file_management/1159.pdf

ESIC notifies Creation of Sub-Domain for all ROs - SROs - ESIC Hospitals and Medical Institutions under www.esic.gov.in

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Creation of Sub-Domain for all ROs - SROs - ESIC Hospitals and Medical Institutions under www.esic.gov.in. All field offices, ESIC hospitals & medical institutions are hereby requested to populate/update/upload and maintain the web pages of their respective independent website by 03.02.2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/a9d354bb63ff1af92e275f77af2fc2a8.pdf

SEBI notifies FAQs on the Corporate Bond market

The Securities and Exchange Board of India notifies FAQs on the Corporate Bond market.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/sebi_data/faqfiles/jan-2023/1674793029919.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Encouraging more retail investors to participate in voting on motions moved by Listed Companies

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Encouraging more retail investors to participate in voting on motions moved by Listed Companies. All members are advised to ensure submission on or before February 02, 2023. [10/2023 ]
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Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/COMP55409.pdf

BSE issues notice for Generating Awareness on Availability of Dispute resolution mechanism at Stock Exchanges against Listed Companies/Registrar to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents (RTAs)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Generating Awareness on Availability of Dispute resolution mechanism at Stock Exchanges against Listed Companies/Registrar to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents (RTAs). All Listed companies and their respective RTA’s are requested to take note and comply accordingly. [20230130-18]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230130-18

BSE issues press release for T+1 settlement cycle kickstarts in the Indian stock market

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues press release for T+1 settlement cycle kickstarts in the Indian stock market.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/marketinfo/DispMediaRels.aspx?page=9d18af88-0c59-4858-94cc-55220d7684af

MCXCCL issues Circular for Monitoring Mechanism for Intraday Short Allocation

The Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited issues Circular for Monitoring Mechanism for Intraday Short Allocation. Members and their clients/ constituents are requested to take note of revised implementation date. [MCXCCL/C&S/023/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/january/circular-051-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=379ace91_0

MSE issues Circular for Early Pay-in of funds

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Early Pay-in of funds. All Members are advised to take note of the same and ensure strict compliance. [MSE/INSP/12951/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.msei.in/SX-Content/Circulars/2023/January/Circular-12951.pdf

MSE issues Circular for Display of Details of Client Bank Accounts on Website

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Display of Details of Client Bank Accounts on Website. Members are advised to take note of the above and implement the provisions of the circular by March 15, 2023. [MSE/INSP/12954/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.msei.in/SX-Content/Circulars/2023/January/Circular-12954.pdf

MoEFCC notifies E-Waste (Management) Amendment Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change in exercise of powers conferred by sections 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 read with sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, hereby makes the following rules to amend the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022, namely the E-Waste (Management) Amendment Rules, 2023. [F. No. 12/136/2021-HSMD]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243285.pdf

Municipal Council Kullu, Himachal Pradesh notifies Municipal Council Kullu (Property Taxation) Bye-laws, 2022

The Municipal Council Kullu, Himachal Pradesh in exercise of the power conferred by section 65 (1) read with section 2 (33-a) of the Himachal Pradesh Municipal Act, 1994, hereby notifies Municipal Council Kullu (Property Taxation) Bye-laws, 2022. [NLG /Bye-Laws/2023-111-112]
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Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/445-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Punjab notifies Punjab Ground Water Extraction and Conservation Directions, 2023

The Government of Punjab in exercise of powers conferred under section 15 (2) of the Punjab Water Resources (Management and Regulation) Act, 2020 hereby notifies Punjab Ground Water Extraction and Conservation Directions, 2023. [75340/PWRDA-PWRDOGENL/37/2021-PWRDA-BR/418]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/446-jan-2023.pdf

PFRDA issues circular for Guidelines on Know Your Customer / Anti-Money Laundering / Combating the Financing of Terrorism

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development authority issues circular for Guidelines on Know Your Customer / Anti-Money Laundering / Combating the Financing of Terrorism. Entities registered as Point of Presence (PoP) are required to comply with the requirements of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 as per Regulation 15 of the PFRDA (Point of Presence) Regulations, 2018. [PFRDA/2023/05/REG-POP/02]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pfrda.org.in/myauth/admin/showimg.cshtml?ID=2492

NSE issues Circular for Short Allocation of Collaterals

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Short Allocation of Collaterals. Members are requested to take note of the same. [0037/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT55381.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Maintaining Capital Cushion

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Maintaining Capital Cushion. Members are requested to take note of the same. [0039/2023 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT55394.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Additional mode of settlement for trades executed on the Request for Quote (RFQ) platform

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Additional mode of settlement for trades executed on the Request for Quote (RFQ) platform. [0007/2023 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT55400.pdf

BSE issues notice for T+1 Settlement Number and Funds settlement in equity cash segment

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for T+1 Settlement Number and Funds settlement in equity cash segment. Members and Custodians are requested to refer existing ICCL_EQ_FNL_FOBLCM_mmmm_ddmmyyy.csv and Standardize Final Obligation file ICCL_CM_memcode_FOBG02_DDMMYYYY.csv file to arrive at their fund obligations. [20230127-9]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230127-9

BSE issues notice for Daily submissions of Holding Statement and Bank Balances

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Daily submissions of Holding Statement and Bank Balances. All members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [20230127-8]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230127-8

BSE issues notice for Segregation and Monitoring of Collateral at Client Level - Penalty mechanism for Short Allocation

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Segregation and Monitoring of Collateral at Client Level - Penalty mechanism for Short Allocation. Members may please note that implementation of penalty for short allocation (on maximum amount of short allocation based on EOD well as intraday basis) would be implemented from trade date February 13, 2023 instead of February 01, 2023. [20230126-1]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230126-1

NSE issues Circular for Excess STT Retained

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Excess STT Retained. [1/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/FATAX55386.pdf

BSE issues notice for Standard Operating Process under SEBI(PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (“SDD”) in general segment

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Standard Operating Process under SEBI(PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (“SDD”). All Listed companies are requested to take note and comply accordingly. [20230125-33]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230125-33

BSE issues notice for Standard Operating Process under SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (SDD) in equity segment

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Standard Operating Process under SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (SDD). All Listed companies are requested to take note and comply accordingly. [20230125-9 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230125-9

BSE issues notice for Encouraging more retail investors to participate in voting on motions moved by Listed Companies

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Encouraging more retail investors to participate in voting on motions moved by Listed Companies. Trading Members are advised to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [20230125-2]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230125-2

NSE issues Circular for Display of Details of Client Bank Accounts on Website

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Display of Details of Client Bank Accounts on Website. Members are advised to take note of the above and implement the provisions of the circular by March 15, 2023. [10/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP55402.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t International Electrotechnical Vocabulary and Methods of Sampling and Test and Information Technology

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./578/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243216.pdf

Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Co-Generation and Generation of Electricity from Renewable Sources of Energy) (Revision-II) Regulations 2021 (First Amendment) [ARG-33 (II)(i) of 2023

The Government of Madhya Pradesh in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 61(h), 86 (1)(e) read with section 181(1) and section 181(2)(zp) of the Electricity Act 2003 hereby makes the following regulation to amend the Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Co-Generation and Generation of Electricity from Renewable Sources of Energy) (Revision-II) Regulations 2021 [RG-33(II) of 2021 namely the Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Co-Generation and Generation of Electricity from Renewable Sources of Energy) (Revision-II) Regulations 2021 (First Amendment) [ARG-33 (II)(i) of 2023.
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State :

Madhya Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/429-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Punjab notifies Punjab State Sand and Gravel Mining Policy, 2023

The Government of Punjab notifies Punjab State Sand and Gravel Mining Policy, 2023. This policy shall come into force with immediate effect. [PB/POLICY/2023/349]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/430-jan-2023.pdf

Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority notifies real estate agent training and certification

The Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority notifies real estate agent training and certification. [41 /2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/431-jan-2023.pdf

Real Estate Regularity Authority, Bihar issued an order regarding the imposition of penalty on promoters who have not submitted Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) on time

The Real Estate Regularity Authority, Bihar issues an order regarding the imposition of penalty on promoters who have not submitted Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) on time. The promoters are mandated to upload the Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) of each registered project within fifteen (15) days from the expiry of each quarter. The QPR needs to be uploaded on the web page of the registered project. [25]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/432-jan-2023.pdf

Real Estate Regularity Authority, Bihar issued an order regarding uploading the completion certificate

The Real Estate Regularity Authority, Bihar issues an order regarding uploading the completion certificate. This has come into force on January 23, 2023. [O.O. No. 26]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/433-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies Madhya Pradesh Stores Purchase and Services Procurement Rules 2022

The Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies Madhya Pradesh Stores Purchase and Services Procurement Rules 2022 to further amend the Madhya Pradesh Stores Purchase and Services Procurement Rules 2015. [F 9-20/2021/1-73]
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State :

Madhya Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/434-jan-2023.pdf

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution notifies Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Amendment (Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1)read with clauses (j) and (q) of sub-section (2) of section 52 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011, namely the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Amendment (Amendment) Rules, 2023. [F. No. I-10/22/2021-W&M]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243267.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Tri Party Repo Market (TRM) Platform – Settlement Calendar for February 2023

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Tri Party Repo Market (TRM) Platform – Settlement Calendar for February 2023. Members are requested to transfer securities for Tri Party Repo Market (TRM) Platform settlement based on the given details using Settlement mode as ‘On-market’. [0006/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT55364.pdf

NSE issues Circular for CBRICS – Settlement Calendar for February 2023

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for CBRICS – Settlement Calendar for February 2023. Participants/Custodians are requested to transfer securities for CBRICS settlement based on the given details using Settlement mode as ‘On-market’. [0005/2023 ]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT55363.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Client due diligence

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Client due diligence. Members are advised to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [16/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INVG55347.pdf

SEBI notifies Analysis of Profit and Loss of Individual Traders dealing in Equity F&O Segment

The Securities and Exchange Board of India notifies Analysis of Profit and Loss of Individual Traders dealing in Equity F&O Segment.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/reports-and-statistics/research/jan-2023/study-analysis-of-profit-and-loss-of-individual-traders-dealing-in-equity-fando-segment_67525.html

SEBI issues press release for underlines the need for analysis and disclosure of risks of trading in F&O

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues press release for underlines the need for analysis and disclosure of risks of trading in F&O. [02/2023]
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3wI2Gbr

RBI issues a Press Release for Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on February 04, 2023 (February 05, 2023 being Sunday) (SGB 2016-17 Series I)

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme - Redemption Price for premature redemption due on February 04, 2023 (February 05, 2023 being Sunday) (SGB 2016-17 Series I). [2022-2023/1629]
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1629A52BF60B3A854A19B18E754FF265AFA9.PDF

EPFO notifies Re-examination of cases of pension on Higher Wages, of employees who had retired upto 1 September 2014 without exercising any option

"The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation" notifies Re-examination of cases of pension on Higher Wages, of employees who had retired upto 1 September 2014 without exercising any option under Para 11(3) of pre-amended EPS’95, in light of directions contained in Para 44(ix) read with Para 44(v) and (vi) of Hon’ble Supreme Court judgement dt. 04.11.2022 in the matter of Special Leave Petition (C) No. 8658-8659 of 2019.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/391-jan-2023.pdf

EPFO notifies declaration of Productivity Linked Bonus for the employees

"The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation" notifies declaration of Productivity Linked Bonus for the employees. [WSU/25(1)/2003/PLB/Vol.II/15771]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2022-2023/WSU25-1-2003PLBVol%20II-15771.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies three local holidays on the day of the Parbhani district boundary for the year 2023

The Government of Maharashtra notifies three local holidays on the day of the Parbhani district boundary for the year 2023. [P13]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/390-jan-2023.pdf

ESIC issues Circular regarding no delay in payment of pension, family pension, and gratuity in the event of retirement/death of the employee

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation issues Circular regarding no delay in payment of pension, family pension, and gratuity in the event of retirement/death of the employee.
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/cee9520ea5a3399b42a9fbff24525aeb.pdf

ESIC notifies medical benefit extended to the families of insured persons in the entire area of Thiruvallur district in the State of Tamil Nadu

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation in pursuance of powers conferred by Section 46 (2) of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, read with Regulation 95-A of the Employees’ State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, the Director General has fixed the 01/01/2023 as the date from, which the medical benefit as laid down in the said Regulation 95-A and the Tamil Nadu Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1955 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in the entire area of Thiruvallur district (in addition to the already notified areas in the districts) in the State of Tamil Nadu. [Advt. III/4/Ext./581/2022-23]
Change Type :


State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243278.pdf

ESIC notifies medical benefit extended to the families of insured persons in the entire area of “Chamba, Kullu, Hamirpur, Kinnaur and Lahaul & Spiti” district in the State of Himachal Pradesh

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation in pursuance of powers conferred by Section 46 (2) of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, read with Regulation 95-A of the Employees’ State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 the Director General has fixed the 01/01/2023 as the date from, which the medical benefit as laid down in the said Regulation 95-A and the Himachal Pradesh Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1977 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in the entire area of “Chamba, Kullu, Hamirpur, Kinnaur and Lahaul & Spiti” district in the State of Himachal Pradesh. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./582/2022-23]
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State :

Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243252.pdf

ESIC notifies medical benefit extended to the families of insured persons in the entire area of Sehore, Shajapur and Guna in the State of Madhya Pradesh

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation in pursuance of powers conferred by Section 46 (2) of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, read with Regulation 95-A of the Employees’ State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 the Director General has fixed the 01/01/2023 as the date from, which the medical benefit as laid down in the said Regulation 95-A and the Madhya Pradesh Employees' State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1954 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in the entire area of Sehore, Shajapur and Guna (in addition to the already notified areas in the districts) in the State of Madhya Pradesh. [Adv III/4/Exty/583/2022-23]
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State :

Madhya Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243246.pdf

MOLE notifies Implementation of the ESI Act in all the areas of Chhindwara and Singrauli district in the State of Madhya Pradesh

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 hereby appoints the 1st day of February, 2023, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act shall come into force in all the areas of Chhindwara and Singrauli districts, in addition to the already notified areas of the said districts, in the State of Madhya Pradesh. [F. No. S-38013/18/2022-SS-I]
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State :

Madhya Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243194.pdf

MOLE notifies Implementation of the ESI Act in all the areas of Aizawl district in the State of Mizoram

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by y sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 hereby appoints the 1st day of February, 2023, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act shall come into force in all the areas of Aizawl district, in addition to the already notified areas of the said district, in the State of Mizoram. [F. No. S-38013/02/2023-SS-I]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243195.pdf

CBIC notifies Amendment to Instruction No 18/2022-Customs dated 12.08.2022, Instruction No 30/2022-Customs dated 14.11.2022 and Instruction No 32/2022-Customs dated 28.11.2022 regarding extension of Requirement of Health Certificate accompanied with the import of food consignments

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs notifies Amendment to Instruction No 18/2022-Customs dated 12.08.2022, Instruction No 30/2022-Customs dated 14.11.2022 and Instruction No 32/2022-Customs dated 28.11.2022 regarding extension of Requirement of Health Certificate accompanied with the import of food consignments. The difficulties, if any, in the implementation of this instruction may please be brought to the notice of the board. [04/2023- Customs]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1000459/ENG/Instructions

CBIC notifies Cancellation of swapping order w.r.t. 8th & 9th Reallocation of Export Quota for export during Sugar Season 2022-23 and holding of export quota

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs notifies Cancellation of swapping order w.r.t. 8th & 9th Reallocation of Export Quota for export during Sugar Season 2022-23 and holding of export quota. It is requested that necessary actions may be taken to sensitize officers under your jurisdiction for compliance of the given order of DFPD. [03/2023- Customs]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1000458/ENG/Instructions

Government of Haryana notifies to regulate the price of Sugarcane

The Government of Haryana notifies to regulate the price of Sugarcane
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/427-jan-2023.pdf

MOP notifies Electricity (Promoting Renewable Energy Through Green Energy Open Access) Amendment Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (z) of sub-section (2) of section 176 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following rules, to amend the Electricity (Promoting Renewable Energy Through Green Energy Open Access) Rules, 2022, namely the Electricity (Promoting Renewable Energy Through Green Energy Open Access) Amendment Rules, 2023. [F. No. 23/09/2021-R&R]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243266.pdf

Government of Uttarakhand notifies fines in respect to violation of ban on plastic

The Government of Uttarakhand notifies fine levied if the violation of rules relating to the ban on plastic. [2110(4)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/425-jan-2023.pdf

NCCL issues Circular for Segregation and Monitoring of collateral at Client Level and penalty mechanism for Short allocation

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues a Circular for Segregation and Monitoring of collateral at Client Level and penalty mechanism for Short allocation. Members are requested to take note of the same. [NCCL/CLEARING-005/2023 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3Y9SeVY

MCX issues Circular for Change in frequency of submission for Holding Statement and Bank Account Balances

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Change in frequency of submission for Holding Statement and Bank Account Balances. Members are advised to take note of the above and comply with applicable regulatory requirements. [MCX/INSP/044/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/january/circular-044-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=8e4ccd91_0

CDSL notifies modification in cyber security and cyber resilience framework for depository participants

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies modification in cyber security and cyber resilience framework for depository participants. DPs are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [CDSL/AUDIT/DP/POLICY/2023/58]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/422-jan-2023.pdf

CDSL notifies T+1 settlement cycle in equity segment

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies T+1 settlement cycle in equity segment. DPs are hereby directed to disseminate the aforesaid information to their TM / CM / Trading clients and ensure that the suitable back-office related changes where applicable. [CDSL/OPS/DP/SETTL/2023/57]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/420-jan-2023.pdf

CDSL notifies providing UCC details mandatorily for pay-in transactions

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies providing UCC details mandatorily for pay-in transactions. DPs are hereby directed to disseminate the aforesaid information / requirements / guidelines to their TM / CM / Trading clients to help them to understand and comply with the guidelines in accordance with the SEBI guidelines and ensure that the suitable backoffice related changes where applicable are implemented before the release of the aforesaid functionality. [CDSL/OPS/DP/SETTL/2023/60]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/421-jan-2023.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Amendments to Business Rules of NSDL w.r.t Transmission of Securities

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Amendments to Business Rules of NSDL w.r.t Transmission of Securities. All Issuers / R&T Agents are requested to take note of the same. [NSDL/CIR/II/04/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/04_Circular_for_Amendments_to_Business_Rules_of_NSDL_w.r.t_Transmission_of_Securities.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Implementation in respect of Pay-in validations

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Implementation in respect of Pay-in validations. Participants are requested to take note of the same and inform their TMs/CMs/Clients suitably. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0012]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0012-Policy-Implementation_in_respect_of_Pay-in_validations.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Changes in pay-in time for NSE and BSE settlements

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Changes in pay-in time for NSE and BSE settlements. It is advisable that all instructions relating to Pay-in are executed in the eDPM system well before the aforementioned NSDL deadline time. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0011]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0011-Policy-Changes_in_pay-in_time_for_NSE_and_BSE_settlements.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Change in deadline time for submission of pay-in instructions on SPEED-e

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Change in deadline time for submission of pay-in instructions on SPEED-e. Participants must ensure that all the instructions submitted by the Clients / Clearing Members within the aforesaid deadline time are duly executed in the eDPM well before the NSDL deadline time. [NSDL/SPEED-e/POLICY/2022/0001]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0001-SPEED-e-Policy-Change_in_deadline_time_for_submission_of_pay-i....pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Non availability of Inter Depository transfer instructions on Trading Holidays

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Non availability of Inter Depository transfer instructions on Trading Holidays. Participants are requested to take note of the same. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0010]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0010-Policy-Non_availability_of_Inter_Depository_transfer_instructions_on_Trading_Holidays.pdf

BSE issues notice for Early Pay-in of funds

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Early Pay-in of funds. All Members are advised to take note of the same and ensure strict compliance. [20230127-39]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230127-39

BSE issues notice for Filing of announcements in XBRL format on BSE listing centre

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Filing of announcements in XBRL format on BSE listing centre. All listed entities would be required to submit the filings in XBRL mode within 24 hours of submission of the said PDF filing. [20230127-37]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230127-37

BSE issues notice for Display of Details of Client Bank Accounts on Website

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Display of Details of Client Bank Accounts on Website. Members are advised to take note of the above and implement the provisions of the notice by March 15, 2023. [20230127-42]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230127-42

BSE issues notice for Revised Guidelines for Bidding in Offer for Sale (OFS) Segment

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Revised Guidelines for Bidding in Offer for Sale (OFS) Segment. Trading Members/ Custodians and Seller(s) i.e. Promoter(s)/ Promoter Group entities/ Non-Promoter Shareholder(S) are requested to contact following Exchange officials for any further clarifications. [20230127-14]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230127-14

NSE issues Circular for Early Pay-in of funds

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Early Pay-in of funds. All Members are advised to take note of the same and ensure strict compliance. [09/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP55401.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Application Programming Interface (API) for daily submission of Holding Statement and Bank Balances

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Application Programming Interface (API) for daily submission of Holding Statement and Bank Balances. All Members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [08/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP55380.pdf

ESIC notifies Qualitative and timely disposal of Public Grievances on CPGRAMS Portal

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Qualitative and timely disposal of Public Grievances on CPGRAMS Portal.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/4026e266a750dfde3562abfd0746bd37.pdf

GSTN notifies Advisory on facility of ‘Initiating Drop Proceedings’ of Suspended GSTINs due to Non-filing of Returns

The Goods and Services Tax Network notifies Advisory on facility of ‘Initiating Drop Proceedings’ of Suspended GSTINs due to Non-filing of Returns.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.gst.gov.in/newsandupdates/read/568

MOLE notifies Implementation of the ESI Act in all the areas of Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, Bhandara, Washim, Gadchiroli and Beed districts in the State of Maharashtra

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 hereby appoints the 1st day of February, 2023, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act shall come into force in all the areas of Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, Bhandara, Washim, Gadchiroli and Beed districts, in addition to the already notified areas of the said districts, and in all the areas of Latur, Osmanabad and Parbhani districts, in the State of Maharashtra. [F. No. S-38013/03/2023-SS-I]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243184.pdf

MOLE notifies Implementation of the ESI Act in all the areas of Kendrapara district in the State of Odisha

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 hereby appoints the 1st day of February, 2023, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act shall come into force in all the areas of Kendrapara district, in addition to the already notified areas of the said district, in the State of Odisha. [F. No. S-38013/13/2022-SS-I]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243185.pdf

ESIC notifies Onboarding ESIC on Jeevan Pramaan Portal for Digital Life Certificate

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Onboarding ESIC on Jeevan Pramaan Portal for Digital Life Certificate. ESIC pension disbursing field units are requested to provide the information as per proforma enclosed in respect of Pensioners/ Family Pensioners including Pensioners/family Pensioners transferred to the Unit as on 31J2.2022. [4-40/1 2/JeevanPramaan/2019 A/Cs lV]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/707a12cea4d9b7362eacb2a12bf3f31c.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Daily submissions of bank balances by Clearing Members

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Daily submissions of bank balances by Clearing Members. Members are advised to make necessary developments at their end and ensure preparedness to comply with the requirement. [05/2023 ]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPL55352.pdf

BSE issues notice for settlement programme for the currency derivatives segment for the period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for settlement programme for the currency derivatives segment for the period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023. [20230124-10]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230124-10

BSE issues notice for trading and settlement programme for corporate debt segment for the period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for trading and settlement programme for corporate debt segment for the period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023. [20230124-11]
Change Type :


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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230124-11

BSE issues notice for trading and settlement programme for basket repo & special repo segment for the period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for trading and settlement programme for basket repo & special repo segment for the period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023. [20230124-12]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230124-12

BSE issues notice for trading and settlement programme for institutional trading platform (itp) - sme segment for period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for trading and settlement programme for institutional trading platform (itp) - sme segment for period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023. [20230124-13]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230124-13

BSE issues notice for trading and settlement programme for mutual fund segment for the period 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for trading and settlement programme for mutual fund segment for the period 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023. MFI’s and their Investors are requested to check the same in scheme master available on BSE Star MF Platform. [20230124-14]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230124-14

NSDL issues Circular for Amendment to Business Rules of NSDL w.r.t DDPI, Block Mechanism and Validation of Pay-in of Securities

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Amendment to Business Rules of NSDL w.r.t DDPI, Block Mechanism and Validation of Pay-in of Securities. Participants are requested to take note of the aforesaid and ensure compliance. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0008]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3WvZY3j

NCDEX issues Circular for Advisory for Financial Sector regarding Software as a Service based solutions

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Advisory for Financial Sector regarding Software as a Service based solutions (Half Yearly from July 2022 to December 2022). Members are requested to take note of the same and arrange for compliance with the requirements specified in the said Circular. [NCDEX/RISK-001/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3HrUORo

NCCL issues Circular for Scheme of deposit for acceptance of Mutual Fund Units as collateral

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues a Circular for Scheme of deposit for acceptance of Mutual Fund Units as collateral. Members and participants are requested to note the same. [NCCL/RISK-004/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Scheme_of_deposit_for_acceptance_of_Mutual_Fund_Units_as_Collateral_24012023_1674562749.pdf

NCCL issues Circular for Scheme of deposit for acceptance of Government Securities, Treasury Bills and Sovereign Gold Bonds as Collateral

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues a Circular for Scheme of deposit for acceptance of Government Securities, Treasury Bills and Sovereign Gold Bonds as Collateral. Members and participants are requested to note the above. [NCCL/RISK-005/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Scheme_of_deposit_for_acceptance_of_Goverment_Securities_Treasury_Bills_&_Sovereign_Gold_Bonds_as_Collateral_24012023_1674562799.pdf

Government of Assam notifies additional fee and levy for online transport contactless facilities under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988

The Government of Assam in exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 32 and 81 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 read with section 28, 38 and 65 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 hereby notifies additional fee and levy for online transport contactless facilities. [E-112866/205]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/375-jan-2023.pdf

Municipal Council Nalagarh, Himachal Pradesh Municipal Council Nalagarh (Property Taxation) Bye-laws, 2023

The Municipal Council Nalagarh, Himachal Pradesh in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 65 (1) read with Section 2(33-2) of the Himachal Pradesh Municipal Act, 1994 hereby notifies Municipal Council Nalagarh (Property Taxation) Bye-laws, 2023. [MCN /Bye-Laws/2022]
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State :

Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/376-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Intra-State Open Access in Madhya Pradesh) Regulations, (Revision-I) 2021 (First Amendment)

The Government of Madhya Pradesh in exercise of the powers conferred by section 61(h), 86(1)(e), read with section 181 (1) and section 181(2)(zp) of the Electricity act 2003 hereby makes the following regulation to amend the Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Co-Generation and Generation of Electricity from Renewable Sources of Energy (Revision-II) Regulation 2021 hereby notifies Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Intra-State Open Access in Madhya Pradesh) Regulations, (Revision-I) 2021 (First Amendment). [MPERC/2023/161]
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State :

Madhya Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/377-jan-2023.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Methods of Test for Rubber and Plastics and Medical Textiles

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./575/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243188.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Agro Textiles

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./576/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243189.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Textiles and Medical Textiles

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./577/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/243190.pdf

Government of Assam notifies One Time Settlement (OTS) scheme

The Government of Assam notifies One Time Settlement (OTS) scheme. As per the Scheme, on the voluntary offer of a vehicle to a Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility (RVSF) for scrapping, 75% of the total outstanding arrear dues/liabilities (MV tax, fitness fine etc.) against the vehicle shall be waived off. [E-194696/50]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/357-jan-2023.pdf

Municipal Corporation Mandi, Himachal Pradesh notifies “Municipal Corporation, Mandi (Control and Regulation of Construction and Demolition waste) Bye-laws,2022

The Municipal Corporation Mandi, Himachal Pradesh in exercise of the power conferred by Section 395 of the Himachal Pradesh Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 hereby notifies “Municipal Corporation, Mandi (Control and Regulation of Construction and Demolition waste) Bye-laws,2022. [MC/MND2022-39922-22]
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State :

Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/356-jan-2023.pdf

Municipal Corporation Mandi, Himachal Pradesh notifies Municipal Corporation, Mandi Outdoor Advertisement Bye-laws 2022

The Municipal Corporation Mandi, Himachal Pradesh in exercise of the power conferred by Section 395 of the Himachal Pradesh Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 hereby notifies Municipal Corporation, Mandi Outdoor Advertisement Bye-laws 2022. [MC/MND2022-39926-27]
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State :

Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/355-jan-2023.pdf

Municipal Corporation Mandi, Himachal Pradesh notifies Door to Door Garbage Collection & Disposal Bye laws – 2022

The Municipal Corporation Mandi, Himachal Pradesh in exercise of the power conferred by Section 395 of the Himachal Pradesh Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 hereby notifies Door to Door Garbage Collection & Disposal Bye laws – 2022. [MC/MND2022-39919-20]
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State :

Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/354-jan-2023.pdf

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution notifies Declaration of mandatory information on the outer retail package

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution notifies Declaration of mandatory information on the outer retail package. In the interest of consumers it may be ensured that the MRP, net quantity and date of expiry/ use by date (wherever applicable) is declared on the outer pack of all the packages, packed inside the combination/group/multi piece/gift package, required under Rule 6 and Rule 14 of the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011. [I-10/ 02/ 2023-W&M]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3DxBboX

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution notifies declaration of net quantity of edible oil, etc. without temperature

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution notifies the declaration of net quantity of edible oil, etc. without temperature. That there is no requirement/ provision of mentioning the temperature on the packages of edible oil etc. The timeline for declaring the net quantity of edible oils etc. without mentioning temperature is extended for six months, considering the request of the industries to exhaust the unutilized packaging material. [10/27/2021-W&M]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3HsZxCC

DGFT issues Circular for Implementation of Paper Import Monitoring System (PIMS) –Clarification

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade issues Circular for Implementation of Paper Import Monitoring System (PIMS) –Clarification. [45/2015-20]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://content.dgft.gov.in/Website/dgftprod/7bbd57b7-5398-4cc3-ae8b-9640911b594a/Policy%20Circular%20No-45%20-%20PIMS.pdf

FSSAI notifies Misleading products in market in same name of "Ghee/Butter"

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India notifies Misleading products in market in same name of "Ghee/Butter". It is requested to immediately check the labels of such products being manufactured and/or sold under the jurisdiction including on online platforms/websites and take enforcement actions against such FBOs who are selling such plant based products as ghee. Butter etc.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2023/01/63cf4a03a7b7border.pdf

MPCB issues Circular regarding Consent Processing

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board issues Circular regarding Consent Processing.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://mpcb.gov.in/sites/default/files/standing_orders/Circular%20Reg%20SRO%20Submission0001.pdf

BSE issues notice for Nomination for Mutual Fund Unit Holders - Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Nomination for Mutual Fund Unit Holders – Update. All members using third party vendor solutions and/or in-house developed trading application are hereby requested to take note of the same and arrange to initiate necessary development at their end. [20230123-11]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230123-11

NSE issues Circular for Market Data - Consolidated Circular

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Market Data - Consolidated Circular. Members may refer the following annexures for access details and setup required on their systems in order to receive the market data broadcast. [03/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/MSD55333.pdf

RBI notifies ‘Fully Accessible Route’ for Investment by Non-residents in Government Securities – Inclusion of Sovereign Green Bonds

The Reserve Bank of India under Section 45W of Chapter IIID of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 hereby notifies ‘Fully Accessible Route’ for Investment by Non-residents in Government Securities – Inclusion of Sovereign Green Bonds. [RBI/2022-23/169]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT16999126030CDD14DA2BCA52780EF1D4AE4.PDF

RBI notifies Safe Deposit Locker/Safe Custody Article Facility provided by banks

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Safe Deposit Locker/Safe Custody Article Facility provided by banks. Banks are advised to facilitate execution of the fresh/supplementary stamped agreements with their customers by taking measures such as arranging stamp papers, franking, electronic execution of agreement, e-stamping, etc. and provide a copy of the executed agreement to the customer. [RBI/2022-23/168]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NOTI1683F47E470AC724A759FDF7F57DDFE77C5.PDF

RBI notifies amendments in the Notification DNBR (PD-ARC) No. 05/ ED(SS)-2017 dated April 28, 2017

The Reserve Bank of India in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 hereby makes the following amendments in the Notification DNBR (PD-ARC) No. 05/ ED(SS)-2017 dated April 28, 2017 with immediate effect. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./571/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242166.pdf

MCA notifies Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Amendment Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 396, 398, 399, 403 and 404 read with sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014, namely the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Amendment Rules, 2023. [F. No.01/16/2013 CL-V (Pt-l)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/dms/getdocument?mds=zFrQ4gUbxyNedgbfFLKcdw%253D%253D&type=open

MCA notifies Nidhi (Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 406 read with sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013 hereby makes the following rules, further to amend the Nidhi Rules, 2014, namely the Nidhi (Amendment) Rules, 2023. [F. No. 5/28/2020-CL-VII]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242165.pdf

Government of Puducherry issues order for Mandating submission of application for Licences or renewal of such Licences under The CLRA Act In Puducherry

The Government of Puducherry issues order for mandated online filing of applications for obtaining and renewing licenses under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970. [4654/CIF &B/B5/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/341-jan-2023.pdf

ESIC notifies Filing of contribution in respect of employees who are on ESI leave

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Filing of contribution in respect of employees who are on ESI leave. It may brought to their attention that the number of days during which the employees are paid ESI leave salary should be excluded when the number of days are entered against such employees and regarding the amount of salary the corresponding salary paid by the employer only to be entered in the online portal against the name of these employees.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/340-jan-2023.pdf

MEITY issues press release for Obtain residents’ informed consent before conducting Aadhaar authentication

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology issues press release for Obtain residents’ informed consent before conducting Aadhaar authentication. The REs are responsible for submitting the Aadhaar number and demographic/ biometric OTP information to the Central Identities Data Repository for the purpose of authentication.
Change Type :

Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1892991

Government of Haryana notifies under the scheme ‘Haryana Gramin Udyogik Vikas Yojna'

The Government of Haryana notifies under the scheme ‘Haryana Gramin Udyogik Vikas Yojna' with incorporation of the definition of Power Generating Set. [25/05/2020-4IBI]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/358-jan-2023.pdf

BSE issues notice for Temporary discontinuation of STP/AMC STP & SWP on BSE StAR MF platform - Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Temporary discontinuation of STP/AMC STP & SWP on BSE StAR MF platform – Update. Members are hereby informed that, SWP registrations shall be enabled with effect from January 20, 2023. Members are requested to note that the existing process of SWP authentication at the time of authentication shall stand revised. Authentication shall be carried out at the time of first order generation of the SWP Registration. [20230121-1]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230121-1

NSDL issues Circular for Amendments to Bye Laws and Business Rules of NSDL in respect of Corrigendum to Master Circular for Depositories dated February 05, 2021

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Amendments to Bye Laws and Business Rules of NSDL in respect of Corrigendum to Master Circular for Depositories dated February 05, 2021. Participants are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0005]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3Wx99Ae

CDSL notifies nomination for eligible demat accounts

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies nomination for eligible demat accounts. DPs are advised to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2023/49]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/330-jan-2023.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Gazette Notifications - Updates in Section 35(1)(a) and 2(1)(m) of UAPA, 1967

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Gazette Notifications - Updates in Section 35(1)(a) and 2(1)(m) of UAPA, 1967. Members are advised to take note of the same and ensure compliance in this regard. [NCDEX/COMPLIANCE-003/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3QZY4GW

DGFT Issue notice for Amendments in Chapter 5 of the Handbook of Procedures, 2015-20 - One time relaxation from maintenance of Average Export Obligation and extension in Export obligation period for specified EPCG Authorisations

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of powers conferred under Paragraphs 1.03 and 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, hereby issue notice for Amendments in Chapter 5 of the Handbook of Procedures, 2015-20 - One time relaxation from maintenance of Average Export Obligation and extension in Export obligation period for specified EPCG Authorisations. [53/2015-2020]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242120.pdf

IBBI issues Order in the matter of Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, RVO

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India issues Order in the matter of Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, under rule 17 of the Companies (Registered Valuers & Valuation) Rules, 2017. [IBBI/Valuation/RVO/04/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ibbi.gov.in/uploads/order/951ffe2767f822b53cf3219f1df7674a.pdf

DOT notifies Instructions to migrate Existing license / authorization to Saral Sanchar Portal

The Department of Telecommunications notifies Instructions to migrate Existing license / authorization to Saral Sanchar Portal. Instructions are hereby issued herein under Clause 15.1 of Internet Service Provider (ISP) License / Clause 16.1 of the Unified License for mandatory compliance of the following (if not done already) latest within 30 calendar days of issue of this letter. [DS-28/1/2020-DS-III]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/Instructions%20dated%2020-01-2023%20to%20ISPs%20for%20Migrations.pdf?download=1

Ministry of Coal notifies the different grades of lignite based on appropriate energy efficiency parameter

The Ministry of Coal in n exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 18 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act,1957 read with rule 3 of the Colliery Control Rules, 2004, hereby prescribes that the different grades of lignite based on appropriate energy efficiency parameter, like Gross Calorific Value (GCV) or any other characteristic parameter of lignite as may be deemed necessary. [F. No. 34011/02/2016-CRC-I]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242130.pdf

EPFO notifies verification of establishments availing benefit of PMGKY Scheme

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation notifies verification of establishments availing benefit of PMGKY Scheme.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/309-jan-2023.pdf

MOHFW notifies Food Safety and Standards (First Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in exercise of the powers conferred by section 91 of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Food Safety and Standards Rules, 2011, namely the Food Safety and Standards (First Amendment) Rules, 2022. [F. No.P.15025/13/2019-FR]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242131.pdf

MOHFW issues Order for Aadhar Authentication Services of the purpose of Licensing/Registration of Food Business Operators

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in exercise of the powers conferred by rule 5 of the Aadhaar Authentication for Good Governance (Social Welfare, Innovation, Knowledge) Rules, 2020 read with sub-clause(ii) of clause (b) of sub-section (4) of section 4 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 hereby issues Order for Aadhar Authentication Services of the purpose of Licensing/Registration of Food Business Operators. [F. No. P.15025/139/2021-FR]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242104.pdf

Ministry of Commerce and Industry issues Press Release for EPCG Scheme Relaxed for Sectors Affected by COVID-19 Pandemic

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry issues Press Release for EPCG Scheme Relaxed for Sectors Affected by COVID-19 Pandemic. The scheme aims to encourage the production of goods for export by providing import duty concessions on capital goods. The EPCG scheme is administered by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and is governed by the Foreign Trade Policy of India.
Change Type :

Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1892586

MHA notifies Strict compliance of the provisions of Flag Code of India, 2002 and the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971

The Ministry of Home Affairs notifies Strict compliance of the provisions of Flag Code of India, 2002 and the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mha.gov.in/sites/default/files/FlagRepublicdayE_19012023.pdf

MCA notifies Companies (Accounts) Amendment Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-sections (1) and (3) of section 128, sub-section (3) of section 129, section 133, section 134, sub-section (4) of section 135, sub-section (1) of section 136, section 137 and section 138 read with section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, namely the Companies (Accounts) Amendment Rules, 2023. [F. No. 1/19/2013-CL-V-Part III]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242155.pdf

MCA notifies Companies (Authorised to Register) Amendment Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 164, sub-section (1) of section 466, section 367 and section 374 read with sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Companies (Authorised to Register) Rules, 2014, namely the Companies (Authorised to Register) Amendment Rules, 2023. [F. No. 1/35/2013-CL-V]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242156.pdf

MCA notifies Companies (Miscellaneous) Amendments Rules,2023

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred under section 455, sub-section (2) of section 459 and sub-section (1) of section 464 read with section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Companies (Miscellaneous) Rules, 2014 namely the Companies (Miscellaneous) Amendments Rules,2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/dms/getdocument?mds=jLOhNY%252F5Oyn3AHEbkASjzw%253D%253D&type=open

MCA notifies Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Amendment Rules,2023

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred under second proviso to sub-section (1), sub-section (4), clause (f) of sub-section (6) of section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules 2014, namely the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Amendment Rules,2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/dms/getdocument?mds=5gAUSA0m%252FLmgaQtCZdCS2Q%253D%253D&type=open

MCA notifies Companies (Registration of Foreign Companies) Amendment Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (c) and clause (h) of sub-section (1) and sub-section (3) of section 380, clause (a) of sub-section (1) and (3) of section 381, section 285, clause (a) of section 386, section 389 and section 390, read with section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Companies (Registration of Foreign Companies) Rules, 2014 namely the Companies (Registration of Foreign Companies) Amendment Rules, 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/dms/getdocument?mds=I%252BqRIYKj010C%252FMRB138x1g%253D%253D&type=open

MCA notifies Companies (Prospectus and allotment of securities) Amendment Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred under section 26, sub-section (1) of section 27, section 28, section 29, sub-section (2) of section 31, sub-section (3) and (4) of section 39, sub-section (6) of section 40 and section 42 read with section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Companies (Prospectus and allotment of securities) Rules, 2014 namely the Companies (Prospectus and allotment of securities) Amendment Rules, 2023
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/dms/getdocument?mds=gg%252FD8LfPtLA%252Bim1AxzsJxA%253D%253D&type=open

MCA notifies Companies (Incorporation) Amendment rules 2023

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred under section 3, section 4,sub-sections (5) and (6) of section 5, section 6, sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 7, sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 8, clauses (a) ard (b) of sub-section (1) of section 11, sub-sections (2), (3), (a), (5) and (9) of section 12, sub-sections (3), (a) and proviso to sub-section (5) of section 13, sub-section (2) of section 14, sub-section (1) of section 17, sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 20 read with sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014, namely the Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2023. [File No. 1/13/2013-CL-V, Vol.IV]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/dms/getdocument?mds=%252B2chuXzJhqM06syQwotdiw%253D%253D&type=open

MCA notifies Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Amendment Rules,2023

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (4) of section 196, sub-section (5) of section 197, sub-section (12) of section 197, section 200, sub-section (1) of section 198, sub-section (1) of section 203, sub-section (1) of section 204 and sub-section (1) of section 205 read with sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 , namely the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Amendment Rules, 2023. [File No.1/05/2013-CL-V]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/dms/getdocument?mds=6XC9rgq54o9lS3oET1BtYg%253D%253D&type=open

MCA notifies Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Amendment Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 42, sub-clause (ii) of clause (a) of 43, sub-clause(d) of sub-section (1) of section 54, sub-section (2) of section 55 of the Companies Act, 2013 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 namely the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Amendment Rules, 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/dms/getdocument?mds=%252BMu3w53AFpZ0lGDqnPK8Kw%253D%253D&type=open

MCA notifies Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment rules 2023

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and (2) of section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules 2014 namely the Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment rules 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/dms/getdocument?mds=s0XJJkiIBK4BjXId1NuEkA%253D%253D&type=open

RBI issues a Press Release for Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme- Redemption Price for premature redemption due on January 27, 2023 (January 28, 2023 being a holiday) (Series II of SGB 2017-18)

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme- Redemption Price for premature redemption due on January 27, 2023 (January 28, 2023 being a holiday) (Series II of SGB 2017-18). [2022-2023/1587]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1587SGBDA8492BD28824E8EA3964379717A30AE.PDF

RBI notifies FAQ on The Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021

The Reserve Bank of India notifies FAQ on The Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021. These FAQs provide information on RB-IOS, 2021 and related aspects.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/FAQView.aspx?Id=153

SEBI issues press release for introducing Information database and Repository on Municipal Bonds

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues press release for introducing Information database and Repository on Municipal Bonds. [01/2023]
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/media/press-releases/jan-2023/sebi-introduces-information-database-and-repository-on-municipal-bonds_67408.html

NSE issues Circular for Guidelines for Net Settlement of Capital Market segment and Futures & Options (F&O) segment upon expiry of stock derivatives

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Guidelines for Net Settlement of Capital Market segment and Futures & Options (F&O) segment upon expiry of stock derivatives. Members are requested to take note of the same. [031/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT55328.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Changes in pay-in time of Auction normal to 8:00 am

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Changes in pay-in time of Auction normal to 8:00 am. This shall be applicable from 30th January 2023. [028/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT55298.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Guidelines for Net Settlement of Capital Market segment and Futures & Options (F&O) segment upon expiry of stock derivatives

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Guidelines for Net Settlement of Capital Market segment and Futures & Options (F&O) segment upon expiry of stock derivatives. Members are requested to take note of the same. [008/2023 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT55330.pdf

BSE issues notice for Segregation and Monitoring of Collateral at Client Level- Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Segregation and Monitoring of Collateral at Client Level- Update. Members are hereby requested to note the following. [20230120-19]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230120-19

BSE issues notice for Two-Factor Authentication for Subscription transactions in units of Mutual Funds on BSE StAR MF Platform – Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Two-Factor Authentication for Subscription transactions in units of Mutual Funds on BSE StAR MF Platform – Update. All members are requested to update the Email/Mobile number in the registered UCC. [20230120-47 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230120-47

Government of Maharashtra notifies Maharashtra Telecom Infrastructure Guidelines for Urban Local Bodies 2022

The Government of Maharashtra notifies Maharashtra Telecom Infrastructure Guidelines for Urban Local Bodies 2022. These instructions shall apply to the whole of the State of Maharashtra and shall be implemented by all Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils, and the appropriate authorities mentioned in the Telecom Infrastructure Policy 2022.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/299-jan-2023.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Changes in pay-in timing of SLB first leg to 8:00 am

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Changes in pay-in timing of SLB first leg to 8:00 am. Members desirous of availing the facility of direct pay-out to clients’ accounts shall be required to upload the client direct pay-out (CPD) files by 7.30 a.m. [006/2023 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPT55283.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies One Time Settlement scheme

The Government of Maharashtra notifies One Time Settlement scheme. It states that the pending arrears in cases of public water supply and street lights the One Time Settlement scheme shall be implemented for recovery of those arrears.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/308-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies implementation of the ‘Mission Shakti’ Scheme issued by the Central Government

The Government of Maharashtra notifies implementation of the ‘Mission Shakti’ Scheme issued by the Central Government. The Mission Shakti aims to provide all women and girls, including differently-abled, socially and economically marginalized and vulnerable groups, in need of care and protection, with short-term and long-term services and information for their holistic development and empowerment. [Miscellaneous 2022/P. No. 307/Work-2]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/307-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Punjab notifies Electronic Media Advertising Policy – 2023

The Government of Punjab notifies Electronic Media Advertising Policy – 2023 to secure the widest possible coverage of the intended content or message of the Government of Punjab through advertising via Electronic Media at the rates approved by the Department of Information and Public Relations (DIPR), Punjab or the Bureau of Outreach and Communication (BOC). This Policy will be valid for 3 years from the date of Issue. [I/488302/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/306-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies amendment to the Toddy Policy Guidelines 2022-2027

The Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies amendment to the Toddy Policy Guidelines 2022-2027. The disability certificate shall be given by Prohibition & Excise Department after due diligence as per existing rules. [G.O.Ms.No.21, Revenue (Excise)]
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State :

Andhra Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/305-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Karnataka notifies Karnataka Land Revenue (Third Amendment) Act, 2022

The Government of Karnataka notifies the Karnataka Land Revenue (Third Amendment) Act, 2022.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2023/5182.pdf

Government of Karnataka notifies Karnataka Private Medical Establishments (Amendment) Act, 2022

The Government of Karnataka notifies the Karnataka Private Medical Establishments (Amendment) Act, 2022.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2023/5181.pdf

TRAI notifies Compliance of various provisions of the Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable) Services (Eighth) (Addressable Systems) Tariff (Third Amendment) Order, 2022

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India notifies Compliance of various provisions of the Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable) Services (Eighth) (Addressable Systems) Tariff (Third Amendment) Order, 2022. The Authority has observed that quite a few DPOs have not submitted the information confirming compliance to the Tariff Amendment Order and accordingly, all such DPOs, who have not declared tariff as per the provisions of Tariff Amendment Order, are directed to comply with the provisions of the Tariff Amendment Order and report compliance to the Authority immediately. [RG-8/1/(I)/2023-B ANDCS(1AND3)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.trai.gov.in/sites/default/files/Compliance_19012023.pdf

IRDAI issues Circular for Guidelines on Insurance claims of victims of Subsidence and Landslides in the calamity affected areas in the State of Uttarakhand

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues Circular for Guidelines on Insurance claims of victims of Subsidence and Landslides in the calamity affected areas in the State of Uttarakhand. It is requested to take urgent steps for expeditious settlement of claims in the affected areas and maintain the details of the same. [IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/21/01/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://irdai.gov.in/web/guest/document-detail?documentId=2074587

IRDAI issues Circular for Clarification on Classification of Shares issued by virtue of demerger to Insurance companies

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues Circular for Clarification on Classification of Shares issued by virtue of demerger to Insurance companies. It is clarified that the dividend criteria applicable to the “Demerged Company” shall be reckoned for the purpose of classification of investment, in equity shares and preference shares in Resulting Investee Company(s)”, as “Approved investment” or “Other Investment”, for initial two financial years. [IRDAI/F&I/CIR/INV/20/1/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://irdai.gov.in/web/guest/document-detail?documentId=2057425

MoEFCC issues Press Release for shifting of industries to PNG/ cleaner fuels and use of coal stands completely banned in the entire NCR

No content
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1892190

MCX issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t V Money

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t an entity named, V Money, operating through mobile numbers 8965808080 and 8435808080, is providing illegal trading platform (Dabba Trading) through a website www.vmoneypro.com and misusing the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. (MCX) Brand name. Participation on such illegal platforms is at the investor’s own risk, cost and consequences as such illegal trading platforms are not regulated by SEBI, the regulatory authority.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3iN8MUG

MCX issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t ‘GOLDMASTER’

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t an entity named ‘GOLDMASTER’ or “Gold-Masters” is running websites www.mcx-master-gold.com & www.mcx-mastergold.com, offering various investment schemes with assured returns and are misusing the Multi Commodity Exchange of India (MCX)’s name and trademark. Participation on such illegal platforms is at the investor’s own risk, cost and consequences as such illegal trading platforms are not regulated by SEBI, the regulatory authority.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3D1X0fW

MCX issues Circular for Advisory for Financial Sector Organizations regarding Software as a Service (SaaS) based solutions (Half Yearly from July 2022 to December 2022)

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Advisory for Financial Sector Organizations regarding Software as a Service (SaaS) based solutions (Half Yearly from July 2022 to December 2022). Members are requested to take note of the same, ensure compliance with the requirements specified in the circular and submit annexure II on letterhead with stamp and signature on email id customersupport@mcxindia.com. [MCX/TECH/035/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3iOWv1X

MCA notifies availability of Company Incorporation forms for filing purposes in V2 till 21st January

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs notifies Stakeholders that Company Incorporation forms (Spice + Part A, Part B & RUN) will be available for filing purposes in V2 till 21st January 00:00 Hrs. These forms will be enabled on V3 portal from 23rd January 2023 00:00 Hours. Remaining 46 forms will also be available for filing purposes in V3 from 23rd January 2023 00:00 Hours.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/content/dam/mca/configurations/new-forms-20221226.pdf

CDSL notifies Demat Debit and Pledge instruction (DDPI)

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Demat Debit and Pledge instruction (DDPI). DPs are requested to note that all the transactions being executed through easiest which are being submitted by CMs should mandatorily contain the Electronic transaction Flag. [CDSL/OPS/DP/SYSTM/2023/43]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/294-jan-2023.pdf

Government of West Bengal issues Circular for the West Bengal Minimum Wages

The Government of West Bengal issues circular for the minimum rates of wages effective from 1st January 2023 to 30th June 2023. [02/Stat/2RW/9/2022/LCS /JLC]
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State :

West Bengal

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/274-jan-2023.pdf

CDSL notifies CDSL’s DP Training Programme

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies CDSL’s DP Training Programme. DPs who wish to nominate their staff/officials for training, are advised to do online registration for the programme at our CDSL website and submit payment through NEFT, in favour of Central Depository Services (India) Ltd. [CDSL/OPS/DP/TRANG/2023/37]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/281-jan-2023.pdf

SEBI notifies Securities and Exchange Board of India (Change in Control in Intermediaries) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred by section 30 read with clauses (b) and (ba) of sub-section (2) of section 11, section 12 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of 1992) and section 25 of the Depositories Act, 1996 hereby notifies Securities and Exchange Board of India (Change in Control in Intermediaries) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./567/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242059.pdf

SEBI notifies Securities and Exchange Board of India (Stock Brokers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 hereby makes the following regulations to amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Stock Brokers) Regulations, 1992, namely the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Stock Brokers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./568/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242040.pdf

SEBI notifies Securities and Exchange Board of India (Settlement Proceedings) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 15JB of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, Section 23JA of the Securities Contracts (Regulation)Act, 1956 and Section 19-IA of the Depositories Act, 1996 read with Section 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, Section 31 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 and Section 25 of the Depositories Act, 1996 hereby makes the following regulations to further amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Settlement Proceedings) Regulations, 2018, namely the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Settlement Proceedings) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./570/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242039.pdf

SEBI notifies Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred by section 11, sub-section (2) of section 11A and section 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with section 31 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 hereby makes the following regulations to further amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, namely the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./569/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242038.pdf

Government of Jammu and Kashmir notifies revision of rate of interest on General Provident Fund (GPF)

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir notifies the revision in the rate of interest of the General Provident Fund (GPF). The rate of interest is 7.1 % (Seven points one percent) per annum during the period from January 01, 2023, to March 31, 2023. [11-F of 2023]
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State :

Jammu and Kashmir

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/276-jan-2023.pdf

ESIC notifies Annual Preventive Health Check-up Programme for ESI Insured Persons/Insured Women aged 40 years and above

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Annual Preventive Health Check-up Programme for ESI Insured Persons/Insured Women (IPs/IW) aged 40 years and above. A special cell must be set up for smooth execution, supervision, and functioning of various activities under the programme from January 16, 2023. [V-14/11/5/2012/Med.I(Policy)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/8a9d22042a15cfb6828689f5b84029d1.pdf

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for UT of Jammu & Kashmir and UT of Ladakh (Fees, Fines and Charges) Regulations, 2023

The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (g) of sub-Section (1) of Section 86 read with Section 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following Regulations, namely the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for UT of Jammu & Kashmir and UT of Ladakh (Fees, Fines and Charges) Regulations, 2023. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./551/2022-23]
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State :

Jammu and Kashmir

Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242060.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Textiles and Methods of Test for Rubber and Plastics

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./564/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242041.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Agro Textiles

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.III/4/Exty./561/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242044.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to the notification under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby makes the following amendment to the notification of Government of India under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./566/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242043.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Information Technology

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./565/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242042.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Household and Similar Electrical Appliances

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./562/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242037.pdf

MORTH notifies Central Motor Vehicles (First Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (4) of section 59 and clause (p) of section 64 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 hereby makes the following rule further to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 namely the Central Motor Vehicles (First Amendment) Rules, 2023. [F. No. RT-23013/1/2021-T]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242033.pdf

DOT notifies Order passed by Hon’ble Telecom Dispute Settlement & Appellate Tribunal-TDSAT filed by COAI and other Telecom operators Vs Uol

The Department of Telecommunications notifies Order dated 30-10-2018 passed by Hon’ble Telecom Dispute Settlement & Appellate Tribunal-TDSAT in Petition No 500-2014 filed by COAI and other Telecom operators Vs Uol w.r.t the excess amount arising from the closed demands.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/Order_6.pdf?download=1

DGFT Issue notice for Amendments in Para 4.42 of the Handbook of Procedures 2015-2020

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 1.03 and 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020, hereby notifies amendments in the provisions of Para 4.42 of the Handbook of Procedures 2015-2020. [52/2015-2020]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242068.pdf

Ministry of Commerce and Industry issues Press Release for simplifying Composition Fee for Export Obligation Extension under Advance Authorization Scheme

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry issues Press Release for simplifying Composition Fee for Export Obligation Extension under Advance Authorization Scheme. By simplifying the calculations for Composition Fee, the DGFT is working towards this objective by making the process more efficient and easier to understand for exporters. This will ultimately lead to trade facilitation and ease of doing business.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1891995

MSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [MSE/SURV/12907/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/268-jan-2023.pdf

RBI notifies Implementation of Section 51A of UAPA, 1967: Updates to UNSC’s 1267/ 1989 ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List: Addition of 1 entry

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Implementation of Section 51A of UAPA, 1967: Updates to UNSC’s 1267/ 1989 ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List: Addition of 1 entry. REs are advised to take note of the aforementioned UNSC communications and ensure meticulous compliance. [RBI/2022-23/167]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/CIRCULARUAPA196704EFC059740F42EFB62954FEEEAC0707.PDF

SEEPZ-Special Economic Zone, Mumbai- Maharashtra issues circular for Mandatory providing crèche facility to female workers in factory/unit in Maharashtra SEZ

The SEEPZ-Special Economic Zone, Mumbai- Maharashtra as per the Maharashtra Shops and Establishment (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 2017 issues circular for Mandatory providing crèche facility to female workers in factory/unit in Maharashtra SEZ.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/256-jan-2023.pdf

Government of West Bengal issues Circular for revision of minimum rate of wages for various scheduled employments

The Government of West Bengal issues Circular for the minimum rates of wages for the employees employed in the following 30 (thirty) Scheduled Employments in the state of West Bengal shall be effective in the period from 1st January 2023 to 30th June 2023. [122/Stat/5/RW/12/2022/LCS/JLC]
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State :

West Bengal

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/257-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Rajasthan issues Circular for the rate of interest of the General Provident Fund (GPF) and other similar funds like C.P.F

The Government of Rajasthan issues circular regarding the rate of interest of the General Provident Fund (GPF) and other similar funds like C.P.F. The rate of interest is 7.1 % (Seven point one per cent) per annum during the period from January 01, 2023, to March 31, 2023. [F.21(5)/FWM/2007]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/258-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Karnataka issues Press Note for extension of contribution payment date for the calendar year 2022

The Government of Karnataka issues Press Note for extension of contribution payment date for the calendar year 2022. The last date is extended upto 31-01-2023 for payment of contribution through online.
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Press Note

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Effective Date :


Source : https://klwb.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/contribution%20extended.pdf

ESIC issues Circular for Revision in monthly automatic limit and transfer of fund

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation issues Circular for Revision in monthly automatic limit and transfer of fund. All the accounting units are hereby advised to submit the fixed monthly proposal followed by hard copy.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/f940d3a2c86b55a4f81750c76948f02d.pdf

GSTN notifies Advisory on taxpayers facing issue in filing GSTR-3B

The Goods and Services Tax Network notifies Advisory on taxpayers facing issue in filing GSTR-3B. The TRAN filing window has already been closed. Hence, such taxpayers are advised to raise a ticket on GST Grievance Portal giving consent that their TRAN filing status may be reset by GSTN.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.gst.gov.in/newsandupdates/read/567

NSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non-Promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non-Promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [40/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/262-jan-2023.pdf

BSE issues notice for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media platforms - Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media platforms – Update. Market participants may note that Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media framework shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time. [20230117-36]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230117-36

BSE issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20230117-41]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230117-41

NSDL issues Circular for Nomination for Eligible Trading and Demat Accounts

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Nomination for Eligible Trading and Demat Accounts. Participants are requested to take note of the same and ensure complianc [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0001]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0001-Policy-Nomination_for_Eligible_Trading_and_Demat_Accounts.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Changes in respect of Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Client account in NSDL DPM system

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Changes in respect of Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Client account in NSDL DPM system. Participants are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0002]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3CWDGAI

MOHFW issues press release for COVID19 - Myth vs. Facts

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare issues press release for COVID19 - Myth vs. Facts. Media reports claiming admission of ‘multiple side-effects of COVID19 vaccines’ by ICMR and CDSCO officials are ill-informed and erroneous
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Press Note

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1891777

NSDL issues Circular for Amendments to Business Rules of NSDL w.r.t Transmission of Securities

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Amendments to Business Rules of NSDL w.r.t Transmission of Securities. Participants are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [NSDL/POLICY/2023/0003]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/2023-0003-Policy-Amendments_to_Business_Rules_of_NSDL_w_r_t_Transmission_of_Securities.pdf

Government of Punjab notifies Advertisement Policy 2023

The Government of Punjab notifies Advertisement Policy 2023. The objective of this policy is to secure the widest possible coverage of the intended content or message through Print Media via advertisements. [PR I/490784/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/272-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Madhya Pradesh notifies amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Bhu-Rajasva Sanhita (Vividh) Niyam, 2020

The Government of Madhya Pradesh in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clause (Lxi) and clause (Lxii) of sub-section (2) of section 258 read with section 240 and 241 of the Madhya Pradesh Land Revenue Code, 1959 hereby notifies amendment in the Madhya Pradesh Bhu-Rajasva Sanhita (Vividh) Niyam, 2020. [2-6-2019-VII-7]
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State :

Madhya Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/271-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Bihar notifies Bihar Municipal (Amendment) Act, 2022

The Government of Bihar notifies Bihar Municipal (Amendment) Act, 2022. It shall come into force from the date of its publication in the official gazette.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/270-jan-2023.pdf

DGFT Issue notice for Amendments in Para 2.79A of Handbook of Procedures for issue of export authorization for "Stock and Sale" of SCOMET items

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20, hereby makes amendments to Paragraph 2.79A (Stock and Sale) of the Handbook of Procedures (HBP) of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20, with immediate effect. [51/2015-2020]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242028.pdf

GSTN notifies Advisory on facility of ‘Initiating Drop Proceedings’ of Suspended GSTINs due to Non-filing of Returns

The Goods and Services Tax Network notifies Advisory on facility of ‘Initiating Drop Proceedings’ of Suspended GSTINs due to Non-filing of Returns.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.gst.gov.in/newsandupdates/read/566

NSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high promoter as well as non-promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high promoter as well as non-promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [36/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/245-jan-2023.pdf

BSE issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter �Encumbrance� as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter �Encumbrance� as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20230116-49]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230116-49

NSDL issues Circular for NSDL's Tax service � Facility for submission of documents for institutional investors to Issuers/RTAs for claiming NIL/low tax deduction from dividend income

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for NSDL's Tax service � Facility for submission of documents for institutional investors to Issuers/RTAs for claiming NIL/low tax deduction from dividend income. All R&T Agents are requested to inform their client issuers suitably. [NSDL/CIR/II/03/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3XyAHGC

CDSL notifies changes in DP57 and DP89 report

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies changes in DP57 and DP89 report. DPs are advised to take note of the same and incorporate necessary changes in their back-office software, if any. [CDSL/OPS/DP/SETTL/2023/28]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/248-jan-2023.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Amendments to the Bye laws pursuant to SEBI approval letter dated September 28, 2022

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Amendments to the Bye laws pursuant to SEBI approval letter dated September 28, 2022. Members and all market participants are required to note the same. [NCDEX/LEGAL/2022-23/36]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/NCDEX_Legal_Circular%20(16-01-2023)_1673865072.pdf

EPFO issue Order for Opening of Regional Office, Alwar

The Employees� Provident Fund Organisation issue Order for Opening of Regional Office, Alwar. This order shall come into force with effect from 13.01.2023. [HRD/44/2021/UPGRADATION/DO/ALWAR/727]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2022-2023/Office_order_13012023.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of the Finance Act, 2002 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022. [F. No. 354/15/2022-TRU]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/242002.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No.04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No.04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022. [F.No.354/15/2022-TRU]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1009614/ENG/Notifications

RBI notifies Master Direction � Reserve Bank of India (Acquisition and Holding of Shares or Voting Rights in Banking Companies) Directions, 2023

The Reserve Bank of India in exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 12, 12B, and 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 hereby notifies Master Direction � Reserve Bank of India (Acquisition and Holding of Shares or Voting Rights in Banking Companies) Directions, 2023. [RBI/DOR/2022-23/95]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/94MDAHSVRBC80A53F9E5D324A948540B84F580DE15F.PDF

NCDEX issues Circular for Discontinuation of Liquidity Enhancement Scheme in NCDEX Steel Long Futures

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Discontinuation of Liquidity Enhancement Scheme in NCDEX Steel Long Futures. Members are requested to take note of the same. [NCDEX/TRADING-003/2023 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Discontinuation%20of%20LES%20Scheme%20in%20Steel_Jan%2016%202023_vf_1673886143.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Liquidity Enhancement Scheme in Steel Futures Contracts

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Liquidity Enhancement Scheme in Steel Futures Contracts. The interested applicants for market maker role can submit their bids in the format specified from January 16, 2023 to January 17, 2023. [NCDEX/TRADING-004/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Circular_LES%20on%20Steel%20Futures%2016Jan2023_v3_1673886208.pdf

NCCL issues Circular for Format for reporting excess collateral with other CCs for Peak Short Allocation

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues a Circular for Format for reporting excess collateral with other CCs for Peak Short Allocation. Members are requested to take note of the same. [NCCL/CLEARING-002/2023 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Format_for_reporting_excess_collateral_with_other_CCs_for_Peak_Short_Allocation_16012023_1673880271.pdf

NCCL issues Circular for Standardization of file formats - Clearing and Settlement

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues a Circular for Standardization of file formats - Clearing and Settlement. Members are requested to take note of the same and advised to initiate necessary changes in their systems. [NCCL/CLEARING-003/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Standardization_of_file_formats_Clearing_and_Settlement_16012023_1673880063.pdf

RBI notifies Guidelines on Acquisition and Holding of Shares or Voting Rights in Banking Companies

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Guidelines on Acquisition and Holding of Shares or Voting Rights in Banking Companies. The contents of these Guidelines are applicable provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3H69btx

ESIC issues Circular for National Health Data Registries under Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission -ABDM

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation issues Circular for National Health Data Registries under Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission -ABDM.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/77e354f20e8b86f0ad93ec0878aac63b.pdf

EPFO notifies Nidhi Apke Nikat 2.0 – Expansion and strengthening of current program of Nidhi Apke Nikat

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation notifies Nidhi Apke Nikat 2.0 – Expansion and strengthening of current program of Nidhi Apke Nikat. All the offices are expected to implement it in letter and spirit to make its impact far reaching and meaningful. [55580/C&PR/2022/District_Camps]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2022-2023/55580C-PR2022District_Camps.pdf

MEITY notifies Incentive scheme for promotion of RuPay Debit Cards and low-value BHIM-UPI transactions (P2M)

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology notifies Incentive scheme for promotion of RuPay Debit Cards and low-value BHIM-UPI transactions (P2M). The Scheme is applicable to the Banks having operations in India and transactions done in India. [No. 24(1)/2020-DPD-Part(2)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241994.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Cheese

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./558/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241977.pdf

Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services, Karnataka notifies Monitoring the purchase of home based Covid 19 self test kits

The Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services, Karnataka notifies Monitoring the purchase of home based Covid 19 self test kits.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3iKgAX5

Government of Karnataka notifies Amendment to the Karnataka Special Investment Zone Act, 2022

The Government of Karnataka notifies Amendment to the Karnataka Special Investment Zone Act, 2022.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2023/5157.pdf

CEA notifies as International Cooperation and Coordination (IC&C) Division

The Co-ordination Division, Central Electricity Authority hereby renamed as International Cooperation and Coordination (IC&C) Division.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/235-jan-2023.pdf

IRDAI issues Circular for Sovereign Green Bonds (SGrBs)- Categorisation and Classification

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues Circular for Sovereign Green Bonds (SGrBs)- Categorisation and Classification. Investment in Sovereign Green Bonds shall be treated as �Investment in Infrastructure�.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://irdai.gov.in/web/guest/document-detail?documentId=1836032

FSSAI issues an Order for Manufacturers [including Pepacker and Relabellers] to upload or link mandatory Lab Testing Report [Six-monthly] on FoSCos

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India issues an Order for Manufacturers [including Pepacker and Relabellers] to upload or link mandatory Lab Testing Report [Six-monthly] on FoSCos. The last date for uploading/linking of the six monthly lab test report for the period April 2022 to September 2022 is 31st March 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2023/01/63c123ad24b17Order_Manufacturer.pdf

FSSAI issues notice for Import of High risk food products at specific ports

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India issues notice for Import of High risk food products at specific ports. [TIC-B05/5/2022-IMPORTS-FSSAI]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2023/01/63c14b169deebOrder_on.pdf

MoEFCC issues Press Release for Stage III of GRAP revoked with immediate effect in entire NCR as overall AQI improves

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change issues Press Release for Stage III of GRAP revoked with immediate effect in entire NCR as overall AQI improves. Various agencies responsible for implementing measures under GRAP and Pollution Control Boards (PCBs) of NCR and DPCC have also been advised to ensure strict implementation of actions of Stage-I and Stage-II under GRAP in the NCR to prevent deterioration of air quality.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1891419

BSE issues notice for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media platforms - Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media platforms � Update. Market participants may note that Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media framework shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time. [20230113-44]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230113-44

BSE issues notice for Daily submissions of Holding Statement and Bank Balances

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Daily submissions of Holding Statement and Bank Balances. All members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [20230113-13]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230113-13

NSE issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t Swaraj Takale, Sameer Narvekar and Neha Narvekar

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t person named Swaraj Takale, Sameer Narvekar and Neha Narvekar associated with entity named �Trade with Jazz�, operating through mobile number �8882015566� and �7507770749� & telegram channel �Trade with Jazz� are collecting funds from public by providing securities market tips and investment plans guaranteeing returns on the investment made.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://static.nseindia.com/s3fs-public/2023-01/PR_cc_13012023_1.pdf

NSE issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t Bhavika Patel

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t person named Bhavika Patel operating through mobile number �8866569092�, is offering to handle trading account of investor by asking investors to share their user ID and password and is guaranteeing returns.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://static.nseindia.com/s3fs-public/2023-01/PR_cc_13012023_2_0.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Consolidated Circular � Inspection Department

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Consolidated Circular � Inspection Department. Members are advised to take note of the same and comply with these norms, in letter and spirit, on a continuous basis. [04/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/226-jan-2023.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Application Programming Interface (API) for daily submissions of Holding Statement and Bank Balances

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Application Programming Interface (API) for daily submissions of Holding Statement and Bank Balances . All Members are advised to take note and comply. [03/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP55250.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Dummy Contracts in NSE Clearing Files

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Dummy Contracts in NSE Clearing Files. The change shall be effective from trade date January 16, 2023.[005/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CD55234.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Revised operating guidelines for Request for Quote (RFQ) platform

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Revised operating guidelines for Request for Quote (RFQ) platform. All market participants are requested to take note of the same. [02/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/223-jan-2023.pdf

SEBI issues Circular for Facility of conducting meetings of unit holders of REITs through Video Conferencing or Other Audio-Visual means

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 33 of SEBI (Real Estate Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014 hereby issues Circular for Facility of conducting meetings of unit holders of REITs through Video Conferencing or Other Audio-Visual means. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS_Div2/P/CIR/2023/13]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3IR9EC1

SEBI issues Circular for Facility of conducting meetings of unit holders of InvITs through Video Conferencing or Other Audio Visual means

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 33 of SEBI (Infrastructure Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014 hereby issues Circular for Facility of conducting meetings of unit holders of InvITs through Video Conferencing or Other Audio Visual means. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS_Div2/P/CIR/2023/14]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3GMCyAV

RBI notifies Formation of new district in the State of Sikkim – Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Formation of new district in the State of Sikkim – Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility. There is no change in the Lead Banks of the erstwhile district and of other districts in the state of Sikkim. [RBI/2022-23/165]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NOTI165576834676F6844AC8CCC4AFD367DC320.PDF

RBI notifies Formation of new district in the State of Arunachal Pradesh – Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Formation of new district in the State of Arunachal Pradesh – Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility. There is no change in the Lead Banks of the erstwhile district and of other districts in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. [RBI/2022-23/164]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT16426C83A65EC214BB294820F178800B30A.PDF

Ministry of Finance notifies exemption of Covid vaccine from basic Custom duty till 31st March, 2023

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 hereby exempts the goods of the description specified in column (3) of the Table below, falling within the Chapter, heading, sub–heading or tariff item of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975) specified in column (2) of the said Table, when imported into India by Central Government or State Governments, from the whole of the duty of customs leviable thereon under the said First Schedule. [F. No. CBIC-190354/66/2021-TO(TRU-I)-CBEC]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241933.pdf

UT. Of Chandigarh notifies facility of pick & drop for the employees in the jurisdiction of Chandigarh

The Union Territory Of Chandigarh in exercise of the powers vested with me under section 144 of the Cr.P.C., direct that all such organizations like B.P.O.s, Call Centres, Corporate Houses, Media Houses, companies, firms & other similar entities, having the facility of pick & drop for their employees and the transporters, security agencies, drivers & security guards attached/concerned with them, in the jurisdiction of Chandigarh.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/217-jan-2023.pdf

MOLE notifies to allow the Employees State Insurance Corporation to perform Aadhaar authentication

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in pursuance of the provisions of sub-clause (ii) of clause (b) of sub-section (4) of section 4 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 (18 of 2016) read with rule 5 of the Aadhaar Authentication for Good Governance (Social Welfare, Innovation, Knowledge) Rules, 2020, hereby notifies that the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation is allowed to perform Aadhaar authentication, on a voluntary basis, for identification of beneficiaries, using Yes or No option or eKYC authentication facility, for providing social security benefits including medical and cash benefits under the provisions of the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948. [F. No. R-19025/27/2022-SS-I]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241936.pdf

CBIC issues Circular for Clarifications regarding applicability of GST on certain services

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs issues Circular for Clarifications regarding applicability of GST on certain services. Difficulties, if any, in implementation of this circular may be brought to the notice of the Board. [190/02/2023-GST]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1003144/ENG/Circulars

CBIC issues Circular for Clarification regarding GST rates and classification of certain goods based on the recommendations of the GST Council in its 48th meeting held on 17th December, 2022

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs issues Circular for Clarification regarding GST rates and classification of certain goods based on the recommendations of the GST Council in its 48th meeting held on 17th December, 2022. Difficulty, if any, in the implementation of this circular may be brought to the notice of the Board. [189/01/2023-GST]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1003143/ENG/Circulars

MCA issues circular for Clarification on passing of Ordinary and special resolutions by the companies under the Companies Act, 2013

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs issues circular for Clarification on passing of Ordinary and special resolutions by the companies under the Companies Act, 2013 read with the rules made thereunder on account of COVID-19. [11/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/ebook/dms/getdocument?doc=MjMxNjgzNjA2&docCategory=Circulars&type=open

Government of Karnataka issues Press Note for extension of application date for Education assistance 2022-23

The Government of Karnataka issues Press Note for extension of application date for Education assistance 2022-23. The last date to submit application is extended upto 28-02-2023.
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Press Note

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://klwb.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/press%20note%20revised.pdf

Government of Karnataka notifies Karnataka Special Investment Region Act, 2022

The Government of Karnataka notifies the Karnataka Special Investment Region Act, 2022.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2023/5151.pdf

Government of Kerala notifies Kerala Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2022

The Government of Kerala notifies the Kerala Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2022. [No. Leg.H1/126/2022/Law.]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/210-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Kerala notifies Kerala Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Rules, 2023

The Government of Kerala in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (xiii) of subsection (2) of section 74 and clause (xxxiii) of sub-section (2) of section 96 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 hereby make the following rules further to amend the Kerala Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, namely the Kerala Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Rules, 2023. [G.O.(P) No.1/2023/Trans.]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/209-jan-2023.pdf

Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services, Karnataka notifies Advisory to General Public - Use of Home based Covid 19 self-test kits

The Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services, Karnataka notifies Advisory to General Public - Use of Home based Covid 19 self-test kits.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3QQLOIV

Government of Karnataka notifies Karnataka Stamp (Fourth Amendment) Act, 2022

The Government of Karnataka notifies Karnataka Stamp (Fourth Amendment) Act, 2022.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2023/5150.pdf

Government of Karnataka notifies Karnataka Land Revenue (Second Amendment) Act, 2022

The Government of Karnataka notifies Karnataka Land Revenue (Second Amendment) Act, 2022.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2023/5149.pdf

IRDAI issues Circular for Modifications of Surety Insurance Guidelines

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues Circular for Modifications of Surety Insurance Guidelines.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://irdai.gov.in/web/guest/document-detail?documentId=1772805

DGFT Issue notice for EODC online Monitoring System for Advance/EPCG Authorisations

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade Issue notice for EODC online Monitoring System for Advance/EPCG Authorisations. [24/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://content.dgft.gov.in/Website/dgftprod/f96f23bc-6046-4080-91c5-af398c1614e0/Trade%20notice%2024.pdf

FSSAI notifies Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) First Amendment Regulations, 2023

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (e) of sub-section (2) of section 92 read with section 16 of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 hereby makes the following regulations to amend the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011, namely the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) First Amendment Regulations, 2023. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./549/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241910.pdf

FSSAI issues an Order for Ease of Doing Business: Instant Renewal of License/Registration

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India issues an Order for Ease of Doing Business: Instant Renewal of License/Registration. FBOs are advised to apply for renewals as early as possible without waiting for the expiry date to avoid last minute rush and to avoid eventual penalty (due to expiry) in case of unavoidable online /portal related glitches on the day of expiry. [15(31)2020/FoSCoS/RCID/FSSAlptl-Part (4)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2023/01/63bfa4c0d8679FSSAI%20Order%20dated%2011-01-2023.pdf

State Pollution Control Board, Odisha issue notice for Dealers of Lead Acid Batteries, Producers, Consumers, Entities involved in collection, segregation and treatment of Waste Batteries, Refurbishers of Used Batteries and Recyclers of Waste Batteries

The State Pollution Control Board, Odisha issues notice for Dealers of Lead Acid Batteries, Producers (Manufacturers, Sellers and Importers of New and Refurbished Batteries), Consumers (End Users of Batteries), Public Management Authorities, Entities involved in collection, segregation and treatment of Waste Batteries, Refurbishers of Used Batteries and Recyclers of Waste Batteries. All the entities involved are required to obtain Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO).
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Effective Date :


Source : http://ospcboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/141-BATTER-PUBLIC-NOTICE.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Online Web based Complaint Redressal System

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Online Web based Complaint Redressal System. Members and their market participant are requested to take note of the contents of the circular [NCDEX/INVESTOR SERVICES-001/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/NCDEX_INVESTOR%20SERVICES-001_2023_1673523764.pdf

CDSL notifies DP operating instructions as of December – 2022 chapters & annexures

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies DP operating instructions as of December – 2022 chapters & annexures. DPs are advised to take note of the same. [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2023/2
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/199-jan-2023.pdf

SEBI issues Circular for Allowing stock exchanges to launch multiple contracts on the same commodity in commodity derivatives segment

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Allowing stock exchanges to launch multiple contracts on the same commodity in commodity derivatives segment. This Circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11 (1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/MRD/MRD-POD-1/P/CIR/2023/12]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3XdgLZZ

GSTN notifies Module wise new functionalities deployed on the GST Portal for taxpayers

The Goods and Services Tax Network notifies Module wise new functionalities deployed on the GST Portal for taxpayers.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.gst.gov.in/newsandupdates/read/564

GSTN notifies Advisory on “Initiating Drop Proceeding” by taxpayers

The Goods and Services Tax Network notifies Advisory on “Initiating Drop Proceeding” by taxpayers.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.gst.gov.in/newsandupdates/read/565

SEBI issues Circular for Participation of AIFs in Credit Default Swaps

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Participation of AIFs in Credit Default Swaps. This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/AFD/PoD/CIR/2023/15]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/jan-2023/participation-of-aifs-in-credit-default-swaps_67264.html

UT of Ladakh notifies list of holidays for the calendar year 2023

The Union Territory of Ladakh notifies a list of holidays for the calendar year 2023. [388-LA(GAD) of 2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/182-jan-2023.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Information Technology, Cards and Security Devices for Personal Identification and Radiological Protection

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [Adv.-III/Exty./536/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241888.pdf

MEITY issues press release for the incentive scheme for promotion of RuPay Debit Cards and low-value BHIM-UPI transactions (P2M)

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology issues press release for the incentive scheme for promotion of RuPay Debit Cards and low-value BHIM-UPI transactions (P2M). This incentive scheme will facilitate building of a robust digital payment ecosystem and promoting RuPay Debit Card and BHIM-UPI digital transactions.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1890314

FSSAI notifies Escalation matrix for raising grievances/queries to Central Licenses /Applications

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India notifies Escalation matrix for raising grievances/queries to Central Licenses /Applications.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2023/01/63be60bc6188420230111114427675.pdf

FSSAI issues an Order for Extension for compliance towards requirement of Health Certificate

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India issues an Order for Extension for compliance towards requirement of Health Certificate for import of milk & milk products, fish & fish products and pork & pork products. [TIC-20012/2/2021-IMPORTS-FSSAI (E-2475)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2023/01/63bea75f2315fExtension_Import.pdf

MCX issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t MCX Crude Oil Tips

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t an entity named MCX Crude Oil Tips operating through a mobile number 85111 18140 is providing illegal trading tips in MCX crude oil through a website http://mcxcrudeoiltips.co.in/ and misusing the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. (MCX) Brand name.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/media/pressreleases/english/2023/january/caution-for-investors-1.pdf?sfvrsn=197ac291_4

MCX issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t Parasnath Commodity

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t an entity named, Parasnath Commodity is providing illegal trading platform (Dabba Trading) and misusing the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. (MCX) Brand name through a website www.onlinemcxtrading.com and mobile numbers 8128124491, 8128124493, 9000025330, 9000025910 & 9891235275.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/media/pressreleases/english/2023/january/caution-for-investors-2.pdf?sfvrsn=1e7ac291_4

RBI notifies Operational Risk Management: Price / Yield range setting in e-Kuber

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Operational Risk Management: Price / Yield range setting in e-Kuber. All the market participants are, therefore, advised to utilize the “Price / Yield range setting” facility provided on the e-Kuber platform before placing bids in the Primary Market auctions. [RBI/2022-23/163]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT163069DB2F7854C4492911E60E342FB0884.PDF

ESIC issues Circular for State wise updated list of notified-non-notified districts under ESIC 2.0-Vision-2022 As on 01.01.2023

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation issues Circular for State wise updated list of notified-non-notified districts under ESIC 2.0-Vision-2022 As on 01.01.2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/b3e52f0b9850ce7b829074dab6b075eb.pdf

Government of Meghalaya notifies list of Holidays for the Govt. offices, all Revenue, and Magisterial Courts

The Government of Meghalaya notifies list of Holidays for the Govt. offices, all Revenue, and Magisterial Courts. [GAA.85/2022/76]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/184-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Jammu and Kashmir notifies List of holidays for the year 2023

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir notifies the List of holidays for the year 2023 these holidays shall be observed in all the Government offices and educational institutions of the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. [1596-JK(GAD) of 2022]
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State :

Jammu and Kashmir

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/183-jan-2023.pdf

CBIC issues Circular for Faceless Assessment –Standard Examination Orders through RMS -Phased implementation of Standardized Examination Orders through RMS

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs issues Circular for Faceless Assessment –Standard Examination Orders through RMS -Phased implementation of Standardized Examination Orders through RMS. Difficulties, if any in the implementation of the above Circular may be brought to the notice of the Board. [02/2023-Customs]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1003142/ENG/Circulars

ESIC notifies Extension of ESIC Pensioners' Medical Scheme, 2006

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Extension of ESIC Pensioners' Medical Scheme, 2006 benefits to the retired employees of NPS Subscriber and the family Members of the deceased employees under NPS Subscription in ESIC.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/c673e7a1ce3ffbbfca939d423a38c240.pdf

UT. of Lakshadweep notifies list of holidays FY 2023

The Union Territory of Lakshadweep notifies list of holidays FY 2023. [A/14/53/2022-COL/1427]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/163-jan-2023.pdf

MOLE notifies ESI coverage in all the areas of Ferozepur district in the State of Punjab

The Ministry of Labour & Employment in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 hereby appoints the 1st day of February, 2023, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act shall come into force in all the areas of Ferozepur district, in addition to the already notified areas of the said district, in the State of Punjab. [F. No. S-38013/14/2022-SS-I]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241854.pdf

MEITY issues press release for verification entities to adhere to Aadhaar usage hygiene

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology issues press release for verification entities to adhere to Aadhaar usage hygiene. Entities have been urged to ensure that no services are denied to any resident for refusing to or being unable to undergo offline verification of Aadhaar, provided the resident is able to identify himself/ herself through other viable alternatives.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1889996

Finance Department, West Bengal notifies 3 services to be provided only through Silpasathi Portal

The Finance Department, West Bengal notifies 3 services that will be provided exclusively through the State Single Window Silpasathi Portal. All applications are to be submitted online through this portal only with effect from January 01, 2023, instead of Department’s standalone online system. [10 – F.T]
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State :

West Bengal

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/179-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Tamil Nadu notifies amendments to the Tamil Nadu Combined Development and Building Rules, 2019

The Government of Tamil Nadu in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of section 32 and section 122 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 hereby notifies amendments to the Tamil Nadu Combined Development and Building Rules, 2019. [SRO A-A/2023]
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State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : http://www.stationeryprinting.tn.gov.in/extraordinary/2023/1_Ex_III_1a_2023.pdf

IRDAI issues Circular for IRDAI (Appointed Actuary) Regulations, 2022

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred under Regulation 12 of IRDAI (Appointed Actuary) Regulations, 2022 and under Section 14(2)(e) of IRDAI Act, 1999 hereby issues Circular for IRDAI (Appointed Actuary) Regulations, 2022. [IRDAI/ACTL/CIR/MISC/4/1/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/177-jan-2023.pdf

DOT notifies Nodal LSA for Inspection of ISP Licensees

The Department of Telecommunications notifies Nodal LSA for Inspection of ISP Licensees.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/Nodal%20LSA%20for%20ISP%20inspection.pdf?download=1

DOT notifies Nodal LSA and Schedule for Inspection of ILD/NLD Licensees

The Department of Telecommunications notifies Nodal LSA and Schedule for Inspection of ILD/NLD Licensees. [4-5/2022-DGT/4 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/Nodal%20LSA%20for%20ILD%20NLD%20inspection.pdf?download=1

FSSAI issues notice for Approval of Rapid Analytical Food Testing (RAFT) Kit/Equipment/Method bs FSSAI

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India in pursuance with the clause 2.4 of Food safety and Standards (Laboratory and Sample Analysis) Regulations, 2011 issues notice for Approval of Rapid Analytical Food Testing (RAFT) Kit/Equipment/Method bs FSSAI.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/advisories/2023/01/63bcf01a746b6RAFT_Notice.pdf

MSE issues Circular for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media. Market participants may note that Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media framework shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time. [MSE/SURV/12876/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/173-jan-2023.pdf

CDSL notifies Availability of CDSL system

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Availability of CDSL system. DPs are advised to note that due to maintenance activity, post EOD on Saturday, January 14, 2023, the Browser Based CDSL system and easi/easiest system will be available to users on Sunday, January 15, 2023, after 08:00 P.M. [CDSL/OPS/DP/SYSTM/2023/21]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/172-jan-2023.pdf

BSE issues notice for Charges for not uploading the IML/BOLT TWS/BOLT PLUS Location information for the month of December 2022

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Charges for not uploading the IML/BOLT TWS/BOLT PLUS Location information for the month of December 2022. The Trading members are advised to ensure strict compliance and upload the IML/BOLT TWS/BOLT PLUS terminal location details to the Exchange before punching the orders from the said location. [20230110-47]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230110-47

BSE issues notice for Change in no. of price point information in EMDI market data broadcast stream in Commodity Derivatives and EGR segment

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Change in no. of price point information in EMDI market data broadcast stream in Commodity Derivatives and EGR segment. Trading members and empanelled vendors of the Exchange are requested to take note of the same and ensure that their systems are able to handle this change. [20230110-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230110-23

NSE issues Circular for Retention of Application Forms by intermediaries for IPO issuances

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Retention of Application Forms by intermediaries for IPO issuances. Trading Members, Syndicate Members, Sub-Syndicate Members/Other Intermediaries, and Self-Certified Syndicate Banks (SCSBS) are advised to comply with the aforementioned provision of the SEBI Circular dated June 28, 2019. [01/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/169-jan-2023.pdf

NSE issues Circular for MFSS - Settlement Calendar for FEB 2023

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for MFSS - Settlement Calendar for FEB 2023. It is hereby notified that the Clearing Corporation will observe the settlement schedules for FEB 2023 as per the annexure given. [0013/2023 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/168-jan-2023.pdf

SEBI issues Circular for Introduction of future contracts on Corporate Bond Indices

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Introduction of future contracts on Corporate Bond Indices. This circular is being issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. SEBI/HO/MRD/MRD-PoD-3/P/CIR/2023/11
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/jan-2023/introduction-of-future-contracts-on-corporate-bond-indices_67187.html

SEBI issues Circular for Change in control of Portfolio Managers providing Co-investment services

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Change in control of Portfolio Managers providing Co-investment services. This Circular is issued to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/8]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3CEhH1a

SEBI issues Circular for Comprehensive Framework on Offer for Sale (OFS) of Shares through Stock Exchange Mechanism

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Comprehensive Framework on Offer for Sale (OFS) of Shares through Stock Exchange Mechanism. This circular is issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act,1992 to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/MRD/MRD-PoD-3/P/CIR/2023/10]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3W71N6q

SEBI issues Circular for Mode of settlement for trades executed on the Request for Quote (RFQ) platform

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Mode of settlement for trades executed on the Request for Quote (RFQ) platform. The Circular is issued to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS-RACPOD1/P/CIR/2023/9]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/jan-2023/mode-of-settlement-for-trades-executed-on-the-request-for-quote-rfq-platform_67124.html

CDSL notifies Facility for Basic Services Demat account (BSDA)

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Facility for Basic Services Demat account (BSDA). [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2023/17]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/147-jan-2023.pdf

MCX issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t Shareking Commodity

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t an entity named, Shareking Commodity, operating through mobile numbers 8050313363, 7089795109 and 7983929990, is providing illegal trading platform (Dabba Trading) through a website https://desktop.theindicator.in/#/ by using Android and IOS desktop applications and misusing the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. (MCX) Brand name.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/media/pressreleases/english/2023/january/caution-for-investors_09-jan-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=ee18c191_4

MCX issues Circular for Integrated Online Web Portal for filing of Arbitration and Appellate Arbitration for Clients and Members of the Exchange

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Integrated Online Web Portal for filing of Arbitration and Appellate Arbitration for Clients and Members of the Exchange. Members and clients are requested to take note of the same. [MCX/ISD/020/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/january/circular---020-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=101fc191_0

MCX issues Circular for Reporting of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by members of the Exchange-Reminder

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Reporting of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by members of the Exchange-Reminder. Members are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [MCX/CTCL/019/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/january/circular-019--2023.pdf?sfvrsn=c31fc191_0

MCX issues Circular for Information sharing on Cyber Security Incident-Reminder

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Information sharing on Cyber Security Incident-Reminder . Members are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance.[MCX/TECH/018/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/january/circular-018--2023.pdf?sfvrsn=1918c191_0

CDSL notifies Amendments to CDSL’S DP operating instructions

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Amendments to CDSL’S DP operating instructions. DPs are advised to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2023/13]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/146-jan-2023.pdf

CDSL notifies Aadhaar seeding (linkage of aadhaar with pan)

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Aadhaar seeding (linkage of aadhaar with pan). DPs are re-iterated to follow up with their respective clients / holders to ensure that they have linked Aadhaar with PAN well before timelines and its status is updated in PAN verification status. In case PAN is not seeded with Aadhaar, on March 31, 2023 EOD the existing demat accounts wherein the PAN is not seeded with Aadhaar for the specified client categories by Government will be considered as invalid and the demat accounts will be frozen for debits. [CDSL/OPS/DP/SYSTM/2023/10]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/145-jan-2023.pdf

CDSL notifies Amendments to DP operating instructions chapter 17

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Amendments to DP operating instructions chapter 17. DPs are advised to take note of the same. [CDSL/OPS/DP/POLCY/2023/11]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/144-jan-2023.pdf

BSE issues notice for Retention of Application Forms for IPO issuances

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Retention of Application Forms for IPO issuances. Trading Member/ Syndicate Member/ Sub-Syndicate Member/Other Intermediaries and Self Certified Syndicate Banks (SCSBs) are advised for compliance with the aforementioned provision of SEBI Circular dated June 28, 2019. [20230109-16]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230109-16

BSE issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20230109-47]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230109-47

BSE issues notice for Two-Factor Authentication for Subcription transactions in units of Mutual Funds on BSE StAR MF Platform

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Two-Factor Authentication for Subcription transactions in units of Mutual Funds on BSE StAR MF Platform. All members using third party vendor solutions and/or in-house developed trading application are hereby requested to take note of the same and arrange to initiate necessary development at their end. [20230109-49]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230109-49

BSE issues notice for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media platforms - Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media platforms – Update. Market participants may note that Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media framework shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time. [20230109-46]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230109-46

NSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non-promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non-promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/139-jan-2023.pdf

SEBI issues Circular for Standard Operating Procedure for handling of Stock Exchange Outage and extension of trading hours thereof

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Standard Operating Procedure for handling of Stock Exchange Outage and extension of trading hours thereof. This circular is being issued to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/MRD/MRD-TPD-1/CIR/P/2023/7]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3GwVHq8

RBI notifies Basel III Capital Regulations - Eligible Credit Rating Agencies

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Basel III Capital Regulations - Eligible Credit Rating Agencies. [RBI/2022-23/162]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/ELIGIBLECREDITRATINGAGENCIES21F1C0797D1645D4A09E0387740D1D8F.PDF

MCA issues circular for Filing of Forms GNL-2 and MGT-14 due to migration from V2 Version to V3 Version in MCA 21 Portal from 7th January, 2023 to 22nd January, 2023

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs issues circular for Filing of Forms GNL-2 (filing of prospectus related documents) and MGT-14(filing of Resolutions relating to prospectus related documents) due to migration from V2 Version to V3 Version in MCA 21 Portal from 7th January, 2023 to 22nd January, 2023. [02/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/dms/getdocument?mds=WsznZ2ZG2R%252BWuZ7rNx7pWA%253D%253D&type=open

MCA issues circular for Release Plan of 45 company e-Forms in MCA 21 Version 3.0

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs issues circular for Release Plan of 45 company e-Forms in MCA 21 Version 3.0. [01/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/dms/getdocument?mds=xHxXexcBmc5%252Bd%252FsJEZzXiw%253D%253D&type=open

SEBI notifies Securities and Exchange Board of India (Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred under section 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 hereby makes the following regulations to further amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents) Regulations, 1993, namely the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./546/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241800.pdf

SEBI notifies Securities Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 30 read with sub-section (1) of Section 11, clause (ba) and clause (c) of sub-section (2) of Section 11 and sub-section (1) and (1B) of Section 12 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 hereby makes the following regulations to further amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012, namely the Securities Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./547/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241799.pdf

Government of Goa notifies revision of the rates of variable dearness allowances

The Government of Goa notifies revision of the rates of variable Dearness allowance on the basis of the Consumer Price Index. his shall come into effect from October 01, 2022. [CLE/PA/MWA-VDA/ (10)/2016/3004]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/131-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Rajasthan notifies VDA payable according to the Engineering Wage Board recommendations

The Government of Rajasthan notifies Variable Dearness Allowance payable according to the Engineering Wage Board recommendations.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/130-jan-2023.pdf

CBDT notifies Format, Procedure and Guidelines for submission of Statement of Financial Transactions (SFT) for Interest income (Abolishing of limit of Rs 5,000

The Central Board of Direct Taxes notifies Format, Procedure and Guidelines for submission of Statement of Financial Transactions (SFT) for Interest income (Abolishing of limit of Rs 5,000. [1/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://incometaxindia.gov.in/communications/notification/notification-1-2023-systems.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Electrotechnical Vocabulary and Specification for Terminals for Electronic Equipment

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that the Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been cancelled and stands withdrawn from the date indicated against it in the third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./543/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241809.pdf

CEA notifies Disaster Management Plan (DMP) 2022 for Power Sector

The Central Electricity Authority notifies Disaster Management Plan (DMP) 2022 for Power Sector.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/160-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Karnataka notifies Karnataka Panchayath Raj (Zilla Panchayaths, Taluka Panchayaths and Grama Panchayaths control over Erection of Buildings) (Amendment) Model Bye-Laws, 2022

The Government of Karnataka in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 316 of the Karnataka Grama Swaraj and Panchayath Raj Act 1993, here by makes the following Bye-laws, namely the Karnataka Panchayath Raj (Zilla Panchayaths, Taluka Panchayaths and Grama Panchayaths control over Erection of Buildings)(Amendment) Model Bye-Laws, 2022. [RDP 29 GPA 2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://erajyapatra.karnataka.gov.in/WriteReadData/2023/5118.pdf

Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. notifies Detailed Procedure for Banking of Power and Model Banking Agreement

The Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. notifies Detailed Procedure for Banking of Power and Model Banking Agreement.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/158-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Maharashtra notifies Mumbai Municipal Corporation (Second Amendment) Act, 2022

The Government of Maharashtra notifies Mumbai Municipal Corporation (Second Amendment) Act, 2022. It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 24th November 2022 [MAHENG / 2009 / 35528]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/157-jan-2023.pdf

MOP notifies Direction to all Gencos including (IPPs) for timely Import of Coal for blending purposes and maximizing production in captive coal mines

The Ministry of Power notifies Direction to all Gencos including Independent Power Producers (IPPs) for timely Import of Coal for blending purposes and maximizing production in captive coal mines. The Central, State Gencos, and IPPs are directed to take necessary action and immediately plan to import coal through a transparent competitive procurement for blending at the rate of 6% by weight so as to have coal stocks at their power plants for smooth operations till September 2023. [FU-21/2020-FSC(Vol-IV)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/156-jan-2023.pdf

DGFT notifies Implementation of RoDTEP Committee report in relation to Anomalies etc

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with Para 1.02 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20, hereby notifies Implementation of RoDTEP Committee report in relation to Anomalies etc. [F. No. 01/61/180/155/AM21/PC3]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241814.pdf

DGFT Issue notice for Amendment under Appendix 2T (List of Export Promotion Councils/Commodity Boards/Export Development Authorities) of Appendices and ANFs of FTP 2015-2020

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-2020, hereby makes the following further Amendment under Appendix 2T (List of Export Promotion Councils/Commodity Boards/Export Development Authorities) of Appendices and ANFs of FTP 2015-2020. [49/2015-2020]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://content.dgft.gov.in/Website/dgftprod/e6d7d5dd-ccc0-4fec-9bdb-a53d5b7aedcc/PN%2049%20-%20MEDEPC%20-%20Eng.pdf

NCDEX issues Circular for Reminder – Reporting for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

The National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited issues Circular for Reminder – Reporting for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Members are advised to ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements. [NCDEX/COMPLIANCE-001/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Reminder_AIML_09012023_1673251644.pdf

MSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [MSE/SURV/12870/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/152-jan-2023.pdf

CBDT issues circular for ​Extension of time limit for compliance to be made for claiming any exemption under Section 54 to 54GB of the Income-tax Act, 1961 ('Act') in view of the then-Covid-19 pandemic

The Central Board of Direct Taxes in exercise of its power under Section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, hereby provides that the compliances to be made by the taxpayers such as investment, deposit, payment, acquisition, purchase. construction or such other action, by whatever name called, for the purpose of claiming any exemption under the provisions contained in Section 54 to 54GB of the Act, for which the last date of such compliance falls between 01" April, 2021 to 28th February, 2022 (both days inclusive), may be completed on or before 31st March 2023. [1/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://incometaxindia.gov.in/communications/circular/circular-1-2023.pdf

MCX issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t Parasnath Commodity

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t an entity named, Parasnath Commodity is providing illegal trading platform (Dabba Trading) and misusing the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. (MCX) Brand name through a website https://onlinemcxiddf.mcxonline.co.in/ and a mobile number 9891235275.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/media/pressreleases/english/2023/january/caution-for-investors_06-jan-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=d691c191_4

MCX issues Circular for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Clients’ Funds lying with Trading Member (TM)

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Clients’ Funds lying with Trading Member (TM). Members are requested to take note of the above and comply with applicable regulatory requirements. [MCX/INSP/016/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/january/circular-016-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=967bc191_0

CDSL notifies Demat Debit and Pledge Instruction (DDPI)

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Demat Debit and Pledge Instruction (DDPI). DPs are advised to disseminate the information to their clients to enable them to take utmost care to avoid non-execution / non-compliance of the instructions being executed due to implementation of the said guidelines. [CDSL/OPS/DP/SYSTM/2023/9]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/118-jan-2023.pdf

CBIC notifies Implementation of E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022 in supersession of E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs notifies Implementation of E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022 in supersession of E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016. The difficulties, if any, in the implementation of this instruction may be brought to the notice of the board. [1/2023- Customs]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1000456/ENG/Instructions

BSE issues notice for Resumption of Trading in Pass Through Certificate (PTC)of New Horizons SPDE (Scrip Code 973134)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Resumption of Trading in Pass Through Certificate (PTC)of New Horizons SPDE (Scrip Code 973134). Trading Members are requested to note that the trading in the PTC having Scrip Code 973134 of New Horizons SPDE shall be resumed and will be available for trading with effect from January 09, 2023. [20230106-25]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230106-25

BSE issues notice for Penalty structure for position limit violation in Equity Derivative and Currency Derivative segment

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Penalty structure for position limit violation in Equity Derivative and Currency Derivative segment. In the event of violation, a penalty of Rs. 5,000/- per violation / per client shall be levied to the Clearing members for every day of violation. [20230106-56]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230106-56

BSE issues notice for Encouraging more retail investors to participate in voting on motions moved by Listed Companies

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Encouraging more retail investors to participate in voting on motions moved by Listed Companies. Members are advised to ensure the compliance of the mentioned requirement and provide confirmation of the compliance by January 25, 2023, on BEFS portal. [20230106-27]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230106-27

SEBI issues Circular for Operational Circular for Credit Rating Agencies

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Operational Circular for Credit Rating Agencies. This circular is issued to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate, the securities market. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS-RACPOD2/P/CIR/2023/6]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/jan-2023/operational-circular-for-credit-rating-agencies_67080.html

SEBI issues Circular for Management and advisory services by AMCs to Foreign Portfolio Investors

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Management and advisory services by AMCs to Foreign Portfolio Investors. This circular is issued to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. [SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-POD1/P/CIR/2023/005]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.sebi.gov.in/legal/circulars/jan-2023/management-and-advisory-services-by-amcs-to-foreign-portfolio-investors_67064.html

RBI issues a Press Release for Issuance Calendar for Marketable Sovereign Green Bonds: FY 2022-23

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Issuance Calendar for Marketable Sovereign Green Bonds: FY 2022-23. [2022-2023/1506]
Change Type :

Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR15062366CDF2FE0B4139B0F72ADA32E694EF.PDF

RBI notifies Formation of new districts in the State of Chhattisgarh – Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Formation of new districts in the State of Chhattisgarh – Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility. [RBI/2022-23/161]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NOTI1619329AAF25609480D98060589DBF58DB8.PDF

CBIC notifies Health Warning on both sides of the tobacco product packages covering 85% of display area

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs notifies instruction regarding Health Warning on both sides of the tobacco product packages covering 85% of display area. The difficulties, if any, in the implementation of this instruction may be brought to the notice of the board. [2/2023- Customs]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1000457/ENG/Instructions

Government of Goa notifies Goa Drone Policy 2022

The Government of Goa notifies Goa Drone Policy 2022. [RNP/GOA/32/2021-2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/128-jan-2023.pdf

BIS notifies Amendments to Indian standards w.r.t Mini Domestic Water Heater for Use with Piped Natural Gas

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Amendments to Indian standards, particulars of which are given in schedule hereto annexed have been established. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./541/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241749.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Sterile Hypodermic Syringes for Single Use

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./538/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241741.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Textiles and Household Electric Cooking Appliances

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./540/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241732.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t Cards and Security Devices for Personal Identification and Information Technology

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018 hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./539/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241724.pdf

MOP notifies Request for furnishing Statistics/Data for Micro Grids and Mini Grids

The Ministry of Power notifies Request for furnishing Statistics/Data for Micro Grids and Mini Grids, It is requested to direct the concerned utilities of the state for making necessary arrangements to provide the relevant information in the prescribed formats.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/123-jan-2023.pdf

MoEFCC issues Press Release for Delhi’s overall AQI deteriorates, Stage III of GRAP reimposed

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change issues Press Release for Delhi’s overall AQI deteriorates, Stage III of GRAP reimposed.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1889255

MSE issues Circular for Encouraging more retail investors to participate in voting on motions moved by Listed Companies

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Encouraging more retail investors to participate in voting on motions moved by Listed Companies. Members are advised to ensure the compliance of the above-mentioned requirement and provide confirmation of the compliance to exchange mail id ‘Compliancemsx@msei.in’ by January 25, 2023. [MSE/INSP/12859/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.msei.in/SX-Content/Circulars/2023/January/Circular-12859.pdf

SEBI issues Circular for Relaxation from compliance with certain provisions of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulations 101 and 102 of the LODR and the relaxations contained herein are subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 issues circular for Relaxation from compliance with certain provisions of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. [SEBI/HO/CFD/PoD-2/P/CIR/2023/4]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3X7r2Xk

MIB notifies regarding the last mile connectivity to Access service providers/Internet Service providers through the Infrastructure of Cable Network Operators

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting notifies regarding the last mile connectivity to Access service providers/Internet Service providers through the Infrastructure of Cable Network Operators. [N-45001/2/2022-1AS]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/107-jan-2023.pdf

BIS notifies Indian standards w.r.t National Electrical Code of India 2023

The Bureau of Indian Standards in pursuance of Sub-rule (1) of Rule (15) of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 2018, hereby notifies that Indian standards, particulars of which are given in the second column of the schedule hereto annexed have been established on the date indicated against it in third column. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./534/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241703.pdf

Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies Timely billing to consumers by distribution licensees

The Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission notifies Timely billing to consumers by distribution licensees. It is directed to ensure compliance with the above statutory provisions to avoid any undue financial burden on the electricity consumers and take action against the defaulting officers/agencies. [APERC/Secy/F:T-66/D.No.09/2023]
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State :

Andhra Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://aperc.gov.in/admin/upload/lr03-01-2023_Timelybillingtoconsumersbydistributionlicensees.pdf

DGFT Issue notice for Amendments to para 2.56 of Handbook of Procedure and addition of agencies to Appendix 2G

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade in exercise of powers conferred under the paragraph 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20 hereby amends para 2.56 (d) & (e) of Handbook of Procedure 2015-20 and appendix 2H (format of Pre-Shipment Inspection Certificate) of ‘Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms’ and also includes the below agencies in Appendix 2G of ‘Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms’ of Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20 in terms of Para 2.55 (d) of HBP 2015-20 with immediate effect. [48 /2015-2020]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241707.pdf

CERC notifies Clause 5.6 (vi) of Ministry of Power (MOP) Notification on “Guidelines for Determination of Tariff by Bidding Process for Procurement of Power by Distribution Licensees” dated 19.01.2005

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission in pursuance of Clause 5.6 (vi) of Ministry of Power (MOP) Notification on “Guidelines for Determination of Tariff by Bidding Process for Procurement of Power by Distribution Licensees” dated 19.01.2005 as amended from time to time, MOP communication to the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) dated 13.04.2022, and MOP Resolution dated 11.07.2022 on amendment to the “Guidelines for long term Procurement of Electricity from Thermal Power Stations set up on Design, Build, Finance, Own and Operate (DBFOO) basis and sourcing fuel as provided under Model Bidding Documents including allocation of coal under B (I), B(III) and B(IV) of SHAKTI (Scheme for Harnessing and Allocating Koyala (Coal) Transparently in India) Policy” dated 6.03.2019, the CERC notifies the following escalation rates for the purpose of payment. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./532/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241704.pdf

MoEFCC issues Press Release for Implementation of provisions of Clause 3 of the Eco Sensitive Zone notification

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change issues Press Release for Implementation of provisions of Clause 3 of the Eco Sensitive Zone notification pertaining to Sammed Shikharji Parvat Kshetra is stayed forthwith, including amongst others all Tourism and Eco-Tourism activities.
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1888910

MCX issues Circular for Submission of VAPT Report for FY 2022-23

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Submission of VAPT Report for FY 2022-23. Member brokers and Depository Participants are advised to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [MCX/TECH/011/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2023/january/circular-011--2023.pdf?sfvrsn=3fddc191_0

BSE issues notice for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Clients’ Funds lying with Trading Member (TM)

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Clients’ Funds lying with Trading Member (TM). All members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [20230105-59]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230105-59

BSE issues notice for ID-Cards expired data

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for ID-Cards expired data. The following ID Cards of Broker Staff & Clients have expired w.e.f. dates shown against each. You are requested to return the ID-Cards at I-Card Section at the earliest. [20230105-18]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230105-18

NSE issues Circular for Listing of Sovereign Gold Bonds 2.50% Series III FY 2022-23

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Listing of Sovereign Gold Bonds 2.50% Series III FY 2022-23. This circular shall be effective from January 06, 2023. [0017/2023 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CML55150.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Encouraging more retail investors to participate in voting on motions moved by Listed Companies

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Encouraging more retail investors to participate in voting on motions moved by Listed Companies. Members are advised to ensure the compliance of the requirement and provide confirmation of the compliance by January 25, 2023, on ENIT portal. [04/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/COMP55151.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Client’s Funds lying with Trading Member (TM)

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Client’s Funds lying with Trading Member (TM). All members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [02/2023 ]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP55135.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Segregation and Monitoring of Collateral at Client Level- Penalty

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Segregation and Monitoring of Collateral at Client Level- Penalty. Members are requested to note that the provisions of this circular shall be effective for penalties published from trade date January 01, 2023 onwards. [04/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPL55133.pdf

SEBI issues Circular for Extension of timelines for entering and verification of the details of the existing outstanding non-convertible securities in the ‘Security and Covenant Monitoring’ system hosted by Depositories

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Extension of timelines for entering and verification of the details of the existing outstanding non-convertible securities in the ‘Security and Covenant Monitoring’ system hosted by Depositories. This circular is issued to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate, the securities market. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/RACPOD1/CIR/P/2023/003]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3vDE9nr

SEBI issues Circular for Monitoring and Periodical reporting of the compliance with the requirements pertaining to ‘Security and Covenant Monitoring’ system hosted by Depositories

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Monitoring and Periodical reporting of the compliance with the requirements pertaining to ‘Security and Covenant Monitoring’ system hosted by Depositories. This circular is issued to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate, the securities market. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/RACPOD1/CIR/P/2023/0002]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3X6hOdK

SEBI issues Circular for Limited relaxation – dispatch of physical copies of financial statements etc. – Regulation 58 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 101 of the Listing Regulations issues Circular for Limited relaxation – dispatch of physical copies of financial statements etc. – Regulation 58 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. [SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS-RACPOD1/P/CIR/2023/001]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3WRsU6D

RBI issues a Press Release for Annual Report of Ombudsman Schemes, 2021-22

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Annual Report of Ombudsman Schemes, 2021-22. [2022-2023/1491]
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1491OS4EAFB27BF024489886492A4E373560CF.PDF

RBI issues a Press Release for Periodic Updation of KYC details of Customers

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Periodic Updation of KYC details of Customers. [2022-2023/1500]
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1500KYC297EF03AD4F74BCA874A414D26235ECC.PDF

Ministry of Finance notifies under the Special Deposit Scheme

The Ministry of Finance notifies that the deposits made under the Special Deposit Scheme for Non-Government Provident, Superannuation and Gratuity Funds, announced in the Ministry of Finance Notification No.F.16(1)-PD/75 dated 30th June, 1975, shall with effect from 1st January, 2023 to 31st March, 2023 bear interest at 7.1% (seven point one percent). [No. 5(4)-B(PD)/2021]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241682.pdf

EPFO notifies instruction in compliance of orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court judgment in the matter of Special Leave Petition

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation notifies Instruction in compliance of orders contained in Para 44 (ix) read with Para 44 (v) & (vi) of Hon’ble Supreme Court judgment dated 04.11.2022 in the matter of Special Leave Petition © Nos. 8658-8659 of 2019. [Pension/2022/54877/15238]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2022-2023/Pension202254877-15238.pdf

ESIC issues Circular for Operationalization of Branch Office at Katni, Madhya Pradesh

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation issues Circular for Operationalization of Branch Office at Katni, Madhya Pradesh.
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State :

Madhya Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/06dd5630f0487b454b4b9fe16b43bbeb.pdf

Administrator of Andaman and Nicobar Island issues order for the Andaman And Nicobar Minimum Wage

The Administrator of Andaman and Nicobar Island in exercise of the powers conferred under section 5 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 hereby notifies the minimum rate of wages in the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Island with effect from 1st January 2023. [F.NO 16/1/MW/2019-20/LC&DET/1314]
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State :

Andaman and Nicobar

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/78-jan-2023.pdf

Ministry of Women and Child Development notifies under Aadhar Act 2016 for Schemes of Mission Shakti

The Ministry of Women and Child Development in pursuance of section 7 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 hereby notifies for Schemes of Mission Shakti. [F. No. PM-13/3/2022-PMMVY]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241669.pdf

ESIC notifies Onboarding ESIC on Jeevan Pramaan Portal for Digital Life Certificate

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies Onboarding ESIC on Jeevan Pramaan Portal for Digital Life Certificate.
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Effective Date :


Source : http://esic.gov.in/attachments/circularfile/5bcb30ef084610b701d1d7091ac1dc00.pdf

NHB notifies Option to avail Refinance linked to PLR of the Bank (with annual reset)

The National Housing Bank notifies Option to avail Refinance linked to PLR of the Bank (with annual reset).
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nhb.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Bilingual-circular-3-1-2023.pdf

CEA notifies Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Construction of Electrical Plants and Electric Lines) Regulations, 2022

The Central Electricity Authority in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (e) of sub-section (2) of section 177 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with clause (b) of section 73 of the said Act, the Central Electricity Authority hereby makes the following regulations, namely the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Construction of Electrical Plants and Electric Lines) Regulations, 2022. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./518/2022-23]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241581.pdf

State Pollution Control Board, Odisha issue notice for All occupier of Health Care Facilities in Western Zone of Odisha

The State Pollution Control Board, Odisha issue notice for All occupier of Health Care Facilities in Western Zone of Odisha.
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Effective Date :


Source : http://ospcboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Public-Notice-Regarding-CBWTDF-Renewable-Envirogic-Pvt.-Ltd.pdf

MoEFCC issues Press Release for CAQM Sub-Committee to roll back Stage-III of GRAP in entire NCR with immediate effect

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change issues Press Release for CAQM Sub-Committee to roll back Stage-III of GRAP in entire NCR with immediate effect.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1888639

BSE issues notice for Discontinuation of usage of pool accounts for transactions in units of mutual funds on BSE StAR MF Platform – Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Discontinuation of usage of pool accounts for transactions in units of mutual funds on BSE StAR MF Platform – Update. All members using third party vendor solutions and/or in-house developed trading application are hereby requested to take note of the same and arrange to initiate necessary development at their end. [20230104-23]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230104-23

RBI notifies Foreign Investment in India - Rationalisation of reporting in Single Master Form (SMF) on FIRMS Portal

The Reserve Bank of India under sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 hereby notifies Foreign Investment in India - Rationalisation of reporting in Single Master Form (SMF) on FIRMS Portal. [RBI/2022-23/160]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT160575FE246EFF9474197DB1369010F8F57.PDF

MSE issues Circular for Applicability of Surveillance Measure in respect of companies with high ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Metropolitan Stock Exchange issues Circular for Applicability of Surveillance Measure in respect of companies with high ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this surveillance measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [MSE/SURV/12841/2023]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/69-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Delhi notifies the extension of the LPSC waiver scheme

The Government of Delhi notifies the extension of scheme for waiver of 100% LPSC till 31.01.2023. [DJB/DOR/Rebate-LPSC/2022/160]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/77-jan-2023.pdf

MEITY issues press release for UIDAI enables ‘Head of Family’ based online address update in Aadhaar

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology issues press release for UIDAI enables ‘Head of Family’ based online address update in Aadhaar. Residents can update address in Aadhaar online with the consent of their Head of Family (HOF).
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1888240

Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services notifies COVID-19 Guidelines for International Arrivals to Karnataka

The Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services notifies COVID-19 Guidelines for International Arrivals to Karnataka.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://covid19.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/gi-hws/Corrigendum%20International%20passengers_%20F.pdf

IRDAI notifies Guidelines on issuance of File Reference Numbers (FRN) to Cross Border Re-insurers

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India in exercise of the powers conferred under Sec. 34 (1) of the Insurance Act, 1938 read with Reg. 4 (3) and 12 (3) of the IRDAI (Re-insurance) Regulations, 2018, hereby notifies Guidelines on issuance of File Reference Numbers (FRN) to Cross Border Re-insurers. [IRDAI/REIN/GDL/MISC/2/1/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/73-jan-2023.pdf

IRDAI issues Circular for Submission of Reinsurance Returns

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India issues Circular for Submission of Reinsurance Returns. Life insurers are advised to continue filing the remaining returns in the existing formats to reinsurance department till further instructions. [IRDAI/REIN/CIR/RT/1/1/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/72-jan-2023.pdf

Ministry of Communications notifies Indian Telegraph (Infrastructure Safety) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Communications in exercise of the powers conferred by section 7 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 hereby makes the following rules, namely the Indian Telegraph (Infrastructure Safety) Rules, 2022. [F. No. 2-16/2022-Policy]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241640.pdf

MOP notifies amendments in the notification number S.O.185(E), dated the 12th January, 2009

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the power conferred by clause (a) of section 14 of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, hereby makes the following amendments in the notification number S.O.185(E), dated the 12th January, 2009. [F. No. 10/8/2022-EC]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241627.pdf

BSE issues notice for Applicability of Surveillance Measure in respect of companies with high ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Applicability of Surveillance Measure in respect of companies with high ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this surveillance measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20230103-37]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230103-37

NSE issues Circular for Standardization of Clearing and Settlement file formats-Update

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Standardization of Clearing and Settlement file formats-Update. Market participants are advised to take note of the same and plan necessary changes in their systems. [06/2023]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/67-jan-2023.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Quarterly Cyber Incident Reporting of Cyber Security & Cyber Resilience framework for Stock Brokers

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Quarterly Cyber Incident Reporting of Cyber Security & Cyber Resilience framework for Stock Brokers. Members are required to report Cyber Incident(s) for the quarter ending December 31, 2022 through member portal on or before January 15, 2023. [01/2023]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/INSP55113.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Applicability of Surveillance Measure in respect of companies with high 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Applicability of Surveillance Measure in respect of companies with high 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [03/2023]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/65-jan-2023.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of the Finance Act, 2002, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 18/2022-Central Excise, dated the 19th July, 2022. [F. No. 354/15/2022-TRU]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241615.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies Securities Contracts (Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 30 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957, namely the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2022. [F. No. 1/14/2018-PM (Part)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241613.pdf

EPFO notifies launch of a unified portal

The Employee’s Provident Fund Organization notifies to launch a unified portal. [Addl.LC/Lab/EPFO/2022/7556-7558]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/43-jan-2023.pdf

Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services notifies Covid-19 advisory to General Public and Event Organisers

The Commissionerate Health & Family Welfare Services notifies Covid-19 advisory to General Public and Event Organisers.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://covid19.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/Public%20Information/Covid%20Advisory.pdf

MOHFW notifies Guidelines for International Arrivals

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare notifies Guidelines for International Arrivals.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://covid19.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/gi-hws/GuidelinesforInternationalArrivals29thDecember2022.pdf

Ministry of Civil Aviation notifies Review of COVID 19 guidelines for international flight operations/arrivals

The Ministry of Civil Aviation notifies Review of COVID 19 guidelines for international flight operations/arrivals.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://covid19.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/Public%20Information/Covid%20Guidelines%20-%2030.12.2022.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies amendment related to the waiver of fifty percent of interest on dues and arrears of property tax within municipal corporation limits

The Government of Haryana in exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (3) of Section 87 read with Sub-section (1) of Section 149 of the Haryana Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 hereby makes the following amendment in the Haryana Government, Urban Local Bodies Department (Committees), Notification No. S.O. 85/H.A.16/1994/S. 87/2013, dated the 11th October, 2013 with effect from the 1st January, 2023. [8/4/2022-4CII]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/61-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Haryana notifies amendment related to the waiver of interest on the dues and arrears of property tax within the municipality limit

The Government of Haryana in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of Section 69 read with Sub-section (1) of Section 84 of the Haryana Municipal Act, 1973 hereby makes the following amendment in the Haryana Government, Urban Local Bodies Department (Committees), notification No. S.O. 86/H.A.24/1973/S. 69/2013, dated the 11th October, 2013 with effect from the 1st January, 2023. [8/3/2022-4CII]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/60-jan-2023.pdf

Industries and Commerce Department, Andhra Pradesh notifies Operational Guidelines for Implementation of Andhra Pradesh Oxygen Manufacturing Policy 2021-2022

The Industries and Commerce Department, Andhra Pradesh notifies Operational Guidelines for Implementation of Andhra Pradesh Oxygen Manufacturing Policy 2021-2022. [G.O.Ms.No.94]
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State :

Andhra Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/59-jan-2023.pdf

Government of Punjab notifies Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets (General) (Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Government of Punjab in exercise of the powers conferred by section 43 of the Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets Act, 1961 hereby amend the Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets (General) Rules, 1962 namely the Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets (General) (Amendment) Rules, 2022. [G.S.R. 88/P.A. 23/1961/S.43/Amd(86)/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/58-jan-2023.pdf

MOP notifies Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Power in exercise of the power conferred by section 176 of the Electricity Act, 2003 hereby makes the following rules, further to amend the Electricity Rules, 2005, namely the Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2022. [F. No. 23/2/2022-R&R]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241614.pdf

DOT notifies Holidays to be observed in Central Government Offices during the year 2023

The Department of Telecommunications notifies Holidays to be observed in Central Government Offices during the year 2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/2023%20Holiday.pdf?download=1

CDSL notifies Amendment to CDSL bye laws

The Central Depository Services (India) Limited notifies Amendment to CDSL bye laws. DPs are advised to note that the attached amendments will come into effect immediately. [CDSL/L&CS/DP/POLCY/2023/2]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/ebook/dms/getdocument?doc=MjMxNjg0MTE1&docCategory=Circulars&type=open

MCA issues circular for Clarification of holding of Annual General Meeting (AGM) through Video Conference (VC) or Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM)

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs issues circular for Clarification of holding of Annual General Meeting (AGM) through Video Conference (VC) or Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM). [10/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mca.gov.in/bin/ebook/dms/getdocument?doc=MjMxNjg0MTE1&docCategory=Circulars&type=open

Finance Department, Rajasthan notifies amendment to the Amnesty Scheme for goods not subsumed in GST

The Finance Department, Rajasthan notifies amendment to notification no. F.12 (11) FDffaxJ2022-104 dated February 23, 2022, which states “Amnesty Scheme for goods not subsumed in GST”. [F.12(97)FD/Tax/2017-Pt-I-92]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/40-jan-2023.pdf

NSDL issues Circular for Transfer of demat accounts held under Omnibus system managed by NSDL to other Participants of NSDL

The National Securities Depository Limited issues circular for Transfer of demat accounts held under Omnibus system managed by NSDL to other Participants of NSDL. Participants are hereby informed that the demat accounts held under Omnibus System managed by NSDL shall be transferred to another Participant of NSDL through a formal bidding process using online facility. [NSDL/POLICY/2022/178]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://bit.ly/3GxF92E

BSE issues notice for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media platforms - Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media platforms – Update. Market participants may note that Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media framework shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time. [20230102-45]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230102-45

BSE issues notice for Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface for Batch Upload of Bids for NCB-Gsec Module in iBBS and bulk deal upload format in NDS-RST for Participants -Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Standardization of Exchange to Member Interface for Batch Upload of Bids for NCB-Gsec Module in iBBS and bulk deal upload format in NDS-RST for Participants -Update. Market participants are advised to take note of the same and initiate necessary changes in their systems. [20230102-8]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230102-8

NSE issues Circular for Settlement of Running Account-Release of collateral and change in timings for Early pay-in

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Settlement of Running Account-Release of collateral and change in timings for Early pay-in. Clearing members are hereby requested to extend full support to facilitate their trading members for smooth implementation of the settlement process on January 06, 2023. [01/23 ]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CMPL55096.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Consolidated Circular - Capital Market Segment of NCL

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Consolidated Circular - Capital Market Segment of NCL. [002/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/49-jan-2023.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Settlement Holidays for Calendar Year 2023

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Settlement Holidays for Calendar Year 2023. Members are requested to note and plan their operational activity accordingly. [01/2023]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/NMF55090.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release for Launch of Utkarsh 2.0 – Reserve Bank of India’s Medium-term Strategy Framework

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Launch of Utkarsh 2.0 – Reserve Bank of India’s Medium-term Strategy Framework. [2022-2023/1472]
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Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1472UTKARSHCEE38A49B4374DA6B8E8DD402AAF8E13.PDF

Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies Interest rates on General Provident Fund for the year 2022-23

The Government of Andhra Pradesh notifies the Interest rates on General Provident Fund for the year 2022-23. The Government hereby adopts the rate of interest at 7.1% (Seven point One percent) per annum for the period from October 01, 2022, to December 31, 2022, during the F.Y.2022-23 on the following Provident Funds and other similar funds maintained by the Government of Andhra Pradesh on par with rates of the Government of India. [G.O.Rt. No. 327]
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State :

Andhra Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/42-jan-2023.pdf

Ministry of Finance notifies amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 read with section 147 of the Finance Act, 2002, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No. 04/2022-Central Excise, dated the 30th June, 2022. [F. No. 354/15/2022-TRU]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2023/241615.pdf

EPFO notifies Due minimum benefit to be paid from EDLI fund to the eligible family members

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation notifies Due minimum benefit to be paid from EDLI fund to the eligible family members – Gazette notification no. GSR 299(E) dated 28.04.2021 in EDLI Scheme, 1976. [52780]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2022-2023/EDLI_Circular_02012023.pdf

CBIC notifies amendments in the notification No.1/2017- Union Territory Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 7 of the Union Territory Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 read with sub-section (5) of section 15 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No.1/2017- Union Territory Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017. [F. No. CBIC-190354/316/2022-TRU Section-CBEC]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241529.pdf

CBIC notifies amendments in the notification No.1/2017- Central Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 9 and subsection (5) of section 15 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No.1/2017- Central Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017. [F. No. CBIC-190354/316/2022-TRU Section-CBEC]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241529.pdf

Government of West Bengal notifies the minimum rates of wages for the employees

The Government of West Bengal notifies the minimum rates of wages for the employees employed in the Scheduled Employments in the state of West Bengal shall be effective in the period from 1st January 2024 to 30th June 2024. [No: 45/Stat/14/RW/24/2023/LCS/JLC]
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State :

West Bengal

Effective Date :


Source : https://wblc.gov.in/sites/default/files/upload/min_wages/january-2024/6%20Circular%2031%20emp%202%20zones_0.pdf

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution notifies Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) (Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clauses (j) and (q) of sub-section (2) of section 52 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011, namely the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) (Amendment) Rules, 2022. [F. No. I-10/22/2021W&M (Part 1)]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241508.pdf

MEITY issues press release for Use Aadhaar confidently, but observe same usage hygiene like Bank account, and Passport

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology issues press release for Use Aadhaar confidently, but observe same usage hygiene like Bank account, and Passport.
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Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1887539

NHB notifies offers Refinance linked to PLR of the Bank (with annual Reset) from 01-01-2023

The National Housing Bank notifies offers Refinance linked to PLR of the Bank (with annual Reset) from 01-01-2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nhb.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Website-Publication.pdf

NHB notifies Bank’s Prime Lending Rate (PLR)

The National Housing Bank notifies The Bank’s Prime Lending Rate (PLR) stands at 7.05% w.e.f. January 01,2023.
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Effective Date :


Source : https://nhb.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/PLR-w.e.f-01.01.2023.pdf

Government of Tamil Nadu notifies amendments to the Tamil Nadu Factories Rules, 1950

The Government of Tamil Nadu in exercise of the powers conferred by section 87 read with section 112 of the Factories Act, 1948 hereby makes the following amendments to the Tamil Nadu Factories Rules, 1950. [SRO A-27/2022]
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State :

Tamil Nadu

Effective Date :


Source : http://www.stationeryprinting.tn.gov.in/gazette/2022/52_III_1a.pdf

Ministry of Communications notifies Indian Telegraph (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022

The Ministry of Communications in exercise of the powers conferred by section 7 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Indian Telegraph Rules, 1951, namely the Indian Telegraph (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022. [F. No. 30-156-USOF/LWE-I/4GUpgradation]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241518.pdf

MoEFCC notifies Amendment of Ash Utilization Notification 2021

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change in exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clause (v) of sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 read with of sub-rule (1), (2) and (4) of rule (5) of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, hereby Amendment of Ash Utilization Notification 2021. [F. No. HSM-9/1/2019-HSM]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241524.pdf

NCCL issues Circular for Release of collateral and collateral allocation cut-off timings

The National Commodity Clearing Limited issues a Circular for Release of collateral and collateral allocation cut-off timings. Members are requested to take note of the same.[NCCL/CLEARING-062/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://ncdex.com/public/uploads/circulars/Release_of_collateral_and_collateral_allocation_cutoff_timings_31122022_1672402700.pdf

MSE issues Circular for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media. Market participants may note that Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media framework shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time.[MSE/SURV/12830/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/30-jan-2023.pdf

MSE issues Circular for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Clients’ Funds lying with Trading Member (TM)

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Reporting requirement on Settlement of Running Account of Clients’ Funds lying with Trading Member (TM). All Members are advised to take note of the same and comply. [MSE/INSP/12826/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/29-jan-2023.pdf

MCX issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t srexchange.in

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues press release for Caution for Investors w.r.t an entity in the name and style of, “srexchange.in” is operating through a mobile number 7972336983 and providing illegal trading platform (Dabba Trading) using Android and IOS applications. It is misusing the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. (MCX) Brand name.
Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/media/pressreleases/english/2022/december/caution-for-investors_30-dec-2022.pdf?sfvrsn=c927c791_2

MCX issues Circular for Caution to members from dealing with unauthorised exchange data source and to ensure that exchange data is not misused from any of their client application

The Multi Commodity Exchange issues Circular for Caution to members from dealing with unauthorised exchange data source and to ensure that exchange data is not misused from any of their client application. Members are requested to take note of the same.[MCX/FIM/752/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.mcxindia.com/docs/default-source/circulars/english/2022/december/circular-752-2022.pdf?sfvrsn=4421c791_0

BSE issues notice for trading and settlement programme for EGR segment for the period from 01.01.2023 to 31.01.2023

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for trading and settlement programme for EGR segment for the period from 01.01.2023 to 31.01.2023. Members to submit pay-in instructions to Depositories/banks latest by 8:50 a.m. [20221231-1]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221231-1

BSE issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter ‘Encumbrance’ as per Reg. 28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [20221230-51]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221230-51

Ministry of Textiles issues Order for amendment in the Order number S.O. 5421(E), dated the 27th December, 2021

The Ministry of Textiles in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Jute Packaging Materials (Compulsory Use in Packing Commodities) Act, 1987 hereby makes the following amendment in the Order number S.O. 5421(E), dated the 27th December, 2021. [F. No. J-7/4/2021-Jute]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241550.pdf

BSE issues notice for Quarterly cyber security incident reporting through BEFS only

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Quarterly cyber security incident reporting through BEFS only. Members are requested to take note of the same and ensure compliance. [20230101-1]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20230101-1

CBIC notifies amendments to the notification No.9/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) and sub-section (4) of section 5, subsection (1) and sub-section (3) of section 6 and clause (xxv) of section 20 of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 read with sub-section (5) of section 15 and section 148 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No.9/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017. [F.No. CBIC-190354/316/2022-TRU Section-CBEC]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241523.pdf

BSE issues notice for Standardization of Clearing and Settlement file formats – Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Standardization of Clearing and Settlement file formats – Update. Market participants are advised to take note of the same and initiate necessary changes in their systems. [20221230-60]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221230-60

BSE issues notice for Reporting for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by market intermediaries

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Reporting for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by market intermediaries. Stockbrokers are requested to submit the mentioned details for the quarter ended December 31, 2022, from January 1, 2023 to January 15, 2023. [20221230-53]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221230-53

BSE issues notice for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media platforms - Update

The Bombay Stock Exchange issues notice for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media platforms – Update. Market participants may note that Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media framework shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time. [20221230-49]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.bseindia.com/markets/MarketInfo/DispNewNoticesCirculars.aspx?page=20221230-49

NSE issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t Spider Trading

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Press Release for Caution for Investors w.r.t persons named “Mira Patel” and “Ayan Soni” associated with entity named “Spider Trading”, operating through mobile number “9038145361” and “9038433193”, website “tradewithspider.com”.
Change Type :

Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://static.nseindia.com/s3fs-public/2022-12/PR_CC_30122022.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Measure in respect of companies with high Promoter as well as non- Promoter 'Encumbrance' as per Reg.28(3) of SEBI (SAST) Regulation 2011. Market participants may note that this measure shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing measures being imposed by the exchanges from time to time and shall be subjected to a periodic review. [868/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/19-jan-2023.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media. Market participants may note that Surveillance Action w.r.t dealing with unsolicited videos and messages circulated in social media framework shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time. [869/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/18-jan-2023.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Reporting for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by market intermediaries

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Reporting for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems offered and used by market intermediaries. All members are advised to ensure submission on or before January 15, 2023. [94/2022]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/17-jan-2023.pdf

NSE issues Circular for Quantity Freeze Limits for Indices

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, issues Circular for Quantity Freeze Limits for Indices. Members are advised to take the updated contract.gz file available on extranet path faoftp/faocommon before trading on January 02, 2023. [161/2022]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://archives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/FAOP55066.pdf

SEBI issues Circular for Introduction of Investor Risk Reduction Access (IRRA) platform in case of disruption of trading services provided by the Trading Member (TM)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India issues Circular for Introduction of Investor Risk Reduction Access (IRRA) platform in case of disruption of trading services provided by the Trading Member (TM). This circular is issued to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities markets. [SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2022/177]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/15-jan-2023.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release for Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks – December 2022

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks – December 2022.[2022-2023/1469
Change Type :

Press Release

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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR146915C57948364148E1AC15A9C9FC601A4A.PDF

CBIC notifies amendments to the notification No.12/2017-Central Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (3) and (4) of section 9, subsection (1) and (3) of section 11, sub-section (5) of section 15 and section 148 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby makes the following amendments further to amend the notification No.12/2017-Central Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017. [F. No. CBIC-190354/316/2022-TRU Section-CBEC]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241523.pdf

RBI notifies Individual Housing loans – Revised limits under four-tiered regulatory framework

The Reserve Bank of India notifies Individual Housing loans – Revised limits under four-tiered regulatory framework. [RBI/2022-23/159]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/NT159737263E4D0F4474EAADA07FF4BFBF347.PDF

Ministry of Finance notifies to levy ADD on Jute products

The Ministry of Finance in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (5) of section 9A of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 read with rules 18, 20 and 23 of the Customs Tariff (Identification, Assessment and Collection of Anti-dumping Duty on Dumped Articles and for Determination of Injury) Rules, 1995 hereby notifies to levy ADD on Jute products. [F. No. CBIC-190354/195/2021-TRU]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241522.pdf

Government of Himachal Pradesh notifies Exemption Under The Himachal Pradesh Shops And Commercial Establishment Act, 1969

The Government of Himachal Pradesh in exercise of the power conferred by Section 27 of the Himachal Pradesh Shops & Commercial Establishment Act, 1969 hereby exempt all shops and commercial establishments, during celebration of the New Year and due to heavy rush of tourists, w.e.f. 28-12-2022 to 02-01- 2023 till 12.00 P.M. midnight, from the Sections 8, 9 and 10 of the said Act in Himachal Pradesh, in public interest, subject to other provisions of the ibid Act and other applicable Labour Laws. [Shram (A)4-4/2017]
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State :

Himachal Pradesh

Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/10-jan-2023.pdf

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies edit/update of insured persons particulars through Employer Portal

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation notifies edit/update of insured persons particulars through Employer Portal. It is therefore requested to all ROs/SROs/field offices of ESIC to expedite the matter and to dispose of all such pending requests regarding edit/update of IP particulars as received from the respective Employers through Online Portal within 3 days itself
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.ricago.co.in/assets/front/base/file/file_management/Jan2023/9-jan-2023.pdf

CBIC notifies amendments to the notification No.12/2017-Union Territory Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (3) and (4) of section 7, sub-section (1) and (3) of section 8 and clause (iv) and clause (xxvii) of section 21 of the Union territory Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 read with sub-section (5) of section 15 and section 148 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby makes the following amendments further to amend the notification No.12/2017-Union Territory Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017. [F.No. CBIC-190354/316/2022-TRU Section-CBEC]
Change Type :


State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241523.pdf

EPFO notifies Registered EMAIL Ids in Shram Suvidha Portal – Adherence to GOI Email Policy

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation notifies Registered EMAIL Ids in Shram Suvidha Portal – Adherence to GOI Email Policy.[CAIU/011(197)2022/15164]
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Effective Date :


Source : https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_docs/PDFs/Circulars/Y2022-2023/Letter_CAIU_020123.pdf

RBI issues a Press Release for RBI Announces Rate of Interest on Floating Rate Savings Bond, 2020 (Taxable) – FRSB 2020 (T) for the period January 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023

The Reserve Bank of India issues a Press Release for RBI Announces Rate of Interest on Floating Rate Savings Bond, 2020 (Taxable) – FRSB 2020 (T) for the period January 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023. [2022-2023/1474]

Change Type :

Press Release

State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/PressRelease/PDFs/PR1474FRSB0C60315F612C45CFAE2F993FF9A0C14A.PDF

CBDT issues circular for ​Clarification for the purposes of clause (c) of Section 269ST of the Income-tax Act, 1961 in respect of dealership/distributorship contract in case of Co-operative Societies

The Central Board of Direct Taxes issues circular for Clarification for the purposes of clause (c) of Section 269ST of the Income-tax Act, 1961 in respect of dealership/distributorship contract in case of Co-operative Societies
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Effective Date :


Source : https://incometaxindia.gov.in/communications/circular/circular-25-2022.pdf

CBIC notifies amendments in the notification No.1/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 5 of Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 read with sub-section (5) of section 15 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification No.1/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate), dated the 28thJune, 2017. [F. No. CBIC-190354/316/2022-TRU Section-CBEC]
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State :


Effective Date :


Source : https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2022/241529.pdf